Session 155

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Chapter 18

[INFO] Now logging to {file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/}.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} Hi Laz
{lazarus} hey Angelo.
{lazarus} how's things?
--}| Verithe ( has joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} fine thanks and you?
{Verithe} 'Allo!
{Angelo} Hi Verithe
{lazarus} hey Verithe.
{Verithe} I'm going to run and tend to the laundry real quick. I'll be back soon.
{lazarus} Angelo: I'm doing ok. Was a bit sick earlier today, but feeling much better now
--}| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
{Knockwood} Hi guys
{Verithe} Back!
{lazarus} hey kwd
{Verithe} Hi, KW!
{Angelo} Hi Knock
--}| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
{Knockwood} so, what's up? We're under a blizzard...
{Angelo} Hi RN
{Knockwood} Hiya RN
{lazarus} hey RN.
{Verithe} Hi!
{Verithe} Ooh, blizzard!
--}| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
{BethE} Evening, all! *HUGS*
{lazarus} hey Bethy!
{Angelo} @Knock: here the weather is fine. I hope your connection will not drop
{Angelo} Hi Beth
{Verithe} Hi!
{Knockwood} well, it's not a particularly violent snowstorm--no heavy winds down here
{Knockwood} HIya Beth
{Random_Nerd} Law school's started up again. Same mix of interesting cases, dull cases, and brain-numbing picky rules.
{Angelo} @RN: And your brain? IS keeping sane or ... more creative under these cases?
{Random_Nerd} Yes, it is.
{Angelo} fine
{BethE} No comment?
{Knockwood} damn it, spammers are back on the Wiki... BRB
{Angelo} RPG net wiki or another one?
{Knockwood} Wiki
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and Angelo, I'm ruling that on your new Gift, it doesn't have an included Preservation because it already has an included Creation, and anything more would be a bit excessive in terms of the number of combined miracles.
{Angelo} ok
{Angelo} guys, I had an exchange with RN these on how spend my 2 cp and these 2 will go on the body creation gift
{Knockwood} Look at the kind of crap I have to put up with:
{Theresa} (Quick question..does Ftisk have a mouth?)
{Knockwood} (Yep. A BIIIIIIG one. :) )
{Angelo} yes a tiny one
{Theresa} (Eww.)
{Theresa} (Eww at the spam.)
{Angelo} as all snails
{Verithe} Ewww
{Angelo} ewwww too
{Random_Nerd} Ah, spam.
{Knockwood} and that's about the 7th incarnation of that page in just a few hours.
{lazarus} yep, it's a spam alright.
{lazarus} Brian will be spending points on the High Summoning thing. I've lost track of how far along that is, though.
{Knockwood} Look at the history of that page
{Random_Nerd} On HS MPs, you mean?
{lazarus} yeah.
{lazarus} I think I'm at 3 or 4 (of 6?)
{Knockwood} In a related note, please give to the Whack-A-Spammer fund.
{Theresa} I give...a cookie.
{lazarus} I give a 7.
--}| Penultima ( has joined #Nobilis

  • Verithe gives half an English muffin.

{Knockwood} Your money will be used to fund investigations into the identities of these spammers and hiring only the finest and/or most psychotic hitmen to eliminate them.
{Angelo} Me give a orange
{Angelo} Hi Penultima
{Verithe} Hello!
{Knockwood} Give enough money and you get a FREE video of the messiest spammer elimination to show your friends!
{Knockwood} and if everybody's done gawking at that page I'm going to delete it.
{Verithe} I'm done.
{Theresa} Hi Penultima!
{Angelo} done, done
{Penultima} Heya. Ziven of Nine from RPGnet here. Laz made me come lurk. :P
{Knockwood} Hi there
{Theresa} Laz, you shouldn't make people come's much more fun to promise them grand spectacles and then bait and switch them into coming here.
{Random_Nerd} Ah. Hey, welcome to the Nobilis game. We're close to the beginning of a storyline, so this should make at least a /vague/ amount of sense.
{Random_Nerd} More than if you came in in the middle of the whole Mister Science arc, at least.
{Knockwood} inasmuch as Nobilis makes any sense. :)

  • Angelo like lurkers ... with bbq sauce better! ... :-P

{Knockwood} OK, so we're about to take out that orc campo...
{Theresa} SO, Angelo, what's the new body form?
{Angelo} ah, because the intensive use I'll do of the body gift, is ok if I don't write each time that I use the gift but just a change of nick?

  • Verithe packs away his Mr. Science fan-gear.

