To Seek To Find Trans1

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Letter from afar[edit]

My Lord Inquisitor,

There has recently been an upsurge of tension on Prythus IV beyond the normal conflicts of that world. This would normally not be of concern to the holy Inquisition. However the recent murder of Cardinal Synder is outside the norm. I feel that there is more to this recent up surge of vilonce between the admininstrum and ministrum. More worryingly is both camps are now arming for a full scale conflict, I will do my best to stop the war before it can begin.

Addenum: We have just captured a prisoner, he has resisted intterogation to date but has repeated one phrase over and over. "We will inherit the true faith. The heretics will be cast down and smote by the divine emperor."

Judge Calis Stern

The Awakening[edit]

All of you lived normal lives, as normal as lives can be in the 41st millennium. Part of you always felt like the quiet life that you were leading was a false one, one that did not suit you or feel right. You felt like a different person under your skin. Then, your suspicions were proven correct. While watching a pictscreen, you caught sight of the oddest shade of red. That image, set off hidden triggers inside your mind. You remembered your real life, and your real purpose, to serve the god emperor. You went to the place where you had hidden your gear, and awaited instructions. They soon came and as you begin to recover your senses you find your self on unfamiliar world, you followed the signs that you somehow knew and arrived at a old chapel here, priests provide food and shelter to pilgrims passing through on their way to holy sites. Walking within the stone walls, you enter the unused catacombs. One of the old chambers has been left open for you. Inside is a holoprojector connected to a palm scanner. Here your programming finally ends, returning all of your senses to you.

The room is twenty feet by twenty feet. The floor and walls are composed of thick gray stone, cut in large blocks and held together by a similar colored cement. The ceiling is arched, and made of rough red brick.