Session 156

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Chapter 18

[INFO] Now logging to {file:///.../chatzilla/logs/}.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=== 1 unknown connection(s)
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} Hi All!
{Knockwood} Hi Angelo
{Verithe} Hi!
{BethE} Hi Angelo!
{Angelo} We found a nice b&b where the owner let me borrow his internet :-)
{Knockwood} I might need to reboot real quick, it's my firewall that's autoupdating
{Knockwood} ...yep. Be right back.
|{-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558])

  • Angelo run to grab an apple

{Verithe} I'm watching a cooking show and I can only understand half of what they're saying.
{Verithe} I really need to study my Japanese
{Angelo} back :-)
{Angelo} ... and you how are doing?
{BethE} I have a bad cold. So I might be a bit quiet tonight. And prone to misspelling.
--}| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
{Knockwood} ...and back
{Knockwood} Did I miss much?
{Verithe} Welcome back!
{Knockwood} ah, aren't we looking for something that's probably in Shadows' head?
{Random_Nerd} That's how it seems.
{Random_Nerd} But it seems that it's both in his head /and/ real, at the moment.
{Angelo} yes Knock... this is the feeling we had
{Angelo} like something that can go inside and outside at will
{Knockwood} or... Shadows is making it appear outside his head.
{BethE} That the thing is in Shadow's head and causing him to do ghost miracles of Realm?
{Knockwood} that's one possibility.,
{Angelo} we can let shadows outside the room and see how the thing react?
{Random_Nerd} Well, shall we go in-character?
{Knockwood} OK
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
{Verithe} Well, he's working on dismissing the battered thing at the moment, ja?
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
{Random_Nerd} __________START____________
{Random_Nerd} Shadows runs down the hall with something seemingly nonexistant under his arm.
{DanteE} What's the range of a WitchHunt Rite?
{Random_Nerd} (You have to be able to directly see the thing that the miracle was cast on, or the place it was cast, whichever is more applicable.)
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, by the way, some people doing High Summonings can banish things at a distance. It's a Limit of Shadows that he can only do a lot of things in his lab.)
{DanteE} Can I do it on the blob?
{Random_Nerd} (Blob?)
{DanteE} (Whatever Shadows is holding.)
{Theresa} (The thingie under his arm?)
{Ftisk} (shadows ?pet?)
{Kite} (The tentacly head thingy)
{DanteE} (BTW, who's got the highest Spirit?)
{Random_Nerd} (I'll allow it.)
{Ftisk} (me! 4)
{Kite} (Not me)
{Theresa} (not I.)
{DanteE} (Hm, maybe Ftisk should do it...)
{Ftisk} (then Dante with 2)
{Ftisk} (what I must do?)
{DanteE} "Ftisk? Can you do a WitchHunt Rite on whatever he's carrying?"
{Random_Nerd} (Are you going to look for greater miracles, or lesser miracles? The latter takes a Domain 5 miracle.)
{DanteE} (We'd know his Spirit's high, we've interacted enough...)
{Ftisk} (both?)
{Random_Nerd} (Okay. And, your Spirit is 4, so... give me a moment.)
{Ftisk} (/me wait)
{DanteE} (On-Hold music...)
{Theresa} (Never gonna give you up...)
{Ftisk} (La mazurka di periferia )
{Random_Nerd} (Okay. You see no signs of Greater Miracles that have been cast in the area, or else they were done by someone with Spirit of 5 or better.)
{DanteE} (...OK, when did they make a Muzak version of Beautiful People?)
{Ftisk} (how many smp this WH-Rite cost? 1)
{Theresa} (Because the Dark made them do it?)
{Random_Nerd} (Doesn't cost SMPs, just uses your Spirit rating.)
{Random_Nerd} (And now, doing the search for lessers. You /can/ spot several ghost miracles that have been done in the area, and given how fast those fade, they were done within a few minutes tops.)
{Ftisk} (ok)
{DanteE} (pegged it)
{Random_Nerd} (This includes miracles to hold up the net, to make knocking sounds, and to open a door, as well as those ghost miracles that you saw directly.)
{Ftisk} "Family and extended family, here hi see no high miracle but a wagonload of ghosts..."
{Random_Nerd} (You can also tell that they were miracles of Realm.)
{Random_Nerd} (And they were done through the symbol of the floating head of Summer Glau, with tentacles and sharp pointy teeth.)
{DanteE} "Can you get a bead on who cast them?"
{Ftisk} "All these were done with the head as symbol"
{Kite} "What sort of ghosts?
{Ftisk} (can I?)
{Random_Nerd} (Not directly, as a symbol was used. But... they were ghost miracles of Realm, in Locus Barakiel. It's a pretty short list of who it could have been.)
{Ftisk} "All sort knock sound, net trapping something... The clues go into Shadows direction... like the thingie is riding him"
{Theresa} (What is the flower that represents the floating head of tentacled Summer Glau and would the research drive William to a monastery?)
{DanteE} "I'll bet he doesn't even register that he's doing it."
{Ftisk} (I think the symbol IS the head)
{Random_Nerd} (Mondara, Theresa.)
{DanteE} (Don't forget we just dealt with a miracle that was cast through a number)
{DanteE} "... which means the thing's in his head."

