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Non-humanoid Creatures and Animals[edit]

Shadow Earth beasts, demons and demonforms are not included.

FIRE ANGEL - Large winged predator. F.A. Are extremely strong and have a lot of redundacies in their body systems, including three hearts. They are natural Shadow travelers and can be used to track (and assassinate) persons away in the Shadows. F.A. usually hunt in pairs. Natural habitat of F.A. is near the Courts of Chaos. F.A. are extremely dangerous but trainable beings.

GLAIT - Snake friend of Prince Merlin. G. lives in the Ways of Sawall.

GLEMDENNING - Wonder Horse of Benedict. Red with black striping.

HUGI - Crow of Ill Omen, that used to live in the borderline shadow. H. was eaten by Prince Corwin as he himself predicted.

JABBERWOCK - Winged predator known to appear in numeber of different Shadows. Best J. skeleton is on display in the Ways of Sawal in the Arts Maze.

MANTICORA - Large preditor, related to feline. Natural habitat: forests in Shadows near Amber. Very inteligent. Hunts large game including humanoids. No tame M. are known.

MORGENSTERN - Wonder Horse of Prince Julian.

SNAKE OF CHAOS - see Manifestations chapter.

SPHINX - A large winged intelligent feline with blue fur and feathers. Although S. are predators and do not exclude hominids from their diet, they are compulsed to offer their prey a chance to escape if an answer for their riddle is supplied. The reason for this compulsion, which appear to override such instinct as hunger, is unknown, although some theories suggest that it's linked with basic S. psycology.

UNICORN - see Manifestations chapter.

WIXER - tame griffin, that King Oberon has left to guard the Primal Pattern.

WONDER HORSE - Usually look like common Earth horses. W.H. are larger, have much greater stamina and readily suited for shadow rides.

WYVERN - also Wivern. W. are used as riding beasts in some shadows near the Courts of Chaos, which must contain their native habitat.

YGG - Sentient tree which marks the boundry between the shadows of Amber and ones of Chaos. Y. was planted by Oberon as a border marker. Y.'s branch was planted by Corwin when he was creating his Pattern.

ZHIND - Horned predator. Natural habitat - Black Zone near the Courts of Chaos. Z. are hunted for sport by Chaos nobbles.