{Random_Nerd} Well, if it's an unusual form, it would help to describe what it looks like.
{Angelo} yes sure but spider form or dog form or bird form can suffice just wrote /nick spiderFtisk or dogFtisk
{Random_Nerd} Sure.
{Angelo} ok.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and does Brian have enough HSMPs to buy a rating in it yet?
{Angelo} @Beth: the new version of the gift have a change with included creation ... so any matter body form is ok
{Theresa} Angelo - ahh, I had thought you were going with perma-tentacles. My mistake.
{Angelo} be ready to Ftisk! :-P
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
{Brian} RN: I mentioned I've lost track of how many points I've spent there. I don't think I have high enough to rate yet.
{Random_Nerd} Well, just bear in mind that from zero to HS 0 is 5 CPs.
{Random_Nerd} And that you can do stuff with just HS 0.
{DanteE} BTW, who grabbed the Haiti bundle from DriveThruRPG?
{Ftisk} what?
{Brian} DanteE: I haven't yet. Not actually sure if we can spare the 20$.
{Random_Nerd} I'm not a big fan of PDF RPGs. I like ebooks for some things, but for games I'd be running, I want a physical copy.
{Brian} RN: I'd have to go through the logs to tally up how much I have, exactly. I've been lax in my bookkeeping.
{Kite} We haven't figured out how to work our funds online out here, yet.
{DanteE} Ftisk: a ridiculous amount of RPG PDFs are available for a $20 donation
{Random_Nerd} Ah, okay. Well, if nothing else, we can figure out at which storyline Brian came back, and how many CPs each storyline gave.
{Ftisk} oh, then I will go to see this offer
{DanteE} RN: even if you don't, it's $1400 worth of d/ls for $20, and you help Haiti
{Brian} RN: I think I'm up to 4 at the most. I /think/.
{Random_Nerd} Hmm. Let's figure this out, quick, before we start.
{Random_Nerd} Which storyline did you come back at?
{Brian} erm. I don't recall. *blush*. Ftisk, you've been keeping track of logs recently, right? ... actually ... um, where's our wiki at?
{Brian} merci.
{Random_Nerd} The "random stuff" one, right?
{Brian} *loading*
{Theresa} That sounds about right...he was there for the door thing...
{Ftisk} (my sheet is update and the quick chart too)
{Random_Nerd} Okay. In that case, if you haven't spent any on anything else, you will have six CPs available, since like Ftisk you're catching up to the others, and so are gaining CPs at double the rate of the others.
{DanteE} Yes, he came back just in time to see us examining his door
{Random_Nerd} So, that's enough to have HS 0 if you want.
{Brian} I was apparently taking a bit of a break during Random Stuff. Right, that's when I went back to the doctor's, and I was here to see the examining the door.
{Brian} and HS 0 is something I am aiming for, yes. So I would pick that up.
{Random_Nerd} Well, then, shall we say that Brian's gained five CPs since he came back?
{Random_Nerd} And that way, you can spend 'em on five HSMPs and have HS 0.
{Brian} works for me.
{Kite} Woo!
{DanteE} well, if you were in the game the entire time you'd have 43 point characters
{Brian} Yeah, I was back after Verithe/Kite joined up, but I don't think very long after that.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, let's do that.
{Random_Nerd} Any other housekeeping things before we start up?
{Brian} (148 appears to be when I got back for good) (also, I'm going to go update my character sheets ... on Wave and Google Docs)
{Brian} (oh, and I can apparently also edit the wiki.)
{DanteE} whoops, I take that back, you'd have a few more because of double XP awards for longer arcs... I think Dante's got 46
{DanteE} Brian: everybody can
{Ftisk} Dante, why you don't raise courage to 5?

  • Ftisk curious...

{DanteE} haven't used Courage much, actually
{DanteE} except for the occasional ghost
{Ftisk} true
{Ftisk} but Courage can lend to... some very creative use
{Ftisk} anything has it in some quantity
{Random_Nerd} I see Courage as more potentially useful than Blades.
{DanteE} reminds me: think we should each come up with an attack power?
{Ftisk} btw RN: theoretical question ... can a lesser creation add machinery to something that have none into it? like a plant or a dog?
{DanteE} well, it's usually a little easier to use something tangible than intangible...
{Brian} according to my Google Docs spreadsheet, I'm at 40 points spent.
{Ftisk} well in mythic courage *is* tangible
{Random_Nerd} Add machinery in what sense?
{Random_Nerd} It cannot change a plant or a dog into a machine.
{Random_Nerd} But you could make, like, a prosthetic leg for a dog.
{Ftisk} that qualify as part of Machinery domain
{Random_Nerd} No, it cannot do that.
{Ftisk} And can a change do it?
{Random_Nerd} A Change of Dogs, or a Change of Plants.
{Ftisk} ah
{Random_Nerd} A Change of Machinery can turn a machine into a dog, but not vice versa.
{Ftisk} but .. ok answered to my question before I made it :-)
{Random_Nerd} And with a Change, you can make a machine into a dog that is still a mechanical dog.
{Random_Nerd} But you have to start with something that's already part of your domain.
{DanteE} so, making a cyborg dog would be a Change/Machinery with included Creation?
{Brian} Ftisk: the "Fast Step" gift, as I've named it, is Brian's "Teleport (self)"
{Ftisk} ok. So from my domain yes but a noble can't create one instance of is domain inside something that have none.
{Ftisk} @Brian: you can edit this... I think
{Brian} yep, apparently I can.
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and Angelo, the rules governing what you were asking are on page 169 of the Nobilis book.
{Brian} the green background is the highest in the party?
{Ftisk} ^___^ Danke RN
{Random_Nerd} Third Q&A on the page.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, is everyone ready}?
{Ftisk} I'm ready!
{Brian} I think we are, finally :D
{Theresa} Yeppers.
{DanteE} I think so
{Kite} yes!
{Random_Nerd} Okay. You were going to Locus Barakiel. You were taking Sam, but not William.
{Random_Nerd} Anyone or anything else you want to bring?
{Ftisk} Gnomely
{DanteE} Ftisk made a dozen netguns, IIRC
{Brian} yeah, netguns.

  • Kite grabs a random shiny thing.

{Theresa} Theresa is ready.
{Random_Nerd} Okay. Let's start with the scene of you all arriving. I'll assume you'll take Dante's Unreasonably Capacious humvee, since you usually tend to.
{Brian} it's more fun to wantonly break the rules of physics than to not.
{Theresa} Cup holders are very nice in the car.

  • Kite is very excited to be visiting Jupiter.

{DanteE} So, we're at the gate of the Chancel?
{Random_Nerd} ________START______________

  • Brian will be viewing the ... Hell? ... viewpoint of the chancel.

{Random_Nerd} You pull up on the very fringe of the chancel, on the end that starts to fade out into Jupiter, rather than Hell.

  • DanteE switches between both...

{Random_Nerd} The knights/demons at the gate (depending on which world you see) have already opened the door, and Shadows is there waiting for you.

  • Theresa waves at Shadows.
  • Kite quickly decides the knights are more preferable.

{Random_Nerd} Well, presumably it's him. He's wearing a bathrobe and pajamas rather than his usual outfit, and as always he's completely nondescript, but Jeeves is with him, so it's probably Shadows.

  • Ftisk wave and shout at Shadow "HI!!!!! Shadows"
  • DanteE hops out, and goes to greet Shadows, handing him a netgun.

