Session 158
Chapter 19
[INFO] Now logging to {file:///home/angelo/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/chatzilla/logs/}.
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--}| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
{Angelo} HI Verithe
--}| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
{Knockwood} Hi guys
{Angelo} HI Knock
{Verithe} 'Allo!
{Verithe} How is everyone?
{Knockwood} OK. You?
{Verithe} I'm doin' well.
--}| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
{Random_Nerd} Hey.
{Verithe} Hi!
{Angelo} Hi RN
{Angelo} I'm fine Knock and you?
{Knockwood} Hiya RN
{Random_Nerd} Beth'll be here in a moment.
{Angelo} what do you think of a wiki page where we put all the loose things for the characters
{Random_Nerd} Plot loose-ends, you mean, like what your anchors have been doing?
{Angelo} yep
{Knockwood} that's what a Wiki's for
{Knockwood} I put up a list of favors owed us
{Angelo} but also what's should one want the character to do
{Angelo} where is that list Knock?
{Random_Nerd} The favors thing is a good idea. A lot of Noble society runs on favors.
{Knockwood} on the main Amyra page on the Wiki
{Angelo} yep, I'm reading it just now
{Angelo} :-)
{Verithe} I think the plot loose ends bit would be helpful, too.
{Angelo} me too :-)
{Knockwood} yah, but that would be 6 or 7 gigabytes... :)
{Random_Nerd} Hmm. Better to have it under each character's page, or one big loose ends sheet with subsections for the characters?
{Knockwood} The latter. We can help one another.
{Random_Nerd} True, this game generates 3 loose ends for each 2 you close.
{Verithe} Yeah.
{Angelo} true
{Angelo} We are loose-End professional!
{Random_Nerd} Is it too much? I can start tying up more if you guys want.
{Knockwood} That's part of what I was thinking of with the whole index cards thing...
=-= Laz-afkfornowbutbacklater is now known as Lazarus
{Angelo} Hi Laz!
{Knockwood} Hiya Laz
{Verithe} Hello!
{Lazarus} sorry bout last week guys -_-; I totally forgot last Thursday that it was Thursday, and didn't even have my normal "I should be doing something now..."
{Knockwood} you've obviously been nettled.
{Angelo} I use gCal reminder.. a sms on mobile a bit before game to remind to set alarm... It work :-)
{Random_Nerd} We finished a story arc, so, 2 CPs for Brian.
{Knockwood} Anyway, it occurred to me what we could do with those cards...
{Angelo} play a hand of Nobilis Poker?
{Verithe} Build a card house.
{Angelo} Ftisk will be the joker!
{Verithe} Ooh!
{Knockwood} Imagine if they had sentence fragments, like on TF2's bid board:
{Random_Nerd} Sharpen them to razor keenness with a Creation of Blades, then use them to kill people?
--}| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
{BethE} Hi guys. So sorry about being late.
{Lazarus} hey Beth.
{Angelo} Hi Beth
{Knockwood} Then, a joint Assembly/Data Miracle could tell us what the hell's going on and where to go next
{BethE} Was stuck in a group in WoW and it...didn't go well.
{Knockwood} Hiya Beth
{Verithe} Hi, Beth
{Random_Nerd} I don't see how you see that miracle doing that. Could you explain your reasoning further?
{Lazarus} I need to remember to print out Unlikely Flowerings and actually read the High Summoning rules ...
{Knockwood} Easy. Assembly puts sentences together one at a time, then Data checks it against 'reality'. Repeat.
{Random_Nerd} For values of reality equal to paperwork and mortal memory?
{Knockwood} Well, if you throw in Pen...
{Angelo} uhm... but this leave out all with auctoritas without Pen
{Random_Nerd} No.
{Random_Nerd} The memories of Nobles are not part of the estate of Data.
{Random_Nerd} Adding Pen would just let you scan mortals that are standing near Nobles.
{Angelo} ah, :-(
{Verithe} And paperwork.
{Random_Nerd} (Let's see, High Summoning simple version. First time summoning anything takes a long ritual, but later summonings are quicker. Summoning something and having it be reliable or willing to work with you is harder. Different classes of beings take different base miracles.)
{Lazarus} (Sounds like one of her rulesets...)
{Knockwood} (BTW, Her birthday's in less than a month)
{Random_Nerd} (Each character with a High Summoning rating has a pool of "floating character points" that he can use to make creatures he's summoned more powerful, but you can't have creatures summoned at the same time that have more than your whole set of floating CPs...)
{Random_Nerd} So, let's see. Next storyline.
{Random_Nerd} Last time, you guys had some ideas for directions you wanted to take it in.
{Random_Nerd} Have your preferences changed any?
{Verithe} Oh! I bumped my Spirit to 1.
{Angelo} question, this is not an admission that I was tinkering with a gift to do this (immediate, uncommon, single trick...) and Knock is used as purely as an example subject... but is in Data power to do a miracle that make all machinery near Dante want to flirt with him?
{Knockwood} Ver: I hope not in public... :)
{Verithe} No preferences.
{BethE} I have raised my Realm to 1.
{Lazarus} I don't believe I have any preferences to where to go next.
{Verithe} It was unabashedly public, Knock. ;)
{Knockwood} I'm thinking we should make progress on the Big Question. :)
{Angelo} but is in Machinery power even
{BethE} (I thought that we had already determined if Entropy is a natural blonde or not...)
{Random_Nerd} On a Hitchhiker's Guide note... what actually /is/ the Big Question? Or is it just "What's going on, eh?"
{Angelo} I believe the big question is the 3th era end/4th era start question
{Random_Nerd} Which one, though? "What's going to happen?"
{Knockwood} More to the point, "What do we do to avoid major screwage?"
{BethE} It's an Age change. Screwage is natural.
{Random_Nerd} Oh, you guys were trying to /avoid/ major screwage?
{Random_Nerd} Huh.
{BethE} No, dear, we were trying to find the best way to produce bio-screwage.
{Lazarus} That was our plan? Brian was thinking it would be a win if he were still alive after...
{Angelo} yep we want to avoid the worst effect(s)
{Angelo} well Ftisk want to have fun during the change but I (angelo) have higher expectations :-P
{Knockwood} we
{Knockwood} we'd like to have creation still exist in X months thankyouverymuch
{BethE} There probably _are_ various Nobles who have the urge to just kick back at the end of the Age, pull up an instant beer and watch the fireworks.
{Angelo} well Ftisk would like Excru/Nobilis society truce/integration ... if possible
{Knockwood} and we can't forget what Hope wanted...
{Angelo} and he want to know more of how outside is/work
{Angelo} a cookie?
{Random_Nerd} So, let's see. Consequences has agreed to tell Ftisk of any Warmain Shards that show up soon. And that doesn't count as the favor they owed you.