  • Ftisk raise a manipulator "Ok, who want to go inside Shadow head raise a hand!"

{Random_Nerd} Sam: "I think it's real. He isn't acting crazy... if you... leave out the crazy parts of how he's acting..."
{DanteE} "... How?"
{Kite} "Would it be like that time you guys went inside an Imperator's head?"
{DanteE} "And ... who wants to tell Shadows what happened?"

  • Ftisk jump up and down "I can be the diplomatic one this round!"

{DanteE} (Count the things wrong with that statement! :) )

  • Kite 's mouth hangs agape.

{Ftisk} (lol at you both :-P )
{DanteE} "oooooooo-kay.... ah... Theresa, want to give it a shot?"
{Random_Nerd} In Shadows' lab, you hear the sounds of metal clanging on something meaty, and him shouting "Take that! And that! And th... sorry, Jeeves. And THAT!"
=-= YOU are now known as bambiFtisk

  • bambiFtisk put on bambiSADeyes
  • Kite peeks into the lab.

{bambiFtisk} "you _never_ let me do the diplomat...."
{Theresa} "How about I try and if I fail, Ftisk gets the honor?"
{bambiFtisk} 33 seconds later Ftisk drop the sadEyes
{bambiFtisk} "Ok! Good luck then Theresa!"
{DanteE} "That works. Better hurry."
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Kite} "If we go down, we might as well go down with pizazz, you're saying?"
{Random_Nerd} As you peek in, you see a net being held down by Jeeves with some of his top-limbs, while Shadows hits it with a fireplace poker.
{DanteE} "I kinda doubt that's in Banishing 101..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Traditional method!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Ha! Whack!"

  • Ftisk look for damage hint on the head

{Theresa} "Shadows, how good are you at miracles here in the Chancel?"
{Kite} "You just said 'Whack'."
{Theresa} (If you call out your attack, it makes it more powerful!)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "It is, actually. The poker's hollow, and it has blackthorn, uh... thorns in it, rock salt, and rowan shavings. Plus, it's made of iron, of course."
{DanteE} (Either that or Shadows has watched too much anime)
{Kite} (True! I forgot about that! :) )
{Theresa} "And it's very heavy."
{Theresa} (Sam doesn't have an autoritas, right?)
{Random_Nerd} (Correct. Nor does he have anchorlike immunity.)
{Random_Nerd} (Jeeves has anchorlike immunity, but no auctoritas.)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Also it is a blunt instrument, yes. It is a tool of many uses}."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But most of them are the same use. Whack!"
{Ftisk} (But Jeeves is achored by Shadows so the immunity don't count against S miracles)
{Theresa} "We think we've found a way to get rid of it, but there's a catch. You have to believe that Sam can destroy it."
{Theresa} (If this doesn't work...ehh, it'll be shiny.)
{Kite} (Oooooh!)
{Ftisk} (And Sam know how do that Theresa?)
{Theresa} (Sam can improvise.)
{Random_Nerd} (Jeeves isn't actually Shadows' anchor in a technical sense. Rather, he is a creature who intrinsically has Anchorlike immunity, but no Spirit rating.)
{Random_Nerd} (That said, he functions in the same role that an anchor would. But technically, he isn't.)
{Ftisk} (Ah, I believe S. anchored it)
{Random_Nerd} (Not in the sense of The Servant's Rite.)
{Ftisk} (ok, clear now)
{Random_Nerd} (But he did summon Jeeves in such a way as to induce strong loyalty to himself and his causes, and so on.)
{DanteE} "Sam, you get what she's doing, right?"

  • Ftisk whisper to Sam "Run, run away, escape a lest you!...."

