Shadows Hills Polly

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Polly Skladowska, aka Pscipolnitsa, Lady Midday



Lady Midday, it is said, is the feared incarnation of the noonday sun-- the spirit of sunstroke. In legends that trace across eastern Europe, speaking of a lady dressed in white, appearing in a cloud of dust, carrying a scythe, who strikes down workers in the hot fields with sunstroke, fatigue, madness, or, y'know, that scythe. Reports have her appearing as a lady, an old crone, or a girl of 12. Despite the best efforts of monster hunters, Lady Midday has never been destroyed, always returning despite their apparent destruction of her.

No one has made the correlation between these last two facts yet.

Only one Lady Midday exists at a time, but when she dies, she is soon reborn, coming into her power at about age 12. Faint memories of the past are present, as is always her whimsical disposition, and her deadly powers and scythe.

Polly is the latest Lady Midday, born to mortal parents who have no idea what their daughter has become. She was always sunny and bright, a friendly, outgoing child, and that hasn't changed-- she's outgoing, smiles all the time, and will eagerly start up a conversation with a complete stranger. But a more whimsical and darker side has emerged...


Polly is slender and pretty, with long blonde hair. Her eyes are golden, and a bit wild, and she smiles a lot. She's friendly and outgoing, and will eagerly start conversations with strangers.

She's also very whimsical, however, and has a love of difficult trivia questions that generally have misleading answers. She's also very quick to punish those who get her questions irritatingly wrong. (Completely made-up answers are fine, of course. That's creativity!) She also enjoys watching the hard work of others, and is trying to join the cheerleading squad-- or make one, if it doesn't exist. She also enjoys fighting-- harming others is part of her nature.

The undead generally do not like having Polly around-- she can see ghosts and wraiths, cut them with her scythe, she isn't harmed by several of their powers at all, and, worst of all, she's the incarnation of the midday sun. Vampires are not amused when the sun rises indoors...


Str: 8

Dex: 12

Con: 20

Int: 18

Wis: 14

Cha: 14



Toughness: +8

Fort: +8

Ref: +5

Will: +8



Attack: +0 (+8 w/Scythe)

Defense: 18, 10 flat-footed

Initiative: +1


Scythe: DC 23, Penetrating 8, Improved Critical 2, Affects Insubstantial 2

Sunstroke Effects: DC 18 Fort (Fatigue)

Madness: DC 18 Will (Confusion)


Acrobatics 8

Bluff 4

Concentration 4

Diplomacy 4

Intimidate 6

Knowledge: History 8

Knowledge: Arcane Lore 8

Knowledge: Life Sciences 8

Language 4: English, German, French, Russian

Notice 4

Perform 12

Sense Motive 6

Stealth 4





Dodge Focus 8

Eidetic Memory


Evasion 2




Ultimate Dodge (Sight)



Protection 3 (3)

The Noon Sun Incarnate Environmental Control 4: Full Daylight, Range: Touch (4)

-- Alternate Power: Swirling Clouds of Dust: Obscure (Sight) 3, Range: Touch, Special: Stays centered on her; Supersense 1: Sight penetrates Obscure, Own dust only (-1) (1)

Speed 2 (2)

Supermove 2: Trackless 1, Air-Walking 1 (4)

Super Senses 2: Sight penetrates Concealment 2 (2)

Heat of the Midday Sun Fatigue 8, Area (Cone) (24)

-- Alternate Power: Your Own Personal Sunstroke Fatigue 8, Range: Perception, Action: Full (1)

-- Alternate Power: Madness of the Midday Sun Confusion 8, Area (Burst), Selective (1)

-- Alternate Power: This Is My Rather Sharp Scythe Strike 8, Penetrating; Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Accurate 4 (1)

Immunity 6: Trait Effects 5, Environmental Heat 1 (6)


Obsession Polly is fascinated by trivia, and even more, by interesting things and people. She has little tolerance for boring, mundane things.

Responsibility Polly has promised to protect Samantha Colt from her fellow students, no matter what.

Enemy Vampires hate having Polly around, and she doesn't seem to think too highly of them.