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "If anyone asks, this is just a social call, okay?"
{Brian} "Bad hangover?"
{DanteE} "Right. We even brought some party favors."
{Theresa} "Social call when you're in your bathrobe? Uh, okay..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Not physically. While I'm not so superhuman as some of you, at least I can shake off a hangover pretty fast."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows looks at the gun.
{DanteE} "Should we give one to Jeeves?"
{Kite} "So this is Jupiter..."
=-= YOU are now known as JeevesFtisk

  • JeevesFtisk mimic what Jeeves do

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Technically, this is Locus Barakiel. But if you want to step out, you can. We've got open borders on both ends, because there's nobody in either Hell or Jupiter who could wander in by accident."
{JeevesFtisk} (what Jeeves do?)
{Kite} "Oh! My apologies, then."
{Kite} "So, this is Locus Barakiel...."
{Random_Nerd} (Okay, for those who haven't been to Locus Barakiel before, it's metaphysically located halfway between jupiter and hell. Like Earth, it has two "worlds", but unlike earth, these are a palace-like world, and a hell-like world.)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves waves a pseudopod at Ftisk
{DanteE} "So, what's the thing we're trying to catch?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "That is an excellent question."

  • JeevesFtisk waves a pseudopod at Jeeves

{Theresa} "The head of Summer Glau."
{Random_Nerd} S: "I can tell you what it /looks/ like, and what it can /do/..."
{Kite} "What can it do?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It can fly, it can open a doorknob with its tentacles, and it's got a reasonably strong Auctoritas."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It doesn't seem to be interested in drinking people's blood, which is a relief."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Walk with me, I've got the... body... stored in my lab."
{Random_Nerd} Sam adjusts his tie.

  • JeevesFtisk stay side by side with Jeeves

{Theresa} "Hmm, ability to open doors...that's not encouraging."
{Theresa} "Does it talk?"
{DanteE} "Are you trying to grab it without hurting it?"
{Kite} "Doors with knobs, anyway..."
{JeevesFtisk} (can I talk Jeeves style?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It makes a screeching noise."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Preferably. I don't want to kill it, I just want it to go away."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But a proper banishing, even in my lab, takes time, and I can't make it work unless the target will stand still."
{DanteE} "By the way, this is Ftisk's Brother Celestis Assembly. I think you know everyone else."
{JeevesFtisk} "still as incapacitated or still as into a cage?"
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Kite} "Pleased to meet you!"
{Ftisk} "Yep this is my brother Kite"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Still as in standing in a circle about three feet in radius, and not trying to get out."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Not trying to bite my foot and then fly away while cackling would also be a plus."
{DanteE} "Ftisk, how strong did you make these nets?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But, yes, I want it to be alive."
{Ftisk} "Normal net strong"
{Ftisk} "No preservation or strange stuff"
{Theresa} "Does it seem to have any likes?"
{DanteE} "Hm... better preserve them. If that thing has an Auctoritas..."
{DanteE} "How intelligent is it?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Well, I've tried to lure it out with Firefly DVDs, as well as a Terminator one. Didn't work."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't know how smart it is. If it can talk, it hasn't done so.
{Kite} "Have you tried food?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But at least smart enough to figure out what a doorknob is in a hurry without having seen one before."
{Ftisk} "the gift of tongue cover extra Weirding Wall thingies?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't know what it eats."
{Brian} "Do you know how it got here?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Normally, yes. For instance, Jeeves can understand me, even though his kind don't normally communicate in words."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I /assume/ that I summoned it, after my family got me drunk while we were celebrating the whole crown thing. It seems like the kind of thing I would do."
{DanteE} "Jeeves, did you get any idea of its intelligence?"
{Brian} "Do you have a recording of the summoning? Would you record it?"
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of a squirrel* *picture of a crow* *picture of a small monkey* *picture of a human* *question mark*
{Brian} (actually, brb, roast to put in the fridge)
{DanteE} "No idea?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Normally I take notes, and I don't have any on this one, but if I was that drunk I wouldn't have taken them."
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: "!{" *picture of a squirrel*.
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: "}" *picture of a human* *?*
{Ftisk} "and is normal that your drunk summoned things have an interesting gift?"
{Brian} (b)
{Theresa} "Hmm...I've seen some pretty annoying squirrels...but we'll have to see. What do you think of it, Jeeves?"
{DanteE} (Did you get those backwards RN?)
{Random_Nerd} (How so?)
{DanteE} (You seem to be saying less than squirrel and greater than human)
{Brian} (not less than squirrels?)
{Random_Nerd} (Not less than a squirrel. Possibly greater than a human.)
{DanteE} (Ah.)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: "???!?!?!?"
{Theresa} (RN has met some really crafty squirrels. Evil.)
{DanteE} (Though I wonder how Jeeves knows what a squirrel is...)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Pretty much anything that can be summoned has at least some minor miraculous powers."
{Theresa} "Succinct, Jeeves. Thank you."
{Ftisk} (they squirrel came from outside?)
{DanteE} (Have we arrived yet?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I figure that either everything Out There has such abilities, or the arts I use don't work on things that don't."
{Random_Nerd} (Just about.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay, hold on. I have to know... did William turn invisible, or did Sam start raiding his closet."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Yes."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "...okay, it's Samuel."
{Brian} "Good answer."
{Ftisk} "But why a mess with me ability?"
{DanteE} (so, Snark is universal? :) )
{Brian} (wait, if Snark exists, then Excrucians can't snark!)
{Theresa} (Snark is the missing quark.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't know. Either the process of summoning changes things, or there are creatures out there with specific tendencies directed towards distracting you."
{Ftisk} (can be as active Writing the exist both sides)
{DanteE} (Active Snarking?)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves opens the door to the lab.
{Ftisk} "Yeah, like is already tough to distract me"
{Theresa} (Maybe the Wall is made of solidified snark.)
{Theresa} "Thank you, Jeeves."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "The body is in the closet over there. And I've already tried leaving the body out in the lab while I waited in the shadows with a big butterfly net. Didn't work."