{Angelo} and Ftisk want to temper with the shard to gain outside knowledge
{Random_Nerd} Yep.
{BethE} Hope had her vision to work on. The one about how Humans almost got to be Imperators. Same with Dionyls.
{Verithe} There's Message, even though he likely hasn't done anything yet.
{Lazarus} right. We wanted to work on that.
{Random_Nerd} (Oh, and as to why the Dionyl Fall doesn't have a single story behind it, like the Human one? It got broken into a thousand conflicting versions in the event that created Splintering and Dominion.)
{Angelo} and Ftisk (we?) want to send outside Dollp after anchoring she to see if an outside being can work as anchor outside
{Random_Nerd} (This, in turn, suggests that the worldbreaking that later occured on Earth was in some way connected to humanity.)
{Random_Nerd} (Or, at least, that the vulnerability to it was.)
{BethE} (Yeah, I can see how having a single version/unifying story on Dionyl would be a problem.)
{BethE} (Maybe Dionyl just weren't into apples.)
{Random_Nerd} Okay, storyline.
{Knockwood} so, are we semi agreed that we want to catalog and/or tie up loose ends, but aren't sure of what?
{Lazarus} seems like.
{Random_Nerd} There are two ways we can start this. You guys can go out and do something plotful, like Kite getting an Aide. Or you can pursue nonplotful activities for a bit until some external stimulus happens, like Consequences telling Ftisk that a shard has shown up.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
{Theresa} Well, Theresa has that meeting with the generals.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Random_Nerd} We can start there, then.
{Ftisk} me have a catch you in my web tournee that hopefully Dollp orgenized while we were out
=-= Lazarus is now known as Brian
{Random_Nerd} Do any of you have any preferences on how Amyra's military is organized?
{Brian} not particularly.
{Random_Nerd} Let's see, Doll was in humanoid form when you left, right?
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
{Ftisk} right
{Ftisk} I ask her to search for some one that want to be transformed in spider to play with us
{Random_Nerd} Then shall we begin with you returning home and finding her?
{Ftisk} yep! For me!
{Random_Nerd} Others can be with Ftisk, or not, as they choose.
{Kite} Sounds good.
{Random_Nerd} And if you have scenes you want to put in, tell me and we can get to them soon.
{Random_Nerd} ______________________STOP_______________
{DanteE} (que?)
{Kite} (Stop?)
{Random_Nerd} (Err.....)
{Random_Nerd} _______________________START_______________
{Ftisk} (ahh make more sense)
{Brian} (that was a short session... :p)
{Theresa} (Nope, too late, you stopped it, I'm going to flounce off to bed! ;P )
{Kite} (Hehe)
{Random_Nerd} As Ftisk opens the supply closet door, Dollphaniel hides the dead pigeon behind her back nervously.
{Random_Nerd} She wipes her mouth with one arm.
{Random_Nerd} A pile of feathers and bones lies on the ground near her.
{Random_Nerd} On one wall is the word "SPIDER" written in black crayon, along with a picture of a creature with eleven legs.
{Ftisk} "What happen here Dollphaniel? "
- DanteE mulls over the index cards while trying to figure out at what point he might turn into the Question...
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "Uh..."
{Random_Nerd} She waves a hand, as if trying to cast a spell, but apparently Shadows is currently sober, because no distractions appear.
- Kite writes the names of several species on a few cards and adds them to Dante's stack.
{Kite} (*species of fish)
- Ftisk reach her
- Brian will be in his office, working on the computer. I think Brian had something to work on?
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "I... drew the spider, and I asked someone."
- Theresa is changing outfits with her mind, trying to find the best one for a combo of respect and being awed by generals.
{Theresa} (You still have a collider?)
{Ftisk} "And? how many will play?"
{Brian} (true, but I thought there was something else. Possibly browsing Wikipedia)
{Random_Nerd} Dante, when you return to your office, the little demon has built a crude statue of you out of paper clips and chewed-up post-it notes. In a coffee cup at its feet is the charred corpse of a cockroach.
{Random_Nerd} The demon hides behind it and looks out at you.
{DanteE} calm: "What is this?"
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "They... didn't want to get turned into spiders. None of them. I drew a /picture/."
{Random_Nerd} Little Demon: "I made it!"
{Random_Nerd} (As for why Dante didn't get a prayer-twinge from the offering, the little demon doesn't know your flower, and is not strongly connected to your estates.)
{Theresa} (Aww, isnt that _cute_...he made you an altar!)
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "And then I was bored."
{DanteE} "Oooo-kay... and the cockroach?"
{Ftisk} "Oh, this is _sad_ . No one? Well, humans, maybe we must do a demo before someone want to play with us... what do you believe? Is a good idea?"
{Brian} (... this is getting rather _weird_, this game is ...)
{Random_Nerd} Little Demon: "It was all I could catch in a hurry?"
- Kite is impressed by the little demon's assembled statue.
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "Why bother with humans? I got a better idea."
- Ftisk listen
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "Get a spider, and turn it into a /big/ spider. With at /least/ ten legs."
{Random_Nerd} Doll gestures wildly when explaining her plan.
{Ftisk} "and then?"
{Theresa} (Hmm, what if you crossbred Dolly and the imp...what would you get...)
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "And then, like, show it to all the /other/ spiders, and /they'll/ want to play too!"
{Theresa} (Brian - getting?)
{Random_Nerd} Little Demon: "What kind of offering would you prefer?"
{Random_Nerd} Doll picks a feather out of her mouth, blinks at it, and drops it.
{Ftisk} "might work... Dollphaniel... and the pigeon? was a snack?"
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "Which one?"
{DanteE} "Offering... aha. Hm.
{Brian} (T: we're still in the realm of surreal film a la Del Toro, so not totally weird yet ;))
{DanteE} "Let's put this out of the way..."
- Ftisk faceplam
{Ftisk} "All?"
- DanteE carefully moves his statue to an alcove.
{Random_Nerd} In the background, you both hear Sam explaining to William what exactly happened to his third-best suit.
{Theresa} (It got Summer Glau on it!)
{Random_Nerd} Little Demon: "I couldn't find a marble big enough for the eye. But I'm looking!"
- Ftisk start scanning for a spider
{Random_Nerd} (And paint. And Small But Lethal Explosion.)
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "There... were some over there. But I had to show them I meant business."
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "Right?"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Ohio?" Sam: "Yeah, I wasn't quite clear on that part either."
{Ftisk} "Dollphaniel, you eat them for this reason? Well, what the was doing?"
- Ftisk catch one spider
- DanteE picks up Imp and heads out...
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "I did good?"
{DanteE} "You did all right...
