Land of Xel:Fire Magic

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Body of Fire [edit]

Difficulty- 35 Cost- 3 Actions Range- Self Duration- 1 minute per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Casters turns into living magma. You gain damage soak of 15 per . You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, fire, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid of all kinds. Water causes 1d8 per gallon and being fully submersed causes 10D8 damage. You also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect lava golems. You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength score, +10 enhancement bonus to your Endurance, but you take a -14 penalty to Agility as well (to a minimum Agility score of 1), and your speed is reduced to half normal. All spells have a 50% chance of failure and receive+9 AR, just as if you were clad in full plate armor. You cannot drink (and thus can’t use potions) or play wind instruments. Your unarmed attacks deal damage equal to a club sized for you, and you are considered armed for purposes of attacking and parrying. Your weight increases by x10, causing you to sink in water like a stone. However, you could survive the crushing pressure and lack of air at the bottom of the ocean—at least until the spell duration expires.

Burning Arms [edit]

Difficulty- 20 Cost- 1 Action Range- Touch Duration- 1 round per caster level Damage- 1d6 per two caster levels up to a maximum of 5d6 Effect- Caster engulfs the targets arms with the flames. The flames can be sent through a melee weapon or grapple attack upon a successful hit as long as the target maintains possession of the weapon. The flames do not damage the target of this spell.

Conjure Fire Elemental[edit]

Difficulty- 22 Cost- 2 Actions Range- 30’ Duration- 2 rounds +1 round per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Caster can conjure a fire elemental from the elemental realm of fire. The total number of elemental levels is equal to the caster level. The elemental will obey the caster and view the casters allies as indifferent. The elemental will not harm the casters allies as long as they take no action the elemental may view as aggressive or threatening. If the elemental is destroyed in combat or provoked or attacked by the caster, it will immediately return to the elemental realm of fire.

Control Flames [edit]

Difficulty- 15 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- 10 Minutes per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Caster can control how flames move or force them to die out. Caster can control a small 10’ area + 1’ per level of caster. The caster can focus on a different area every round however it takes one full round to reach the desired effect for that specific area.

Flame Bolt[edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d4 per two caster levels up to a maximum of 6d4 Effect- Sends a fire bolt of at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Flame Bolt, Enhanced[edit]

Difficulty- 15 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d6 per two caster levels up to a maximum of 8d6 Effect- Sends a fire bolt of at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Flame Bolt, Greater[edit]

Difficulty- 20 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d8 per three caster levels up to a maximum of 10d8 Effect- Sends a fire bolt of at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Flame Bolt, Ultimate[edit]

Difficulty-' 30 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d10 per three caster levels up to a maximum of 12d10 Effect- Sends a fire bolt of at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Flesh of Fire[edit]

Difficulty- 25 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster Damage- See Effect Effect- The caster's body is turns into lava like flesh making him invulnerable to normal fire damage. Anyone attacking him in melee combat has a percentage of incurring fire damage. Any melee attack has a 45% chance of doing 1 damage per caster level.

Forget the Flames[edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Target gains +5 resistances per caster levels to fire damage. This does not stack with any other magical means of fire resistance.

Breathe Fire[edit]

Difficulty- 20 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch 'Duration- 1 round per level of caster Damage- 1d8 per caster levels Effect- Target can use a partial action to breathe a 5’ wide cone of fire with a range increment of 5. The character uses his ranged attack roll to hit and is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Fire Ball[edit]

Difficulty- 25 Cost- 1 Action Range- 200’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- 1 minute per caster level, See Effect Damage- 1D8 per caster level, See Effect Effect- The caster creates a ball of flame right in front of him. The ball is about a foot in diameter and the caster can do several things with this ball. First thing the caster can do is use it for light, the caster control the ball to hover derectly above him and the light goes out about 30’ feet the ball last for 1 minute per level. Second thing possible is the send it around to hit targets. The caster has complete control as long as he can see the ball and it remains within the spell range. At any time the ball leaves the spells range it is dispel. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist. The ball has a total damage capacity of 1d8 per caster level. Each attack the caster decides prior to the attack how much damage will be dealt. The ball remains until all damage is used up or duration expires. Each dice of damage is equivalent to 1 minute of spell duration so the duration is less for each use. A fire ball used for light for 2 minutes would have two less dice of damage available. Third is to have the ball explode at a designated spot. In order to do this the caster hurls the ball at the point of impact losing control of the ball as soon as he does this. The ball will not follow a moving target but will explode at the point in which the caster predestinated. As soon as the ball reaches that point it explodes out and engulfs a 10’ +1’ per damage dice left area and does half total dice damage left to all creatures in that area. Everyone in the area including the caster and allies takes fire damage unless immune. Any one within 5’ of the perimeter can make a full dodge action, (if allowed) to take half damage and move out of the effected area.

Incendiary Cloud[edit]

Difficulty- 25 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ +10’ per level of caster Duration- 1 round per caster level Damage- 1d6 per caster level up to a maximum of 15d6 per round Effect- Create a dense mass of searing gas 40x40x40 ft. that burns everything inside that is not immune to fire. Those that are immune to fire reduce movement by half, and sight is reduced to 5 ft. and burns flesh.

Rain Fire[edit]

Difficulty- 35 Cost- 2 Actions Range- 200’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant or up to 4 rounds Damage- 1d10 per caster level up to a maximum of 20d10 per round Effect- A 40’ where the caster designates is enveloped by continuing rain of fire ball strikes. If outside the duration is extended to 1 round per 4 levels of caster up to 4 rounds. The cast must be able to see the location he wishes to target. Everyone in the area including the caster and allies takes fire damage unless immune. Any one within 5’ of the perimeter can make a full dodge action, (if allowed) to take half damage and move out of the effected area. These are magical fire from the elemental realm of fire and at the end of the spell the area is scorched but the fire dies.

Wall of Fire[edit]

Difficulty- 25 Cost- 3 Actions Range- 50’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- 10 minute per caster level Damage- See Effect Effect- Creates 10, 10’ x 10’ x 5’ blocks of a lava like substance that can be used to construct a wall. The wall can stack no more than 3 blocks on top of each other which takes 6 blocks with a 1 on 2 on 3 block style. The caster creates the wall in his mind during the casting and the wall appears as the caster intends. This spell can be cast multiple times to create a larger wall. This spell must be cast on the ground. Any creature touching the wall that is not immune to fire takes 2d8, +1d8 accumulative damage per round.