Zahra al-Nouri
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Zahra al-Nouri, Hathari Mystic, 24 years old, played by Koren n'Rhys
- Class: Priest 1, XP: 0
- Action dice: 3d4
- Recent changes to sheet:
Stats only
NB Pease don't alter the format too much; if we alter one, I want to alter all.
- STR 10 (+0) / DEX 12 (+1) / CON 14 (+2)
- INT 16 (+3) / WIS 14 (+2) / CHA 14 (+2)
- Init: +1 (0 Priest + 1 Dex)
- BAB: +0 / Melee +0 / Ranged +1
- Defence: xx (10 + 2 Priest + 1 DEX - 1 Leather Armor DP)
- DR: 1 (Leather Armor)
- Fort: +3 (1 +2 Con) / Ref: +1 (0 +1 Dex) / Will: +3 (1 +2 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 11 / Wound Points: 14
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Large Scale Glaive +3 To Hit; 1d10 + 1 Damage (+ 1 Str); 19-20; Keen 4, Reach +1; Hard 2
- Two
Social, Interests & Religion
- Lifestyle: x (Panache x [+x Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: x
- Reputation: 10
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language: Alayan
- Language: Sird
- Literate: Alayan
- Study: Alayan Culture
- Study: History of the Saurian Domination
- Study: Saurian Mystic Symbolism & Tattoo Magic
- Alignment: Saurian Mysticism (Paths from Knowledge & Magic)
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Hum: Reach 1, Speed 30’
- Hum: Gifted: +2 CHA, -2 STR
- Hum: Fearie Heritage: +1 CHA, when target of Sense Motive checks, DC is increased by 4, always have enough food/water is within 10 mi of nature
- Hum: Fey: Natural animals refuse to attack and often flee, unless trained to hunt fey, does not age
- Hum: Basic Skill Mastery (Investigator): +2 insight bonus & threat range of 19-20 with Investigate & Search
- Hum: Limited Proficiencies: Begin play with 2 fewer proficiencies
- Hum: Origin Skill: Choose 1 additional Origin skill
- Hum: Sharp Mind: 1 additional skill point per level
- Mys: Attribute Training: +1 CHR
- Mys: Inquisitive Mind: 2 additional Interests
- Mys: Paired Skills: When gaining ranks in Investigate, Medicine increases the same amount, may not increase beyond max rank
- Mys: Sharp Mind: 1 additional skill point per level
- Mys: The Gift: May know and cast a number of Level 0 spells equal to INT modifier with a Casting Level of 1. Automatically cast these spells a number of times per scene equal to starting action dice
- PrC: Devout: When failing an attack check with ritual weapon, or skill check with a Priest skill and don't suffer an error, may spend an action die to re-roll
- Pr1: Acolyte: 1st step along an Alignment Path, gain Alignments ritual weapon at no cost, may not be sold, of lost/destroyed, is replaced at next Downtime lasting 1 day or more
- Lvl 1: Literacy: Able to read & write
- Lvl 1: Blessed: 1st step along the Alignment Path from birth month
- Align(Curses I): Black Cat: Once per scene as free action may raise a targets error range by 2 for rest of scene, may use number of times per session equal to number of Chance feats
- Align(Magic I): Subtle and Quick to Anger: May purchase skills in Spellcasting skill, learn spells from any School, and cast known Level 0 spells
- Align(Magic I): Spell Points: additional spell points equal to 4*magic step at start of each scene
- Proficiencies: 2
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
(6+Int(3) = 9/lvl) Max 4 Total (9+1+1)*4 = 44
- Acrobatics 1 (0/1Dex/0)
- Athletics 0 (0/0Str/0)
- Blend 2 (0/2Dex/0)
- Bluff* 5 (3/2Cha/0)
- Crafting (Inscription) 7 (4/3Int/0)
- Disguise 5 (3/2Cha/0)
- Haggle 2 (0/2Wis/0)
- Impress 6 (4/2Cha/0)
- Intimidate* 5 (3/2Cha/0)
- Investigate 8 (4/2Wis/2 Threat 19-20)
- Medicine 7 (4/3Int/0)
- Notice 6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Prestidigitation 1 (0/1Dex/0)
- Resolve 6 (4/2Con/0)
- Ride 1 (0/1Dex/0)
- Search 9 (4/3Int/2 Threat 19-20)
- Sense Motive 6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Sneak* 4 (3/1Dex/0)
- Survival 2 (0/2Wis/0)
- Tactics 3 (0/3Int/0)
One asterisk = Origin skills
Paired Skills: Investigate/Medicine and Investigate/Search
Loads (as Huge so Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb
Stake 200s
- Padded moderate armour, giant, crude [/I] DR1 Cold 5 +2 resistances12lb 25s
- Shield, tower[/I] 1d6 subdual (-) Giant, Guard +3 12lb 60s (p.177)
- Throwing spear, Giant, Guard[/I] 1d10 lethal (19-20/16-20 vs. M) hurl, reach +1 20lb 35s
= 120s
- Iron Hawk Standard +2 Intimidate or Impress 12 lb 40s
- Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 4s
- Canteen 1 lb 5s
- Pouch (50 coins) 2s
- 100ft hemp rope 20 lb 12s
- Stonecutter’s kit 10 lb 15s
- Doctor’s bag 2lb 20s
- Oil, 2 pints 2 lb 2s
- Torches 5 3 lb 2s
- Bandages 10 uses ½ lb 3s
- Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s
= 70s!
- Coin: 10s
Born: 7th day of the month of Malik and Miska, 11th month of 474