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "I only ate /one/ of them. As an /example/. And then the rest ran away."
- Theresa decides on a grey ensemble with a hint of boob but not too much as she is being professional.
{DanteE} (Where are Ftisk and Dollp?)
{Random_Nerd} (Second floor, janitor's closet.)
{Ftisk} "Well, you do well"
{Random_Nerd} Dollph: "I mean, I couldn't have the spiders not respecting me."
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "And with the birds, they /started/ it."
{Random_Nerd} She gestures at the pile of bones and feathers.
{Ftisk} "Was a good move Dollphaniel"
{Ftisk} "now..."
- Ftisk put the spider down and use the body gift to make it into a elephant size spider
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "I was going to take their bones and make them into tiny arrowheads, to show the rest. But they were hollow."
- DanteE ghosts Will's suit to a clean state on the way out...
{Ftisk} "This is as birds bone are in this world"
{Theresa} (Hope she won't try to eat Kite...)
{Random_Nerd} The spider's proportioned a little oddly. The legs are shorter, and much thicker, than a normal spider. Even then, it seems a little shaky on its feet.
{Random_Nerd} Then Dollphaniel smiles at it. It skitters away, its feet booming like a cattle stampede in an office building.
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "Play!"
{Ftisk} (will its instinct kick in and try to attack us or it know better?)
{Random_Nerd} She starts to chase it.
- DanteE bumps into an elephant sized spider on the 2nd floor of the clock tower...
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel, as she runs off in pursuit of the giant spider: "Spiders don't /have/ bones."
{Ftisk} "Wait Dollp! This is as example for the peoples!"
- Brian prays to Ftisk "Is the booming sound your creation?"
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "My spider! Mine!"
{Random_Nerd} The spider runs into a conference room, and Dollphaniel follows.
{Ftisk} "What sound? I made only a Spider"
{DanteE} (How? It's elephant sized)
{Theresa} (How big is Dolly?)
- Ftisk aspect 2 shouting "Please don't hurt the spider!"
{Theresa} (Didn't say the door was still intact...)
{Random_Nerd} (The room had double-doors, and the spider's closer to the ground than an elephant.)
{Ftisk} (the spider is near 5tons)
- Brian @Ftisk "... what kind of spider?"
{Random_Nerd} (Long thin legs wouldn't work with an exoskeletal creature that big, so it's more compact than an elephant.)
{Random_Nerd} (Rather like the difference between... say, a bulldog and a greyhound.)
{DanteE} (ah.)
{Random_Nerd} The spider crushes the office table and backs into a corner, snapping its mandibles at Doll.
{Ftisk} (and as species go.. is a FtiskSpider.. the first of this specie...)
{Ftisk} (Dollp is into human, female, form, is she dressed?)
{Random_Nerd} (I figure that Ftisk's gift can't make a body that's a normal spider scaled up a million times and have it work, biologically, but it /can/ adapt a spider to a shape that would work at that size.)
{Theresa} (Is she child-sized or grown woman sized?)
{DanteE} "Ftisk? Remind me what you intended to do with her? (Dollp)
- Ftisk point to Dollp will be my anchor
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel grabs a chair and waves it at the spider.
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel: "Run! Play!"
- Ftisk point to spider "This is a demo for a Play"
{Random_Nerd} The spider waggles its limbs frantically, trying to back itself farther into the corner.
{Random_Nerd} Then all of you hear a /loud/ booming sound from outside. The giant spider was, in comparison, nothing.
{Random_Nerd} The imp squirms under Dante's arm.
{Ftisk} "Dollp, we need to explain the rules to the spider first, now we are unfair with it"
- Theresa looks out a window toward the boom.
- Kite flies to a window and looks out.
- Ftisk run and try to cover/protect Dollp
- DanteE puts the Imp down and tells him to watch over the place without destroying anything...
{Random_Nerd} A roughly humanoid shape, made of about fifty-seven telephone poles, is walking down the street.
{Random_Nerd} Its strides seem slow, but cover a lot of ground.
{Ftisk} (Kudzu?)
- DanteE flies up...
- Ftisk forgot the spider
- Brian @Realm Heart: "So, who's caused the walking telephone poles?"
{Random_Nerd} The figure looks at Dante with traffic-light eyes.
- Theresa runs toward the giant. Just in case. Makes mental note: "Stuff like this is why I need to talk to the generals." *to the figure* "Hello there!"
{DanteE} "Chief?"
{Theresa} (Dante must have woke him up...)
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "You can fly?"
{DanteE} "Figured it would be useful."
{Ftisk} "Stay here Dollp, this is Amyra Imperator, Lord Kudzu!"
- Theresa comes to a halt near the figure.
- Ftisk float near the giant to look better at him
- Brian @RH: "Oh, hello Boss."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Pretty soon, I need to stand my place on the Wall. I think people have been taking over my shifts for a while. But I wanted to check in first."
{DanteE} "Yes... Tsaphiel said something about that."
{Theresa} "The war has become more active recently."
- Ftisk transform into a human size Kudzu
{Ftisk} "Honored to meet lord Kudzu!"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Have you been managing the shard-scale stuff okay?"
{DanteE} "So far."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Anything unusual happen while I was... busy?"
{Theresa} "We were able to help repair a damage to the estate of Physics and aid Shadows."
{Theresa} (Do we know what Kudzu's opinion of High Summoning is?)
{Theresa} "Oh and we survived a second meeting with the Council."
{DanteE} (When did we last talk to him?)
{Ftisk} (HS is umpure burn the HSummoner!)
{Random_Nerd} (It's been quite a while since Kudzu's been fully lucid.)
{Kite} (How does one know if someone is a HSummoner? Do they weigh the same as a duck?)
{DanteE} "Have you met Ftisk and Kite?"
{Theresa} (We forgot to weight Shadows...)
- Ftisk bow
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "The snail... I think I remember the snail."
- Kite bows.
{Ftisk} "Machinery, Vulcan's son"
{Ftisk} "trying to love Dante..."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Right, right. The other one's one of Vulcan's, too?"
{Kite} "Correct, Ymera. I am Assembly."
{Ftisk} "And He is not trying on Dante"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Don't worry about it, kid. Dante's a good Noble, and I'm glad I have him, but resisting the urge to mess with his head is nearly impossible."
{Ftisk} (I have Dante’s parent blessing! XD )
{Theresa} ( RN as a kitty!)
{DanteE} (Oh, great...)
{Theresa} (Man, that's a bit harsh to hear from your 'parent'...)
{Kite} (hehe)
{Brian} (it's true, though...)
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Okay, let's see. All the cities still here, nothing much on fire, rabbit still on the moon..."
- DanteE checks out Monty...
{Ftisk} "How is the outside?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Moon... Ophaniel let you call her Tsaphiel?"