  • Ftisk pat Jeeves
  • Theresa goes over to the closet and looks over the body.

{DanteE} "Well... I think it's on this end, actually. The gift was specifically aimed at Ftisk, and in theory nobody over there would know him that well."
{Kite} "The waiting or the net?"
{Theresa} (Are we talking flesh or RealDoll here?)

  • Ftisk fly to Dante's shoulder

{Random_Nerd} It looks, at first, like a headless human body of a skinny and somewhat short girl in t-shirt and jeans.
{DanteE} "So, your Familia got you wasted, and when you came to you had this in your lab and a head flying around?"
{Random_Nerd} On slightly closer examination, it turns out to be a mannekin or something similar, and to have a hollow torso with some scratches inside.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "The waiting didn't work. I don't know if the net would have worked."
{Random_Nerd} The skin of the arms looks like human skin, but to the touch, it feels like glass.
{DanteE} "What's it made of?"
{Theresa} "Was the body clothed when you woke up?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Yes. For which I am glad."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Something ceramic. I don't know the details."
{Theresa} "The skin feels..weird. Like someone knew what skin looks like but not what it feels like."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And yes, the fact that it looks like something was trying to disguise itself as a human makes /me/ nervous, too."

  • DanteE Div-Courage of the area.

{DanteE} (Whoops, forgot about the Auc...)
{Theresa} "If the head was on originally, then from these scratches, it looks like something crawled up through the torso to drive the head around like a VW Bug."
{Ftisk} (you can ad pen)
{Random_Nerd} (The only things in the area that aren't immune to direct miracles are the guards, who have moderate amounts of courage.)
{Random_Nerd} (Penetration doesn't work for divining the internal state of anyone with anchorlike immunity.)
{Ftisk} ( :-( )
{DanteE} "Hm... I wonder if this wasn't a Trojan Horse..."
{Random_Nerd} (It does, however, for locating the thing in a way that isn't dependant on its internal physical/mental/spiritual state.)
{Theresa} (Looking for a 'hole' like with Theresa's gift?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "So, like, I didn't summon this thing, but it was waiting on the other side and slipped through when I summoned something else?"
{Kite} "It wasn't. For one, it's not made of wood..."
{Random_Nerd} (That would work, if you were divining for something that would be present everywhere other than in auctoriti.)
{Brian} "Kite, that was a metaphor..."
{Brian} "Shadows, do you know where the head is now?"
{Kite} "Oh? I didn't know they used that one."
{DanteE} "Well... you should remember at least a bit of summoning it, unless you routinely have blackouts from drinking, in which case you have other problems."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I hope it's still in the chancel."
{Ftisk} "The head leave a trail of something? slime? scent? the like?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And nobody's told me that they've seen it."
{Theresa} "Hope so too. Aaaand not anywhere around your Imperator. Or your female siblings."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't remember summoning it. I do vaguely remember summoning the critter that I put inside Ftisk's doll, although not the details."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And I normally don't drink at /all/."
{DanteE} another Div-Courage. Any guard nearby suddenly get scared?
{Random_Nerd} Dante, many of the guards are nervous. They've seen Shadows pacing, acting nervous, and a few have seen him running around with a big net.
{Random_Nerd} Seeing someone whose job it is to summon things from outside reality running around with a big net is disquieting.
{Ftisk} (Dante, can these div look into the past to give us a tail to follow?)
{Theresa} (Human experiments!)
{DanteE} (And they're not _used_ to that? :) )
{Random_Nerd} (Sort of like the "A demolition expert at a dead run outranks /everyone/" principle.)
{Brian} (chibi Shadows?)
{DanteE} (Ftisk: I suspect anyone who would have seen it has immunity, otherwise we'd have more of an uproar.)
{Ftisk} (or it is invisible but to Nobles)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of Dante* *arrow pointing in a particular direction* *?*
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves moves off into a part of the lab
{Ftisk} "Jeeves you can follow the head?"

  • DanteE readies his netgun and follows Jeeves...

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *a hand, palm towards you*
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *mouth talking* *red X* *stick figure dressed like Shadows* *ear*

  • DanteE listens...
  • Ftisk listens too

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of Jeeves* *human eye* *red X* *flying head*
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of a doorknob opening* *picture of Jeeves* *eye* *green checkmark*
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *?*
{Ftisk} "So you can see the head but humans can't, right?"
{DanteE} Are we by a door?
{Theresa} (I suck at charades...pictionary...)

  • Kite cocks head to the side.

{Random_Nerd} (There's a door nearby, yes, but you aren't right at it.)

  • DanteE looks at Jeeves, and points at the door

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't know if humans can see it. I know that it's good at hiding, I don't think any of the guards have seen it, and they /kinda/ count as human."

  • Ftisk go and examine the door knob

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves raises and lowers its head, and walks through the door.
{DanteE} (any chance you've read M&OCT?)
{Random_Nerd} (M&OCT?)
{DanteE} (Monsters & Other Childish Things)
{Random_Nerd} (Ah, no.)
{Random_Nerd} (Looking at the knob in the hell-world or the palace-world, Ftisk?)
{DanteE} quietly: "Shadows, you OK with Theresa blocking doors with branches?"
{Ftisk} (palace world)
{Ftisk} (there are scratches, signs...?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "As long as she has a plausible explanation for it if someone asks."
{DanteE} "Well, we can remove it before we leave..."
{Random_Nerd} (It's a shiny silver knob. There aren't scratches, but here are odd smears.)

  • DanteE signals the others and goes through the door...

{Ftisk} "Shadows, these smears where already there or are the head product?"

  • Kite follows Dante.

{Random_Nerd} Shadows looks at the smears, while Dante and Kite go through the other door.
{Theresa} "I can do somewhat plausible."

  • DanteE looks over the smears first...

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I think the head made those."

  • Ftisk jump up and down "Head hunters, look here!"
  • Theresa LCs branches thick enough that a head can't squeeze through without leaving the skull behind at the door they came into through.