{ Random_Nerd} (The only real difference is that Shadows can't use Jeeves' body, only give Jeeves orders.)
{ Random_Nerd} Sam: "No. No I do not."
{Theresa} (Ouch...)
{Kite} "Do you have any weapons, Sam?"
{DanteE} Quietly, to Sam: "We can't approach it, it'll disappear. But if you can whack it it might get it out of Shadows' head."
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Uh... somewhere in my apartment I have a fencing foil?"
{Kite} "..."
{Kite} "I'll look for something."
{DanteE} "Shadows? Can Sam borrow your poker?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But I'm still engaged in the banishing ritual!"
{Random_Nerd} Invisible Head In The Net: "Schcchraaaat!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Whack!"
{DanteE} "Yes, we see you denting the floor."
{DanteE} (Is he actually hitting it or just yelling Whack?)
{Theresa} (I think he looks like he's hitting something.)
{Random_Nerd} (He's more or less hitting it. He misses, sometimes, since he isn't using miracles to do so, just mundane whackery.)
{Ftisk} (me too. Like he is ghosting of hitting?)
{Random_Nerd} (It looks like he's really hitting an invisible head.)
{DanteE} ('mundane whackery'? :) )
{DanteE} (... is the poker deforming?)
{Theresa} (Mundane whackery does not sound right...)
{Random_Nerd} (It's a sturdy poker.)
{Ftisk} (but is a dented poker?)
{Random_Nerd} (So, not exactly.)
{Random_Nerd} (Yes.)
{Random_Nerd} (Most of the dents and nicks are old.)
{DanteE} (Even so, it should deform or bend if it's hitting something substantial.)
{Theresa} (But my theory is that if Sam smacks it around some, then maybe Shadows will believe in it and it will stay dead?)
{DanteE} (Shadows already believes in it...)
{Kite} (Sounds good to me)
{Random_Nerd} (The problem is that it isn't... imaginary. It just isn't physically manifested outside of his mind.)
{Ftisk} (so we need to go inside Shadows mind)
{DanteE} "Ftisk, did you actually have a way to get in his head?"
{Ftisk} "like be his obsession?"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay, you guys are acting weirder than /I/ am right now. So... what's up? Jeeves, hold it in place, and hit it if it looks like it might... if the net looks like it's being chewed through."
{Theresa} (I would think his Auctoritas would prevent us actually going in.)
{Ftisk} (depend on aura against penetration?)
{DanteE} (Hm... still trying diplomacy, or should I step up?)
{Ftisk} (I'm for a bluntier approach.. Knock Shadow and then let se if the thing go outside...)
{Random_Nerd} (And, yes, as someone said earlier, it's a little like when you guys were in Ja Phon's mind.)
{DanteE} "Shadows... Jeeves _can't_ grab it. It isn't there."

  • DanteE approaches Shadows, Jeeves and the net...

{Ftisk} "like you are crazy and see imaginary thingies"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Clearly it's /there/...."
{Random_Nerd} The net falls to the ground as Dante gets closer.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "That's cheating!"
{DanteE} "Ftisk was able to trace the effects as a series of Ghosts of Realm.
{Ftisk} "TRUR!"
{Ftisk} true even
{DanteE} "If it was actually here, it couldn't do that... and it wouldn't be affected by our presence at all.
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"

  • DanteE takes Shadows' shoulders and looks him in the eyes.

{Theresa} (I want to use a quote about one of the moderators at but it wouldbn't be nice for Shadows...)
{DanteE} "Shadows... it's in your head."
{Theresa} (Dude, Dante, he doesn't swing that way...)
{DanteE} ( :P )
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Theresa} (It just feels like I've walked into one of _those_ animes...)
{Ftisk} (those like what?)
{Random_Nerd} Looking Shadows in the eyes is disconcerting. I mean, presumably he /has/ eyes, and you're probably looking at them, but you can't actually tell.
{Theresa} (I like the 'presumably he has eyes'...)
{Kite} "We feel that the thing, whatever it is, may be using you to perform ghost miracles to make it look like it is out here with us."
{Theresa} (One of those anime where the guys are very into each other but never consummate the whole thing.)
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Ftisk} (oh, well never interested much)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: " think it's subverting me?"
{Theresa} "It's driving you around like a Pinto. Oh, wait, is that too old of a reference?"
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Kite} "It's a theory."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Uh... and I summoned it /after/ I achieved the crown."
{Kite} " don't remember properly summoning it, right?"
{DanteE} "You may have overreached."
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "That's my point. If I summoned it..."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Somebody distract Ftisk, please."
{DanteE} "And could somebody give Ftisk a whack? I think he's stuck."
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Ftisk} ( lol )
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "But if I summoned it and it was that far beyond me, this could be something big. Like, Shard big, at least."
{Ftisk} "please Dante, whack me"
{Theresa} (Jeeves! Lesser Creation of something to distract Ftisk! Stat!)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows tosses Dante the poker.
{Theresa} (Good grief, Dante, aren't we the popular one? ^^ )
{Ftisk} "... TRUE! ..."
{Kite} "Maybe it's something that managed to slip in alongside what you summoned for my Brother's doll. They both appear to be dependent on your state of mind."
{DanteE} "Well, wouldn't there be alarms going off if it was big?"
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Which alarms? The chancel ones?"
{DanteE} "Yeah, those."