{DanteE} (D'OH. I meant Ofaniel. Got messed up because of the Who's Who list.(
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Going to see to that in a moment."
{Theresa} "We called her Ma'am..." (Did she?)
{Ftisk} (for sure I not!)
{Random_Nerd} (I'm doing a minor retcon to fix the name confusion.)
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Wise strategy, Plants."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Angels can be scary, and even the nice ones want you to show proper respect."
{Theresa} "Oh and we met *name of the Imperator dude who got seriously messed up* and *the dude who was Third Age before Ataris*."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Wait, what? Like, at the same time?"
{Ftisk} (Ja Phon)
{Theresa} "I am greatly respectful of anyone who can wipe me off the face of the planet without possibly even blinking."
{Random_Nerd} (Ebrot Appeka.)
{Theresa} (Thank you!)
{DanteE} "You know what happened to Ja Phon, right?"
{Theresa} "It was a very weird moment. We were...trying to help Ja Phon."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Not the details, I wasn't there. I know it was bad."
- Ftisk float to Dante shoulder
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Usually, when things go that badly, you die. I don't know if that's better."
{Theresa} "He doesn't know either."
{DanteE} "He seemed more lucid after going back to see Eprot Appeka
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "I take it you're not talking about the Imperator of the Third Age, may-she-creep-me-out-for-a-thousand-years?"
- Kite takes notes.
{Ftisk} (Dante have a beard?)
{DanteE} "No... we went back to the 2nd age in the Mythic World and talked to him there."
{DanteE} (Ftisk: no.)
{Theresa} (I like the descriptor of the Third Age chick...)
{Theresa} (And have we had her for a thousand years?)
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Ah. I don't like to do that much."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Talking to dead people just makes me sad."
- Ftisk play with one of Dante's hear
{DanteE} "Is he really dead, or merged with Attaris?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Don't know, don't /want/ to know."
{Theresa} "I received some of Eprot Appeka's blood and I gave it to Jan Ben Jan as it was in return for a prophecy...I didn't feel right keeping it."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "That's the sort of knowledge that'll get Jan ben Jan casting you out of the world if you use it wrong."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "What'd he give you for the blood?"
- Kite writes a subscript in his notes "do not use this knowledge as a soup spoon".
{Theresa} "He gave me back one of my finger joints."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "You know, he should have been one of us. He creeps me out too, but for all that, he should have been a Wildlord."
{DanteE} "... what do you mean?"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "I know he has his own code, but he's awfully close to following ours. Was even before we showed up, I think."
{Ftisk} "Near a Wildlord..."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Anyway. Yeah, the best way to get him to do you a favor is to show up and give him a payment in exchange for knowledge. He always pays you back somehow."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "No free lunches with him, but no paying and not getting your sandwich, either."
{DanteE} "Good to know."
- Ftisk nod nod
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Anyway, I need to go stand my place on the Wall. Anything else before I go?"
{DanteE} "Anything in particular you want us to do, besides the usual?"
{Theresa} "Don't think so, Boss. Let us know if you need us near the Wall, please?"
{Ftisk} (_Never_ ask this Dante!)
{Ftisk} "I'll treat Dante well, Is such a sweet boy"
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "I should have thought of that before I was... busy. But not right now, anyway. I need you keeping track of the Shards so I can keep the big stuff out."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Oh, someone clean up these poles when I go, okay?"
{Ftisk} "No problem"
{DanteE} "'Keeping track' of the shards?"
{Ftisk} (I want one Shard!)
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "You know. Keep 'em from destroying your Estate, or anyone else's. Normal Noble stuff."
{DanteE} "Ah. It sounded like there were Shards already here."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Probably are. Who knows?"
{Ftisk} "Well, we have Message"
{Theresa} *does quick check of the Chancel for any out of the ordinary 'spots'.*
{Random_Nerd} (None.)
{Kite} "They're like cockroaches, Shards."
{Random_Nerd} Kudzu: "Okay, work time. You know how to reach me."
{Theresa} "None in the Chancel at the moment."
{DanteE} "Good luck Chief."
{Random_Nerd} He nods.
- Ftisk weave
{Random_Nerd} The man-shaped pile of poles falls to pieces.
- Ftisk return snail like
{Random_Nerd} Two of them will potential hit parked cars, unless someone stops them.
- Ftisk use the poles to make a body
- DanteE rejoins the others...
{Kite} "Shall I reassemble the power grid?"
{DanteE} "If you would."
- Theresa will catch the poles to keep them from damaging the cars.
=-= YOU are now known as polesFtisk
- Brian @RH "So, no new mission now, it seems."
- Kite Creates an assembly of the city's power grid to place the poles back where they belong.
{Random_Nerd} (Lesser Creation, level 4 miracle.)
{Kite} (Can do)
{DanteE} "We should look in on Message...
{polesFtisk} @Dante, chanting: "Dear, you parent blessed us!"
{DanteE} "and the giant, and Lesson, and all our other hangers-on."
{Random_Nerd} (While you're doing it, you can throw in a Lesser Preservation to make the grid more damage-resistant, if you want.)
{Kite} (sounds like a good idea *does that*)
{DanteE} to Kite, re Ftisk: "Has he always been like this?"
{Random_Nerd} Everyone with Aspect 2 or better hears a gurgling squeak from inside the clock tower.
{Kite} (With giant bunnies and all that whatnot, damage resistance is good)
{polesFtisk} (sure Kite)
- polesFtisk look at the Tower, Dollp is there!
- Theresa heads back to the clock tower. "Oh, it must be the spider...hope Dante's imp is okay..."
{Kite} to Dante: "Like what? A pile of poles?"
{DanteE} "Goofy."
- polesFtisk dart to the tower
- DanteE heads for the noise...
{Kite} "Oh, that. Yeah."
{polesFtisk} (@Kite&Dante: lol)
{Random_Nerd} The spider is lying on its back in a position of submission, with part of one leg missing. Dollphaniel is gnawing on the other part of its leg. She waves at Ftisk when he shows up.
{Random_Nerd} However, the spider is not squeaking.
{Random_Nerd} It's just rocking back and forth.
{Theresa} "Oh, the poor dear..."
{Random_Nerd} Probably doesn't have vocal cords of the right sort.
{polesFtisk} "You show him! Well done!.. what happen Dollp?"
{Random_Nerd} From Dante's office, a mumbling sound is heard.
{Random_Nerd} Doll: "He didn't want to play."
- DanteE looks in his office...
- Brian doesn't have the Aspect to hear any of that, really.
- polesFtisk pat the spider to calm it down a bit
{Random_Nerd} The little demon is holding a squirrel over the coffee cup as the blood drains from its body, at the foot of the Dante idol.