{Theresa} "What other doors do you want covered, Shadows?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Well, hmm. Leave one doorway to the lab open, and we can try to chase it in here if we find it."
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves, looking at Dante: *?*
{Theresa} "Check." *makes it so*
{DanteE} "Jeeves may have a bead on it..."

  • DanteE check the place with The Sight...

{Brian} "I'll stay here in the lab, if it shows up. Give me a net gun."

  • Ftisk lc a pair of net gun for Brian

{Brian} "Thanks."
{Random_Nerd} (To the Sight, Shadows is shiny, you guys are shiny, Jeeves has a few gleams to him, and everything else is a dull grey.)
{DanteE} "Shadows... have your guards shut all the doors.
{Ftisk} (the chancell is a big palace without outside? or is just full of marble buildings? in the not Hell view)
{DanteE} "Let's see if we can't flank it. Jeeves, got its location?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay, gimme a moment."
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *red X*
{DanteE} "Where did you see it last?"
{Random_Nerd} (In the non-hell view, it's mostly white marble, with some accents in gold, purple, and silver.)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of Jeeves* *eye* *floating head* *red X*
{DanteE} "Oh... you heard it?"
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of Jeeves looking at a floating head, with a red slash mark through it*
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *Picture of Jeeves looking at a doorknob turning on its own* *green checkmark*
{DanteE} "The door we just came through?"
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *picture of Jeeves with a question mark over his head*

  • Kite looks at doorknob.

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves shakes the front end of his body, and points a limb at the other door.
{Random_Nerd} (The one Ftisk was looking at earlier, not the one Dante just led Jeeves through)
{DanteE} "Shadows, what's through there?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Uh... the gymnasium, one of the smaller libraries, and if you go far enough, Eclipses' rooms. Why?"
{DanteE} "Gym? ... Big open space, making it tough to corner something.
{Ftisk} "We can look for smear signs on other doors"
{Kite} "Sounds good, Ftisk!"
{DanteE} "We'd better move before things get worse..."

  • DanteE heads through the door.

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *Dante* *human brain* *Jeeves* *?*

  • Ftisk go thought the door and start looking for smeared knob

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *Theresa* *?*
{DanteE} "Everybody grab a netgun if you don't already have one."

  • Kite morphs to human form and grabs a netgun.

{Theresa} "I..think I understand, Jeeves."
=-= YOU are now known as bigNetGunFtisk
{DanteE} (So, Ftisk is a sentient floating netgun now? :)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *thumb's up*
{bigNetGunFtisk} (yep)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows comes back from down the hall towards you.
{DanteE} "Jeeves, can you use one of these?"
{Brian} (right.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I've asked the guards to shut all the doors in this area. Anything more than that, and everyone would notice."
{DanteE} "OK, let's move. Maybe we'll luck out and it'll still be in the gym."
{Random_Nerd} Samuel, to Jeeves: "So, what's it like being a rebus-talking giant black centipede hallucigenia thing?"
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *smiley face*
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Good to know."
{Theresa} (That says something about Outside, I think.)

  • DanteE heads through the door...

{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *Theresa* *hand reaching down towards a human figure trying to get up* *Jeeves* *?*
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, and for what Sam was referring to, which does look a lot like Jeeves,
{Random_Nerd} (It's one of the weird critters from the Burgess Shales.)
{Brian} (that is a weird thingamagiggy)
{Theresa} "Sure. Just tell me what to do, Jeeves."
{DanteE} (Jeeves can always ride your shoulder, Theresa. :) )
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves shakes the front of his body back and forth.
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves: *Theresa* *mouth talking* *Jeeves* *Jeeves scurrying off*
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "So, let me think. It has to be staying somewhere out of sight."
{bigNetGunFtisk} "A library a cellar?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Did you hear that?"
{bigNetGunFtisk} "what?"
{Theresa} "Okay...Jeeves...wait, hear what?"
{DanteE} "Jeeves seems to be saying ... what?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It just cackled! This way!"
{Random_Nerd} (None of you, regardless of Aspect, heard that.)
{Theresa} (Jeeves is saying that I should tell him what to do, not him tell me.  :) )

  • Kite follows Shadows.
  • bigNetGunFtisk rush after Shadows
  • DanteE follows Shadows...

{Theresa} *to Jeeves* "Did you hear anything?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows opens a series of doors, holding a net-gun in his other hand.
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves shakes his front.

  • Theresa has a horrible thought...

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Dang, lost it. But it has to be near here."
{DanteE} "... does Shadows still have that Sightdrinker in his head?"
{Theresa} "Has anyone but Shadows seen the head?"
{Random_Nerd} (Not currently. He put it back out of his head when he went to celebrate.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "No, I told you, it's been hiding."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Lucky break, that."
{DanteE} quietly, to T: "Something crawled out of the body and jiggled the knob, though."
{Theresa} "True, but I have pretty good ears and I didn't hear a cackle. And I know cackling. Little kids can cackle like you wouldn't believe, when they think they're getting away with something."
{DanteE} (Where are we now?)
{Theresa} (What direction is Shadows heading?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "How... physically superhuman are you, Theresa?"
{DanteE} (We're Batmen. :) )
{Random_Nerd} (You're in a long hall. Shadows has stopped, and he seems to be listening for another cackle.)
{Kite} "On a scale of one to five?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Uh... arm-wrestle me?"
{DanteE} "Well into Inhuman, if that's what you mean."

  • bigNetGunFtisk pop a pop corn machine and take some

{DanteE} "Which direction did you hear it from?"
{Kite} "Have you seen any more smears, Ftisk?"
{Theresa} "I can dance upon the waters without falling, leap the buildings like the wind and I can turn into a plant-based creature. You sure ya wanna arm wrestle?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Because... I mean, I'm upper-end human. I have to really strain myself to do something really jaw-dropping. But I heard it."

  • DanteE looks over Shadows with Sight & Mythic...