  • DanteE tosses the poker to Theresa.

{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Those can't see into my head."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows looks around the lab.
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Uh... it's gone, by the way."
{DanteE} "... it is?"
{Theresa} "Ftisk, bob once if you want to smacked, bob twice for no. And I won't hold back, you know..."

  • Ftisk bob once

{Theresa} *mentally, "Fore!"* *Aspect 3 swing!*
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "Okay. Jeeves, fetch the notes for calling the Sightdrinker. The biggest one I managed. I think we might be able to use it to blind the head."
{Ftisk} (RN, and then? Damage?)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves scuttles off.
{Random_Nerd} (You're Durant, right?)
{Ftisk} (nope)
{DanteE} "OK, tell me what you remember."
{Random_Nerd} (What body are you using?)
{Ftisk} (mine the snail one)

  • Kite facewings.

{Random_Nerd} (It hurt, a fair bit, but did not do a deadly wound.)
{Random_Nerd} (No, wait, what am I talking about?)
{DanteE} (and at Aspect 3 it probably dented the opposite wall)
{Random_Nerd} (It bounced off your Auctoritas, actually.)
{Random_Nerd} (But it looked like it /would/ have hurt, if it actually hit.)

  • Ftisk run toward Dante "Dante! Dante! Theresa Splat ME! Can you give me a kiss where she hit?"

{Random_Nerd} Poker, hitting Ftisk's auctortitas: "CCCLLOOOOOOONG."
{Theresa} (True, I didn't use penetration...and in this conversation, I am thankful...)
{Ftisk} (me not, so Dante will have nothing to kiss... :-( )
{Theresa} (But it _looked_ impressive!)
{Ftisk} (but the line remain)
{Ftisk} ( giggle )
{Theresa} "Hey, it worked! Ftisk is unstuck!"
{DanteE} (Aspect 3 not laughing at the clong...)
{Kite} (You can always claim something hurts, anyway)
{Random_Nerd} Jeeves shows Shadows the notes.
{Ftisk} (yep)
{Random_Nerd} Shadows: "While I'm summoning it, you get my siblings. Tell them what's up."
{Kite} "Alright."
{Ftisk} "What are you summoning Shadows?"

  • DanteE prays to Consequences... "Consequences... Shadows needs help. He had a summoning mishap and there's a ... thing in his head."

{Theresa} "Where can we find them? Or should we just ask the guards?"
{Kite} "Eclipses' quarters were that way, yes?"

  • Kite indicates the direction they were when they "caught" the head.

{Random_Nerd} Consequences: "This isn't just some kind of payback for whatever he was snickering about earlier?"
{Kite} (I'm thinking, perhaps, we're not vengeful enough for Noble society...)
{Theresa} (Hee...)

  • DanteE praying: "Don't think so. Jeeves should be gathering the troops now."

{Ftisk} (/me is vengefull... nah, just kidding)
{Theresa} *to Kite* "Maybe we should 'phone' first. It's not good to go snooping around looking for Nobles." *prays* "Excuse me, Eclipses? This is Plant's Noble. Do you have a moment?"
{Random_Nerd} Consequences: "Okay. Are you at his lab, or where?"
{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "Hmmmrm? Wha?"
{Theresa} "I'm currently with your brother Shadows. He's had a small incident in his lab. He asked my family to help get his family here. Can you come?"

  • DanteE prays: "Yes, in his lab. He's going to try to re-summon his sightdrinker."