- Kite didn't hear anything either, but followed everyone else when they went running.
{Random_Nerd} Demon: "Better?"
- DanteE facepalms...
{polesFtisk} (better!)
{Brian} (Brian never went outside, just spied using the Realm's Heart. Easier that way ;))
{DanteE} "Not really. I'm not particularly interested in sacrifices, Imp."
- Kite peeks in Dante's office.
{Theresa} (What kind of new godlike being _are_ you?_)
{Random_Nerd} The imp's little face contorts in anger.
{polesFtisk} "Dante!, don't constraight your kid's efforts..."
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Well you could have /said/."
{Kite} "Perhaps, offer him a choice in sacrifice that does not involve a loss in life?"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Do you know hard it was to build this thing?"
{polesFtisk} "Imp, was a nice gesture to Dante"
{Random_Nerd} The imp kicks a hole in the chewed-up-post-it cheek of the Dante statue.
{Kite} "Like sugar."
- polesFtisk pat Imp
{Kite} "Well, that was unnecessary."
{polesFtisk} "Kite is right now Imp"
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "I'm trying! Okay? But you don't want me to bite your enemies or order around your slaves, and now you don't even want sacrifices? What did you want me for?"
{polesFtisk} "Redirect your negative emption toward a better use"
{DanteE} to William: "Remind me to prioritize reading those books on Imps you gave me..."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Now you see why Samuel and I were a bit nervous when we found out that a demon was an anchor here."
{polesFtisk} "Well, here things work in a different way that in the Hell..."
{Random_Nerd} William: "But I'll say this for the bigger one, whatever you guys did to him seems to have worked."
{polesFtisk} (was a courage creation?)
- Theresa uses a Realm miracle to regrow the missing spider leg.
{DanteE} (I think so...)
{Random_Nerd} (And a Hope creation or two, and anchoring, and a lot of tough love.)
{DanteE} "Hm... Imp? There is something you can do. Go through this tower and eliminate the cobwebs,"
{DanteE} "... ah, without damaging whatever they're hooked to.
{polesFtisk} "ohhh, where nice decorations..."
{Random_Nerd} Imp: "Will do!"
{DanteE} "Same for the small spiders and whatever debris they leave behind."
{Random_Nerd} The imp sprints out, his little clawed feet clattering on the tiles of the hall floor.
- Kite Kite inspects the statue.
{Theresa} (And a plant heart.)
{polesFtisk} "Well, Dollp, there are better ways to gain respect that eat somepiece of the one you are speaking with..."
{DanteE} "How smart is the Imp?"
{Kite} "You know, it is a bit crude, but that little imp may make a good sculptor, someday.
{polesFtisk} "Is something to build upon"
{Random_Nerd} William: "If I had to guess? As smart as a 13-year-old human with severe emotional problems."
- DanteE looks over the statue..
{Random_Nerd} Given the materials, and the time he had to work with, it's really rather good.
{Random_Nerd} You can definitely tell that it's Dante.
- polesFtisk create a turning pedestal for the statue
{Kite} "Perhaps you should channel his energies into art."
{DanteE} "We should give him some clay from the Art classes..."
{Random_Nerd} In front of it, the cup of still-hot squirrel blood is just starting to coagulate.
{DanteE} "Then again, why would an Imp have artistic ability?"
{polesFtisk} "And the sacrifice was fresh too"
{polesFtisk} "To raise his soul?"
- polesFtisk giggle "naaa, scrap that!"
{Random_Nerd} William: "Why wouldn't one? Demons aren't any smarter or dumber than humans, just incredibly poorly educated in nearly all cases."
{Theresa} (Probably should enjoy the blood. He went to all of that trouble and you're letting it get cold... {g})
{Random_Nerd} William: "Or, at least, in terms of education in topics other than advanced groveling and applied cruelty."
{DanteE} "That's just it. What would be the point of an artistic Imp? Unless he's a savant?"
{Random_Nerd} The spider, meanwhile, waves its reattached leg back and forth.
- Kite birdy-shrugs.
=-= YOU are now known as spiderFtisk
{Random_Nerd} William: "Demons that small learn to be useful to the bigger ones."
{Brian} (you know, this campaign is going to end with us having set up a University in Hell, to educate the demons, and set up a working, less built-upon-destroying-things society...)
- spiderFtisk throw some web at spider and Dollp
{Kite} (A branch campus of the University in Kaerkoven?)
{DanteE} (OK, anything to this, or is it a gazebo?)
{Random_Nerd} The spider tugs on a stand of web with one of its feet, while Dollph sulks in the corner.
{Random_Nerd} (The idol? It's not really a plot point, except as far as the imp's character development goes.)
{DanteE} (OK.)
{Random_Nerd} (And as a bit of a parallelism for the stuff with Lesson that Theresa's going to do later.)
{DanteE} "William, Samuel, I'm going to go see if anything's changed with Message and the giant.
{spiderFtisk} (Well, you _must_ save the idol!)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Want us with you?"
{spiderFtisk} "ohhh, I came with you!. Dollp want to came?"
{DanteE} "If the Imp gets done early, tell him I said to clean up the place...
{spiderFtisk} "Ah, Will don't hurt my spider!"
{DanteE} "Should just take a moment."
{Random_Nerd} William: "Would it be hurt in some way if I were to run very far away from it and psycho-girl?"
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel looks at William.
{Random_Nerd} William: "From him and your lovely young protégé?"
{spiderFtisk} (later this night I'll place the spider in Will bed :-P )
{Theresa} (His fiancee might disagree about that, Ftisk...)
{Brian} (Will has a fiancee?)
{Random_Nerd} (Yeah.)
{Kite} (I'm beginning to feel this marriage is doomed...)
{spiderFtisk} (lol, is just a big joke!)
{DanteE} "William, grab some art supplies and bring them here, we'll see just how talented he is.
{Theresa} (He even has a wedding, not that we've _met_ the girl yet...)
{spiderFtisk} (is a good think that the girl have not meet Ftisk...)
{Random_Nerd} (And it's not like he hasn't already had to explain this week about why a magical floating snail put a stuffed demon with glowing eyes in their closet.)
{DanteE} "Samuel, like I said, tell the Imp I said clean up the place. Then keep an eye on him, just in case we have differing definitions of 'clean'.
{Random_Nerd} (Admittedly, that explanation largely boiled down to "I bet it's Sam's fault somehow." And, by coincidence, it was!)
{Random_Nerd} Sam: "Will do."
{spiderFtisk} (rotfl)
{Brian} (lol.)
{DanteE} "Ftisk... _lose the spider_, for fuck's sake! Then do whatever you intend to do with Dollphaniel."
{Theresa} (How often is it not Sam's fault?)