{Theresa} "I'll arm wrestle you, Shadows, but I will also state that I didn't hear a cackle. It could be that I am not in tune with the creature since I didn't create it."
{Random_Nerd} To the Sight, shadows is shiny. He's clearly Noble.
{bigNetGunFtisk} @Kite: "No other smear to date Kite"
{Random_Nerd} Mythically, he's... humanoid, and wearing a crown.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay, what is going on here?"
{Theresa} "Don't know. But we'll follow and if you suddenly have a chest burster, we'll sew you back together."
{DanteE} "Don't know yet. Where did you hear that cackle?"
{bigNetGunFtisk} "can Shadows crown be connected to the fact that only you can se the flying head... uhm"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Over here. But I don't hear it now."
{DanteE} Where's he pointing?
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "The crown is just... a sign of rank. Being able to make it is the important thing, it doesn't actually do anything."
{Random_Nerd} (Just where he's standing, on that end of he long hall.)
{DanteE} Door nearby?
{Random_Nerd} Shadows takes off his oddly-lit circlet, and balances it on Ftisk's head.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "See? Just a meaningful piece of supernaturally-created jewelry."
{DanteE} "What's it made of?
{bigNetGunFtisk} "uhm.."
{Theresa} (You don't want to give Ftisk a could go to his head. ^^ )

  • bigNetGunFtisk check with the Sight, he wear the crown here even if he removed it in prosaic?

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "That's... a surprisingly complicated question."
{bigNetGunFtisk} (lol good one T)
{DanteE} "... part of it's from the other side, isn't it."
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, wait... you can't look at him in the mythic at all. There isn't a mythic world, here.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It's made of sukka adharma."
{bigNetGunFtisk} (Ok retconning)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And, yeah, from outside."
{Random_Nerd} (Sorry about that, I'm so used to you guys being on earth.)
{DanteE} "Hm... I think I know what's happening, or part of it.
{DanteE} "Ftisk, you hear or see anything?"
{bigNetGunFtisk} "Please explain big D"
{bigNetGunFtisk} "none and nope. Hear nothing see nothing"
{DanteE} "The crown may be what's letting him hear and see the head because they're both from the Other Side."
{DanteE} "Let me check something...

  • DanteE gently takes the crown from Ftisk and puts it on. (Any change in perception?)

{Kite} "Are you sure it's the crown and not just his experience with things on the Other Side?"
{Random_Nerd} (Nope.)
{DanteE} "That is another possibility..."
{Random_Nerd} The door at the other end of the hall opens.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "You... you guys can see that, right?"

  • bigNetGunFtisk look

{DanteE} "The door opening? Sure..."
{Random_Nerd} The door seems to have just opened on its own.

  • Kite looks at the door.

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "No... /that/."

  • bigNetGunFtisk shot the net at the door

{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Not me."

  • DanteE looks with the Sight...

{Kite} "I can't see anything other than an opening door."
{Theresa} "Has it come through the doorway, Shadows?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Yes. Yes it has."
{Kite} "What is it doing?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I'm not crazy. They checked, just to make sure, before they ennobled me. I'm not."
{bigNetGunFtisk} "I don't see it"

  • Theresa LC branches in the doorway to keep it from going back out.

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It's just looking at me..."
{bigNetGunFtisk} (my net catch the head? miss?)
{Theresa} "Does it seem to see us?"
{Random_Nerd} (How are you looking to aim?)
{DanteE} "Shadows? Describe the room it's in."
{Kite} "It's clearly having real-world effects, so don't sweat it."
{bigNetGunFtisk} (general door direction. A blind shoot)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It's a long hallway. We're standing on the end nearer my lab, it's floating towards me from the far end."
{Random_Nerd} (Your net doesn't hit anything)
{Brian} (RN: Intentional Ghostbusters reference?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It just dodged that net..."

  • bigNetGunFtisk reload....

{Random_Nerd} (No, but maybe a subconscious one. Haven't seen that in years.)
{DanteE} "Shadows... when it gets to 15 feet, shoot it with that netgun I gave you.""
{Random_Nerd} Shadows shoots a net at mid-air.
{Brian} ("It's just looking at me" =} Venkman? seeing Slimer)
{Random_Nerd} The net shoots out, and then hangs on something.
{Random_Nerd} (Heh. Yeah, it's not unlikely that my brain remembered the phrase.)

  • Theresa changes fingers to vines and grabs at whatever the net is hanging on.

{Random_Nerd} The net flails around in mid air, and then something starts tearing it up.

  • bigNetGunFtisk grab!!! the net+head
  • DanteE dashes to the other side of it...

{Theresa} (Rugby scrum!)
{Random_Nerd} When Theresa gets close enough to touch it, it stops doing anything.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Wait, what just happened? Now it's back farther down the hall."
=-= YOU are now known as steelCageFtisk
{Random_Nerd} The net falls to the ground.
{Theresa} (Did I get the feel of it at all?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "When you grabbed the net, it just slid through it and backed up."
{steelCageFtisk} "Shadows, where is the head?"
{Random_Nerd} (You felt nothing but the net.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows points.

  • DanteE turns around and looks where Shadows is indicating...

{Theresa} "If it could slide through the net, then why let it get hung up in it..."

  • steelCageFtisk open my door

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Something weird is going on here."
{steelCageFtisk} "Try to push it into me"
{Theresa} (Egad! He's become the Noble of the Obvious!)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And yes, that is the dumbest thing I've said all week."
{Theresa} (I still love you, dear.)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I'm glad you said it before I did. Uh... sir?"
{DanteE} "OK... we can't see it. Tell us exactly where it is."

  • steelCageFtisk wait cage like with my door open

{Random_Nerd} Shadows points, and then steps three feet to one side, and points again.
{DanteE} "Ftisk, reload his gun..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "At the intersection of those two lines, moving away from me at a walking pace."

  • DanteE aims where he's pointing...
  • Kite aims and fires.