{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "That thing with all the legs can clean up whatever it was, it should be around somewhere."
{Random_Nerd} Consequences: "That thing always creeped me out, even if it did help."
{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "G'night."
{Theresa} "It's a bit more complex than that. We think that he may have something from Outside inside his head."
{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "Huh? Okay, give me a moment... okay. Where is he?"
{Ftisk} (A nasty free rider)
{Theresa} "In his lab."
{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "Tell him I'm coming."
{Theresa} (It's not like I can say that he's not some kid with a hangover. This is not something that goes away with some sleep and some B vitamin!)
{Theresa} "Thank you."
{Theresa} *aloud* "Shadows, Eclipses says she's coming."
{Random_Nerd} Shadows is chanting in the background.
{Theresa} "Anyone want to 'call' Duty? I think he's the last of the sibilings."
{Kite} "Is that all of them, then?"
{Kite} "Oh."

  • DanteE prays "Better come if you can help..."

{DanteE} "What's the plan?"
{Ftisk} "bashing is not working..."
{Random_Nerd} Wasp-voice: "The Power of Duty is currently unavailable, being assigned in a place that prayers cannot reach. Please leave a message after the sound of me saying 'beep.' 'Beep.' "
{DanteE} "It's not actually here to bash, remember."
{Random_Nerd} (And it doesn't beep, it /says/ beep.)
{Ftisk} lol
{Random_Nerd} You hear the sound of someone aspect-sprinting down a hall in bare feet.
{Ftisk} (is night time?)
{DanteE} "If the sight-drinker blinds it, then what?"
{Theresa} (Bashing of Ftisk isn't working?)

  • Kite makes sure the door is open.

{Ftisk} (What T?)
{Random_Nerd} (It's... there aren't any windows. Locus Barakiel receives no natural light, only the light of the chandeliers in the palace-world and the smoky torches in the hell-world.)
{Theresa} (You said bashing isn't working.)
{Ftisk} (Yep but was relative to bashing the head not Ftisk)
{Random_Nerd} Someone indistinct in a T-shirt and sweat pants runs down the hall to you.
{Random_Nerd} "Okay, tell me what's up. Did he get polluted by a shameful object, or what?"
{Theresa} (Girl figure or guyfigure?)
{Random_Nerd} (Guy, you think.)

  • Ftisk to the indistinct figure, "Sorry, I'm Ftisk, you are?"

{Theresa} "He got drunk and something may have slipped across and taken up residence. Can make him do ghost miracles around but who knows how much it can control?"
{DanteE} "Well, he's been chasing the disembodied head of Summer Glau for the past ... how long?"
{Random_Nerd} All the walls in a particular direction, through several layers of wall, suddenly turn translucent, and you see a figure in a fuzzy brown bathrobe stumbling through them.

  • Kite goes cross-eyed trying to look at Barakiel's Nobles.

{Theresa} (That would be Eclipses. I recognize the stumble.)
{Random_Nerd} (For the record, that's a Lesser Destruction of Eclipses, which are defined for that estate as "Things that interpose between one thing and another.")
{Random_Nerd} (In this case, it's making the walls between her and her goal insubstantial.)
{Ftisk} (cool effect!)
{DanteE} "And it's becoming increasingly obvious that the head isn't actually here."
{Theresa} (I recognize the movement of someone who is not a morning person.)
{Random_Nerd} Consequences rubs a hand through his hair, or baldness, or wig, or head-tentacles, whichever he has.
{Theresa} "It disappears when a Noble gets too close because miracles can't exist in that area."
{Random_Nerd} C: "Isn't actually here in what sense?"
{DanteE} "Not actually running around the lab.
{Kite} "A physical sense."
{Ftisk} "Is in HIS head!"
{DanteE} "But Shadows is still interacting with it."
{Ftisk} "like being crazy but without being crazy"
{Random_Nerd} C: "So, it's real? Ish?"
{DanteE} "So it seems."
{Theresa} "Ish. Ish is a good word. It can get him to do miracles."
{DanteE} "Oh... they're with us (Ftisk & Kite). We'll do introductions later."
{Ftisk} "Like ghost ones"

  • Ftisk bow to the nobles
  • Kite also bows.

=-= YOU are now known as spiderFtisk
{DanteE} "But Shadows seems to be unconsciously manifesting it with Ghosts of Realm."
{Theresa} "It doesn't take long...Ftisk is the snail, Noble of Metal and Data. Kite is his brother, Noble of Assembly "
{spiderFtisk} "I'm a spider now!"
{Random_Nerd} C: "Most of his power's tied up in his summonings and a few little defensive tricks and quirks. He's not very powerful in most conventional Noble ways. That may turn out to be a blessing if we need to contain him until we deal with... whatever."
{Kite} "Nobles of Vulcan. A pleasure to meet you."
{Random_Nerd} Eclipes finishes shambling through the walls, and waves a hand vaguely at them. They turn opaque again.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Random_Nerd} Consequences: "I assume Shadows invited you?"
{Ftisk} "Yep!"
{DanteE} "Yeah, to help him catch it."
{Ftisk} "Without making too much fuss around"
{DanteE} "Any ideas on what to do?"
{Ftisk} "miniaturize ourselves and go inside S. head?"