{spiderFtisk} "ok ok, Dante, but only because you ask me nicely..."
{Random_Nerd} From outside, you hear William's car starting.
{Brian} (oh hell, telling Ftisk to lose the spider? "Ftisk, where did you put it?" "I don't know, I lost it! Just like you told me!")
- spiderFtisk remove the gift from the spider
{DanteE} (oops)
{Random_Nerd} (Things like glowing-eyed demon figures appearing in William's closet? That is /always/ Sam's fault.)
{DanteE} "Brian, Theresa, want to check out our hangers-on?"
{Random_Nerd} (Okay, Laz, I laughed for about twenty seconds at that.)
{Theresa} "Which ones?"
{Kite} (Same here)
{DanteE} "Oh... Kite, come with us, we can show you more of the Chancel."
{spiderFtisk} (me too)
{Kite} "Oh, wonderful!"
{Random_Nerd} (The imaginary Ftisk just sounds so /reasonable/.)
{spiderFtisk} (scarry ne?)
{Kite} "I've been meaning to ask: where are the good fishing spots?"
{spiderFtisk} "Near the fish people"
{Random_Nerd} The little spider waggles his feet at Ftisk, and then starts slowly walking out of the room.
{DanteE} "There's a place a few miles upriver that's right by a small waterfall."
{Kite} "Alright, I'll remember that."
{DanteE} "Meanwhile, let's see if one of Message's traps has manifested..."
{Random_Nerd} Upstairs: "That's not a spiderweb, that's the drawstring of the curtains. It doesn't even /look/ like a cobweb."
{Theresa} (It does if you look at it in 8 dimensions!)
{spiderFtisk} (jump to message?)
{DanteE} (sure...)
{Random_Nerd} (That works. Just locating him by miracle?)
{Kite} (*hops*)
{spiderFtisk} (was in hospital last time we see him)
{DanteE} (Sure, Lesser Div of Plot Point)
{Brian} (*presses "}}"*)
{Random_Nerd} Message is in a mostly-empty bar, drinking a cheap domestic beer, while still in his work clothes.
{spiderFtisk} (where?)
{Random_Nerd} As Dante walks in: "You know this is all your fault, right?"
{DanteE} "Cheap beer is my fault?"
{Random_Nerd} (There's a fair amount of whine to his tone, and a fair amount of depression.)
{Brian} "Nope, bad clothes are your fault."
{spiderFtisk} "and that I'll cover you in spider webs and then suck all the juice from you"
{Random_Nerd} Message: "I wouldn't put it past you. But not that. I just want to know how you did it."
{Theresa} (You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out...)
{Theresa} "Did what?"
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Everything was great. I had the practically holy mission. Wait for the knowledge to drop into my brain, implement cunning traps and ploys, avenge whatever cosmic principle created me."
{Random_Nerd} Message: "But it never happened. Not /once/."
{spiderFtisk} "uhm, you meet _this life_"
{Kite} "Who is this?"
{Theresa} (We've depressed a _Bane_?!?)
{DanteE} "Well, long story Kite..."
- spiderFtisk lc all scrubs seasons dvd
- spiderFtisk give the dvds to Message in a neat spider web sack
{Brian} (T, I'm impressed he's /just/ depressed, knowing us...)
{spiderFtisk} "cadò"
{DanteE} "Short version is, this guy was created by a minor screwup I made, and he says he's going to set 6 traps for us at some point."
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Seen it. You have no idea how much TV I watched while I was waiting for my Purpose to show up."
{Brian} (oh, yeah, THAT guy!)
- DanteE looks him over in Mythic...
- spiderFtisk sad "ohhh, ..."
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Fine, you want a trap? Here you go." He takes his mug of beer, and puts it on the bar, partly hanging over the edge. "Don't want to close to it, or you might knock it over."
{Random_Nerd} He turns his face toward the sky: "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?"
{Theresa} "Do we need to get you an internet connection? There's this place called Tv Tropes..."
{Brian} (RN: Laugh point.)
{DanteE} "You still don't know where it's coming from?"
{Random_Nerd} The bartender's hand drifts to a sawed off baseball bat under the bar.
- DanteE signals the barkeep to stand down.
{Random_Nerd} Message: "I don't even know where /I/ came from. Magic Message the Magic Janitor, created from nothing for no damn reason."
{Brian} "Have you ever considered that you, yourself, ARE the Trap?"
- spiderFtisk put a hear on Message chest and listen
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Well, if I am, then I'm pretty sure it's not a very good trap."
{DanteE} to Brian: "Check Mythic view. There are 6 threads leading away from him."
- Brian will check Mythic.
{Random_Nerd} Message's heart sounds normal for an upset human.
- spiderFtisk check mythic
{Kite} "Did you ever want to pursue life as anything other than a trap?"
{Random_Nerd} Mythically, he's a tall man with strong arms and legs, but tiny hands, like those of a six-year-old, sobbing incoherently.
{spiderFtisk} (and the 6 strands are there?)
{Brian} (any "threads" or "strands"?)
{Random_Nerd} Message: "I wasn't like normal people. I had a purpose, and I even knew what it was. It just never happened."
{Random_Nerd} (No visible strands.)
{spiderFtisk} (Dante, give courage to him)
{Brian} (so ... they're gone.)
{Brian} "Dante, there's no threads here..."
{Theresa} "Would you like an additional purpose while you wait?"
{Kite} "How about a new purpose, then. What sorts of things do you enjoy?"
{DanteE} "They were there, back when he told us..."
{Brian} "He's become disconnected from his traps."
{spiderFtisk} "amazing..."
{DanteE} "... or they've gone on without him."
{spiderFtisk} "Can I take him?"
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Fuck 'em, then."
{spiderFtisk} "Do you like to play as a spider?"
{Random_Nerd} Message: "And... I don't know. I was starting to like my job, but then I saw you guys, and it just..."
{Random_Nerd} He puts his head in his hands.
{Random_Nerd} He turns to look at Ftisk.
{Random_Nerd} M: "Wait, what?"
{spiderFtisk} "look!"
- spiderFtisk spiderize Message
{Brian} "Ftisk can give you a new body if you want it. Or something. Not sure how it ... oh. There we go."
{spiderFtisk} "You like this?"
{DanteE} "Ftisk, we're surrounded by mundanes..."
- spiderFtisk no really trying to be credible "ops?"
{Random_Nerd} Message looks down at his spider-limbs, but then just curls up in a ball the size of a large hippo.
- Kite does a birdy dance to distract the mundanes.
- Brian facepalms.
- spiderFtisk return Message to human form
{Random_Nerd} The bartender is currently holding the sawed off baseball bat, and his back is to the wall.
{Brian} (would headdesk, but there's no desk here...)