{steelCageFtisk} (I'm a steel cage now... no gun to reload)
{Theresa} "Shadows, this may sound weird but don't watch the attempts at capture."
{DanteE} (Shadows' gun, Ftisk)
{Random_Nerd} The net flies out, expands, and wraps around nothing.

  • steelCageFtisk reload Shadows gun

{Random_Nerd} Again, the net starts thrashing around.

  • steelCageFtisk fly to cage the net

{Random_Nerd} Shadows closes his eyes.

  • DanteE quickly dashes to the other side of it...
  • Theresa leaps and vines!

{Random_Nerd} As soon as you two get close to the net, it drops to the ground.
{Theresa} "Huh."
{DanteE} "... it's our Auctorita."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Huh?"
{steelCageFtisk} "Is immaterial when near another autorictas?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "How would that even work? It's, like, using a miracle to be solid?"
{Kite} "Perhaps..."
{DanteE} "... could it be a Shadow?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam starts casually stepping behind Shadows.

  • steelCageFtisk lc a steel cage with the open door as wide as high as the passage is"

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Well, it isn't part of any domain. I can tell that much, from when I tried to check it out through the chancel."

  • Kite glances at Sam.

{DanteE} "You still see it?
{steelCageFtisk} as wide and as high
{Theresa} "So...Sam..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It's at the far side of the room, but it's still there. Smirking."
{Random_Nerd} Sam quickly steps entirely behind Shadows.
{DanteE} "OK, everybody reload."
{steelCageFtisk} "We can try to push it toward the cage. If the autorictas idea is right then it will be trapped"

  • steelCageFtisk reload all netguns

{DanteE} "Then we'd need people without Auctorita to move it to the banishing circle."
{Theresa} "And by people, you mean Sam?"
{steelCageFtisk} "well first need to check my idea"
{DanteE} "And probably Jeeves. And guards, if they need them.
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I... sometimes I don't like this job very much."
{steelCageFtisk} and I can add wheels to the cage
{Theresa} (Sam doesn't want to get William's suit messed up. With Summer Glau slime.)
{Theresa} (Hard to explain that.)
{Random_Nerd} (Sam doesn't know what the hell is going on, but wants it to not be going on within biting distance of him.)
{DanteE} "Think of the prestige among your other Aides, Sam. :) "
{Theresa} "I don't think they give out awards for wrestling things from Outside, Dante."
{Kite} "It's only prestige if you live. It's pity if you die."
{steelCageFtisk} "And I can add a loooong handle"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Thank you for that, Kite."
{DanteE} "OK... Ftisk, make your cage a finer mesh."
{Theresa} (But Ftisk still has an Auctoritas.)

  • steelCageFtisk do all that

{steelCageFtisk} (but a created cage not)
{DanteE} (Yeah, but the cage he made a few minutes ago doesn't)
=-= YOU are now known as netGunFtisk
{Theresa} (Oh, missed that.)
{DanteE} "Actually... you can just move your cage over it, right?"
{netGunFtisk} "Yeah, the cage have wheels"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay, I noticed something else. When I'm looking at it, and I blink... I can still see it. When my eyes are shut, I mean."

  • netGunFtisk add a motordrive and a joystick to handle the cage

{Kite} "That's...not a good sign."
{DanteE} "... any chance that Sightdrinker messed with your head?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I've had that thing out for days."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "And it shouldn't be able to cause lasting damage."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I spent quite a bit of time making sure it couldn't."
{netGunFtisk} "It _shouldn't_ ??? You are acting more and more as me!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Huh. Sightdrinker..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I have a weird idea."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "What if I summoned this thing, but... not into the chancel, exactly."
{DanteE} (Finally, someone other than me! :) )
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "What if it got summoned into /me/?"
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Then that means I don't have to grab it, right?"
{Brian} (...that's the silliest thing I've ever heard ...)
{Theresa} "Always on the bright side..."
{Kite} "Then Sam should stop hiding behind you."
{netGunFtisk} "and the net suspended? is a ghost?"
{DanteE} "Hm... we did tag something in the air... but if it's your chancel you may have done that unconsciously."
{Theresa} "Into you how, Shadows? So that only you can see or interact with it?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Yeah, there are problems with the theory. And the net you shot did catch it..."
{DanteE} "But there's still the mannequin body."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Yeah. And the physical effects."
{netGunFtisk} "How powerful are you in channel Shadows?"
{DanteE} "Maybe not... Shadows, try to 'will' it into the cage."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Not very. I can do the little stuff trivially, illusions and so on..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Ha!"
{Theresa} "It's an illusion?"
{Kite} "Ha?"
{Random_Nerd} A glowing red arrow appears in mid-air, with the words "Floating head over here."
{netGunFtisk} "ha?"
{netGunFtisk} "HA!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "This is so much easier..."
{DanteE} "Ftisk, that's your cue."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Get it again, and let's try to shove it into the lab."

  • netGunFtisk give the joystick to SAM

{netGunFtisk} "drive the cage and catch the head Sam"
{Random_Nerd} Sam reluctantly takes it. Then he shrugs, hops on top of the cage, and starts steering it around.
{DanteE} "What's it doing, Shadows?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Just watching me..."
{Random_Nerd} Sam steers the cage through where the arrow's pointing, closes it, and then says "Did I get it?"
{netGunFtisk} (did Sam Get it?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Uh... okay, that didn't look quite the same as when it slid earlier, but you passed right through it..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows adds another arrow hovering in the air, at right angles to the first.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Net it again, without anyone getting close."

  • netGunFtisk shot to the head

{DanteE} "I've got it..."
{Random_Nerd} (We should stop soon, but not quite yet, I don't think.)
{Random_Nerd} The net passes through the air and lands on the ground.

  • DanteE shoots his net where the arrows indicate...

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't get it. That time, it just went right through."
{netGunFtisk} (is better if we stop in the next 30min)
{DanteE} "... Shadows, turn around and tell me where it is then.