  • Ftisk capsuleFtisk

{Ftisk} "I can carry someone inside.."
{Random_Nerd} C: "Okay, then you're welcome to be here. We can go through formal flower exchanges and other stuff later. Now, you know more about what's going on than I do. Do we need to call Ymera Barakiel? He's holding his position on the Wall at the moment, or I'd already have him here."
{Random_Nerd} Eclipses: "Wait, something's actually in his literal head?"
{Random_Nerd} (I think we should stop soon.)
{Ftisk} toE: "There is a strange being inside that can _force_ him to do miracles"
{Theresa} (Yes, please. I'm not feeling very good...)
{Ftisk} (TRUE!)
{Kite} (Sounds good)
{DanteE} "He may have accidentally summoned something to his mind rather than his lab."
{Ftisk} "TRUE!"
{Theresa} "I..don't think we need your Imperator at the moment. Shadows mentioned something about a Shard-level but he asked for you guys first."

  • Theresa pokes Ftisk with a finger.

{Random_Nerd} Consequences: "Okay. We'll see what we can do."
{Random_Nerd} _____________STOP_________________

  • Ftisk giggle a bit and wink to Theresa

{DanteE} (dramatic chord)
{DanteE} ls
{DanteE} heh
{Theresa} Eclipses is badass enough to take on Shards in her bathrobe!
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
{Angelo} TRUE!
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

  • Kite pecks Ftisk

=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
{BethE} And depending on how much sleep she needs at the moment, I don't think I want to be in her way.
{Knockwood} What's with that 'TRUE!' thing?
{Angelo} so how many want to kill me for the TRUE! thing?
{Random_Nerd} Shadows.
{Random_Nerd} Maybe Jeeves.
{Angelo} nothing the thing catch me as was applicable to many lines... giggle
{Angelo} And fell a lot Ftisk-ish
{Knockwood} there's 8 Nobles here. Whatever it is is going DOWN.
{Angelo} Sure Knock
{Angelo} Ah, Did Dante kiss Ftisk earlier?
{Knockwood} no....
{Angelo} ok
{Knockwood} like Theresa says, he doesn't swing that way. :)
{Angelo} well, ok
{Verithe} No mechanical spiders for Dante?
{BethE} Well, guys, as much fun as it is to giggle at Ftisk, I need to take some medicine and get to bed. My headache is about big enough to open doors on its own...
{Angelo} for a bit Ftisk was spiderFtisk
{Knockwood} sorry Beth
{Verithe} I hope you feel better soon, Beth.
{Angelo} take an aspirin Beth
{Angelo} and go to bed
{BethE} It's okay. I blame my husband and his law-learning germ-factories that he calls classmates.  :)
{Angelo} and I hope you feel better soon too
{Knockwood} yeah, get well soon...
{Random_Nerd} Oh, and you guys tell me if you get sick of Shadows and he can go on the back burner for a while.
{BethE} Good night! Good game!
{Knockwood} g'night Beth
|{-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
{Angelo} yes and not... Ftisk need Shadow to go outside soon or later
{Angelo} and send an anchored Dollp outside before he go too
{Knockwood} have you anchored Dollphaniel yet?
{Angelo} nope, I Hope she do something really bad back at Amyra so Ftisk can hate her a bit more and then anchor her
{Angelo} (free hint to RN here)
{Knockwood} ....aha
{Verithe} We're those messy guests.
{Angelo} really the messy is Ftisk and his entourage...
{Angelo} Kite is a lord to date
{Knockwood} Well, we were throwing nets around...
{Verithe} So long as Kite doesn't go fishing in the wrong waters...
{Random_Nerd} Anyway, I'm going to log off.
{Verithe} Or stealing from jewelry stores.
{Random_Nerd} Good session, guys.
{Verithe} Take care!
{Angelo} well there are some fish folk in Amyra, right?
{Angelo} bye RN!
{Knockwood} g'night RN
{Angelo} I'm going too.
{Knockwood} g'night Angelo
{Verithe} Take care, Angelo.
{Angelo} might guys
{Angelo} night
{--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 18