{spiderFtisk} (da? what?)
{Random_Nerd} Most of the other drinkers are leaving the bar, being careful to avoid sudden movements.
{Theresa} *to the bartender* "It's okay. You may have seen us on tv? That's _Brian_."
{Kite} "Brian, do you guys have a psychiatric staff to help deal with this sort of thing?"
- spiderFtisk playfull throw some web at them
{Brian} "Um. Normally we use Dante."
{DanteE} "Yeah, but even then we need help..."
- DanteE calls William
{Brian} "Insomuch as we have any form of normal at any time ..."
{DanteE} (What's Message doing now?)
{Random_Nerd} Message, to Brian: "Uh... okay, good point. Could you do me a favor?"
{spiderFtisk} "spoke"
{Random_Nerd} He pulls a pencil out of a pocket and writes a number on a napkin.
{Kite} "Ftisk, these humans are a bit too fragile to be playful with at the moment."
{Brian} "Possibly."
{Random_Nerd} M: "Call this number, tell her who you are, and that you're a friend of mine?"
{spiderFtisk} "okok, no fun now, ok"
{DanteE} "William? Ftisk just did one of his little wonders in the middle of a bar full of people."
- spiderFtisk place -_- on his face
{Brian} (... can't remember: are we "never _get_ a gift without giving one in return" or "never _give_ a gift"?)
{spiderFtisk} (I believe is never get...)
{Random_Nerd} (Never get a gift without giving a similar one in return.)
{Brian} (ok) "Sure. I can do that."
{Random_Nerd} (You don't have to work it both ways.)
{Brian} "What name are you going by?"
{Random_Nerd} Message: "Jim. Jim Angel."
=-= YOU are now known as spiderFtisk-_-
{Random_Nerd} (No, we have too many Jims.)
{Theresa} ( o.O )
{Random_Nerd} (Retcon, let's say he said Joe.)
{Brian} (Johnny Angel?)
{Random_Nerd} (Sorry about that, continue.)
{Theresa} (And it's not like we don't have a lot of Johns either...)
{DanteE} "... Angel? Why Angel?"
{Brian} (after the song...)
{Random_Nerd} Joe: "Angel... messenger... it made sense at the time?"
{spiderFtisk-_-} (he like the show (Angel))
{DanteE} "... OK, that does make sense."
{Random_Nerd} J: "Besides, it sounded cool, and I didn't think I'd be using it for very long."
{Brian} "What's the girl's name?"
{DanteE} Div-Courage on the mundanes around to see who's about to lose it...
{spiderFtisk-_-} (lc courage on Joe, Dante)
{Random_Nerd} J: "Jenny. Nurse's aide."
{Random_Nerd} (The bartender has utterly lost his shit. He's standing there, hoping that if he makes no sudden movements, the spiders will go away. But he's not sure how he'd be able to tell, because he thinks most of the time the spiders just look like regular people.)
{Random_Nerd} (One of the people at a table is drunk enough that he didn't even notice the spider, and /almost/ drunk enough to work himself up to calling his ex-girlfriend and alternating between begging her to take him back and cussing her out.)
- Brian will dial the number. With an answer, "Hi, I'd like to speak to Jenny? This is Brian. [pause] Yep, that Brian. [pause] A friend of mine, Joe Angel, thought you'd like to talk with me for a bit. [smalltalk]"
{DanteE} (Crap.) "William, we need an expert on Dementia Animus. In fact, we might need one long-term..."
- Kite walks over to the door and flips whatever sign to whatever state it needs to be in to indicate the bar is closed.
{Random_Nerd} (One of the other is terrified that he was seeing drunk bugs just a moment ago.)
{Random_Nerd} (The rest are okay.)
{Random_Nerd} From the phone, an excited female squeal is heard.
- DanteE zaps both scared guys with a Ghost of Courage...
- Brian holds the phone at arm's length to avoid going deaf.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
{Random_Nerd} The bartender adjusts his position, and looks down at his bat.
- Ftisk float on Dante shoulder
{Random_Nerd} The scared guy relaxes. He was probably just tired.
{DanteE} to Barkeep. "OK, focus on me. This is the kind of thing that happens sometimes now that we've taken over.
{Ftisk} (ah, ghost miracles are a wonderful thing)
{Random_Nerd} (William isn't there.)
{Random_Nerd} (You sent him to buy art supplies.)
{DanteE} "There is _no_ need to panic."
{Random_Nerd} Bartender: "Are /you/ a spider?"
{DanteE} (I'm calling him on my cell.)
{Random_Nerd} (Ah, missed that.)
{Random_Nerd} William: "Mundane, or magically empowered?"
{DanteE} "No. I'm one of you. Just... promoted."
{Brian} (BTW: My vote for "Quote of the Week" is the Bartender's reaction)
{DanteE} to William: What have you got?"
{Ftisk} "I'm a spider sometimes"
{Kite} (Agreed)
{Brian} *to Ftisk* "not helping..."
{Kite} "Don't listen to him, yet."
{Random_Nerd} William: "The Aides have some doctors who know about Noble stuff, and a few experts on non-Noble magic."
{Ftisk} "well, is true!"
- Kite nods sideways to indicate Ftisk.
{Random_Nerd} Bartender: "But you were /talking/ with the spider."
- DanteE checks the barkeep again...
{Random_Nerd} He nods his head in the direction of Joe.
{Random_Nerd} Barkeep: "You know what? We don't serve spiders here! Any spiders HAVE TO LEAVE!"
{Ftisk} "Was my fault, I make him a spider for some time before "
- DanteE ghost-Courage on the barkeep again...
{Ftisk} (I think we do less damage if we leave)
- Ftisk go to Theresa
{Random_Nerd} The guy who thought he'd been seeing drunk bugs earlier takes one look at the yelling bat-holding bartender, and runs out as fast as his half-intoxicated legs can carry him.
{DanteE} "No. Stop. He's not a spider... see? Look at him/"
{Random_Nerd} Barkeep: "Yeah, you better run, you damn SPIDER!"
{Theresa} (The courage encourage him, Dante...)
{Random_Nerd} Barkeep: "The other spider has /baby hands/."
{DanteE} (Going with the assumption that the yelling and activity is because of fear.)
{Random_Nerd} ___________________STOP___________________
=-= Brian is now known as Lazarus
{Lazarus} whee!
{Random_Nerd} (Sorry, was getting late, and I was running low on brains.)
{DanteE} ... baby hands?
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
{Angelo} like message mythic ones?
{Verithe} It seems the bartender can see mythic, now?
{Angelo} like
{Random_Nerd} He's experiencing at least a little DA, yes.
{Theresa} We really broke him.
{Random_Nerd} Bad luck, here.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
{Lazarus} that's what happens when a mundane looks directly at a miracle.