  • netGunFtisk reload netguns

{Random_Nerd} Shadows turns around.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "I don't know where it is. I have to at least be looking that way to see it."
{DanteE} "OK, turn back...
{netGunFtisk} (courage spirit can see it?)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows turns back, and the arrows adjust to point a few feet closer to Shadows.
{DanteE} (No, it's got an Auc)
{DanteE} "Fire two..."

  • DanteE shoots there

{Random_Nerd} The net, again, passes right through the point where the arrows are pointing.

  • netGunFtisk reload Dante's netgun

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "You know what? Screw you, floating head."
{Random_Nerd} The arrows vanish, and Shadows runs up and starts whacking empty air, with various smacking noises.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Screw you, imaginary floating head!"
{DanteE} (We can hear him smack?)
{Random_Nerd} (Yes.)
{Theresa} "Get 'r!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows starts banging an invisible head against the wall repeatedly.
{DanteE} "He's hitting something..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "How do you like that?"

  • Brian prays to T (remember, Brian is in the lab) "So, how's it going?"

{Random_Nerd} Shadows drops it to the ground, with an audible clunk.

  • Theresa responds, "Shadows is beating an invisible head against a wall. And it's not his."
  • Brian prays "..."

{Kite} "Think you can banish it, now?
{DanteE} "If you've got it, drag it to the circle."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows grabs something under his arm, and runs towards his lab.
{netGunFtisk} "Let's stay far away from Shadows or the head can vanish again"
{Random_Nerd} (Shall we stop here?)
{netGunFtisk} (YEP!!!!)
{Kite} (Sounds good.)
{DanteE} (OK.)
{Random_Nerd} _____________STOP________________
{Brian} (sounds good. My brain mushed up about an hour ago)
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
{Theresa} (Braaaains...)
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
{Angelo} Weird
{Random_Nerd} If it helps, I'm not just making up random crap. I do know what's going on, and why sometimes the head is tangible and sometimes it isn't.
{Angelo} weir session
{Knockwood} OK, so, did we actually figure it out?
{Angelo} yes this help
{Random_Nerd} Hmm...
{Random_Nerd} You're about 80% there.
{Random_Nerd} Just one sub-issue I don't think you've gotten, or at least said out loud.
{Angelo} something inside/linked to S
{lazarus} RN: I was just reading a bunch of threads on the Mythic GM Emulator. About how to ask it questions. "Does my net go through the invisible head?" "YES!" "Crud!"
{Random_Nerd} Why did the last two nets pass through it, on your view?
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
{Random_Nerd} Mythic GM Emulator?
{Knockwood} because at that point it was fully in Shadows' head?
{Random_Nerd} Close... but not exactly.
{Random_Nerd} Okay, opposite question. Why, the other times, did the net catch on something?
{Angelo} it was adapting?
{Knockwood} Was Shadows actually unconsciously creating a target there?
{lazarus} fancy term for the culmination of a guy's decade-long quest to develop tables for running solo games. Or, in other words, fancy term for a few tables that let you answer yes/no questions.
{Random_Nerd} ...
{Random_Nerd} That seems like way more work than the end result could be both.
{Random_Nerd} Err, could be world.
{lazarus} I have no idea what's going on with the head. It seems to be phasing in and out of reality.
{lazarus} half-summoned.
{Knockwood} it's a Borg? :)
{Random_Nerd} (Err... could be /worth/)
{Angelo} a borg head
{Angelo} ?
{Random_Nerd} (I think I need to log out, when I can't even type words right on the second try.)
{lazarus} (hopefully all will be ... WAIT!)
{lazarus} I'm away next week.
{lazarus} I should say that now.
{lazarus} (NOW you can log out, and hopefully all will be clear when I'm away? Damn!)
{Knockwood} OK... did Shadows actually summon it, or someone/something else?

  • Angelo I’m not sure if I can be here next week

{Random_Nerd} Shadows did.
{Angelo} while drunk... S drunkenness is _dangerous_
{Random_Nerd} Hmm. If we're two players short, should we cancel the session?
{Random_Nerd} Rather... this is something of a side effect of summoning Dollphaniel while drunk.
{Knockwood} 3 of 5?
{Random_Nerd} But no one other than Shadows summoned it.
{Random_Nerd} I'm fine with running or cancelling. Which do you guys prefer?
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, and do you want me to just tell you the last bit of what's going on here?)
{BethE} No pref. Brain not here. Brick?
{Knockwood} Angelo: will you definitely be gone, or maybe?
{Angelo} mine is a maybe
{Random_Nerd} (I don't want to turn this into a Read The GM's Mind session, at least.)
{lazarus} I'm not entirely clear what the majority of the what's going on is.
{Random_Nerd} Then let's plan to have a session then.
{Angelo} will know a day before game day
{lazarus} I'm not even sure if I can type in full sentences anymore, at least ones that make sense.
{lazarus} (I'm going to be in Tampa! Woot! Free vacation ;))
{Random_Nerd} (Woot!)
{lazarus} (singing with the Cross Canada Chorus next ... Friday, I think. In the Barbershop Harmony Society midwinter youth chorus festival/contest)
{Angelo} seem nice ^^
{Knockwood} so, Penultima, what did you think?
{BethE} Well, I need to get to bed. Good game, all! *HUGS* Good luck with the singing, laz!
{lazarus} 'night bethy
{Knockwood} g'night Beth
{Angelo} Night Beth
{Verithe} 'night, Beth
|{-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
{lazarus} 'night.
{Random_Nerd} I need to sleep too.
{lazarus} see you in 2 weeks.
{Random_Nerd} Good session, guys, and sorry if it was too GM-mind-ready.
{Angelo} Night LAz.
{Knockwood} well, we'll see. G'night Laz.
{Angelo} Uhm, was more weird that that
{--| lazarus has left #Nobilis
{Verithe} It was still fun. :)
{Random_Nerd} Fair enough.
{Angelo} sure
{Random_Nerd} See you guys next week.
{Verithe} Take care
|{-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
{Angelo} ok. Night RN
{Angelo} Well, I head off too. See ya.
{--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 18