{Angelo} uhm sure?
{Random_Nerd} This guy was more vulnerable than most, and he was just about eight inches away from the spider.
{Angelo} but I entered the place as a spider
{DanteE} Huh. OK, we need a leash for Ftisk. :)
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
{Angelo} and stay all time as spider and he has no reaction...
{Random_Nerd} Yeah, but he didn't see you turn into one.
{Angelo} ok, but only if Dante keep the leash
{Verithe} It was more the turning Message into a spider and then turning into a snail.
{Random_Nerd} So he was just trying to ignore it while deciding that he needs to cut down on his drinking.
{Random_Nerd} It's not seeing the results of miracles that causes DA, so much as seeing the miracles themselves.
{Angelo} so I can go around as spider
{Knockwood} ... Ftisk changing forms causes DA?
{Angelo} but zapping peoples into spider cause DA
{Random_Nerd} It's a decent level miracle, and it's very physically blatant.
{Angelo} and I like it
{Knockwood} maybe this chapter should be Ftisk getting an Aide
{Knockwood} like we discussed
{Random_Nerd} It won't always cause DA. But there's always a risk.
{Angelo} nope Kite get an Aide... I need an army of them
{Angelo} :-P
{Verithe} Yeah. I think Kite might actually want an Aide that will help deal with DA, now.
{Knockwood} hm... Ftisk and Kite share an Aide?
{Random_Nerd} But, yeah. Powerful and physically obvious miracles are the most likely to cause DA, at least in those who directly observe them and don't have any DA-resistance training.
{Angelo} I take a leg!
{Random_Nerd} That could work. After all, you guys share William and Sam.
{Angelo} and some potatoes
{Random_Nerd} And sorry if it seems like everything Ftisk does has a bad result lately.
{Knockwood} and with Ftisk being the most Bertie Wooster-ish of all of us... :)
{Angelo} no problem
{Knockwood} ^ that's why
{Angelo} I like this session and the previous one
{Random_Nerd} Okay, good. Didn't want to be making you not enjoy the game, or wish you hadn't gotten the Gift.
{Angelo} lol no problem really. I'm enjoying the gift. Doing silly thing lead to silly results.
{Random_Nerd} Yep./
{Knockwood} (And fobbing Bertie off on someone else will help our standing with William & Sam. :) )
{Random_Nerd} And half the fun of being a Noble is using casually excessive miraculous force to solve problems or boredom.
{Angelo} BTW With the spider into a giant spider I expected a bluntier / aggressive reaction from said spider...
{Random_Nerd} Dollphaniel made an impression on those spiders that she gathered together for her little demonstration.
{Lazarus} solving boredom seems to be more like what Ftisk does.
{Angelo} yep
{Random_Nerd} Works well to balance out the group.
{Angelo} yep (2)
{Lazarus} another thing for this story arc, or perhaps the next: Brian will be wanting to get a start on experimenting with High Summoning more, now that he has Rating 0 in it.
{Knockwood} well, there's 'solving boredom' and there's 'making all hell break loose for funsies'...\
{Random_Nerd} Same thing!
{Lazarus} Ftisk is the Anonymous of the Noble world?
{Angelo} and in prospective Ftisk goals are bigs one so I don't mind him being silly all the time he don't pursue them
{Angelo} and yep I like when hell break loose
{Knockwood} oh, was gonna ask about a potential power...
{Knockwood} (Tpyo!)
{Angelo} ah, but the miracle I ask when we start?
{Random_Nerd} With High Summoning 0 miracles, you can conjure the Phasmida, miraculous animals like Doll.
{Knockwood} What would it take to make the local spirits 1) actually attack a target, and 2) be able to hurt it?
{Angelo} the one that make all machinery want to flirt with Dante is feasible?
{Random_Nerd} Which local spirits?
{Random_Nerd} Any particular type, or whatever happens to be there?
{Knockwood} Whatever's around. I was thinking it could be a Courage miracle.
{Knockwood} Just kind of a 'Eliminate this WRONGNESS!' thing...
{Random_Nerd} Lesser Change. Courage which possesses a quality that courage normally cannot, that of enraging even the inanimate to the point of violence.
{Knockwood} Trying to come up with an Attack power that I can call my own. :)
{Random_Nerd} The attacks of the spirits would be mundane, with their effect dependant on what happens to be around.
{Angelo} give some aoe and you can use a pack of spirits instead of only one
{Random_Nerd} But, bear in mind, "spirits" is just another way of looking at "objects" and "people."
{Random_Nerd} They aren't separate entities that inhabit the objects, the are the same objects and forces, looked at differently.
{Knockwood} Then again I might also get Zeno's Shield, if that's possible...
{Angelo} a change of perspective
{Random_Nerd} Which one was that?
{Random_Nerd} Creation of Distance as a defense?
{Knockwood} Creation of Space, which basically means whatever's about to hit us has to go a lot farther first
{Knockwood} Remember, I thought it up as a defense against Winds of Hate
{Random_Nerd} Good one, for that. As the miracle in Winds of Hate is "make an explosion" rather than "kill that guy right there", it can be avoided without having to trump its level, with the right miracle.
{Knockwood} (...aaaaand, going by the TV, over in Japan they have an Air Fucking competition.)
{Random_Nerd} Since to make a miracle not happen, you have to beat its level, but to just make it not do exactly what the guy throwing it wants, lesser miracles can suffice.
{BethE} (An Air, don't want to know.)
{BethE} Well, guys, I need to get to sleep. Good game! :) *HUGS*
{Angelo} (I second Beth)
{Knockwood} oyasumi-nasai
{Random_Nerd} Good session, all.
{Verithe} Good night, Beth
{Angelo} Night Beth!
{Angelo} Really was a fun session
{Verithe} Agreed.
{Lazarus} g/night everyone. Was quite fun. I love the DA reactions, actually.
{Knockwood} and once we decide what to do...
|{-- BethE has left (Connection reset by peer)
{Verithe} G'night, :az.
{Knockwood} g'night Laz
{Angelo} Well I can make all DA we want!
{Verithe} ^Laz
{Verithe} We don't want any.
{Angelo} :-(
{Verithe} :P
{--| Lazarus has left #Nobilis
{Angelo} DA is bad wrong fun?
{Random_Nerd} We gave at the office!
{Knockwood} yes
- Angelo sad eyes!
{Random_Nerd} Anyway, g'night, guys.
{Random_Nerd} See you next week.
|{-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
{Verithe} G'night, RN
{Knockwood} cya next week RN
{Angelo} night Knock
{Angelo} night Verithe
{Verithe} Night, Angelo
{Knockwood} g'night Angelo, Verithe
{Verithe} Night, Knock
{--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 19