Scum: I'm Special Me

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Scum: Main Page --> Scum: I'm Special Me

What is a trait?[edit]

A "trait" is a one word descriptor of a character that adds a little bit of depth, and a twist on the rules. Characters don't have to have traits, and if they do then they're allocated by the GM when characters are made. The GM can do this anyway he likes - arbitrarily, randomly or sequentially.

Regardless, a character should only have one trait at most, and every trait should carry with it equal advantages and disadvantages.

General Traits[edit]

Coked Up[edit]

"I'm bored, I'm bored, you bored? Let's go beat up that old guy! Let's go, let's do something!"

Advantage: You've had a lot of coke in your life. Because of this, you add +1 to your starting Nutter and "I'll Cut Ya!" attributes.

Disadvantage: You're just a little bit restless. You can't stay in any one location for more than half an hour at a time, and you can never attempt slow tasks.


"Here, Bob, what's the best thing about f**king twenty eight year olds?"

Advantage: You're a walking book of jokes. Because of this, you add +1 to your starting Good Mate value. The GM might even provide you with an actual book of jokes so you can roleplay this.

Disadvantage: You're a joker, so no-ones going to take you seriously. You don't even take yourself seriously - you joke because you're insecure. You have a -1 penalty to all starting I'll Cut Ya! attribute.

Girl Traits[edit]

On the Rag[edit]

"Not tonight love, Liverpool's playing at home."

Advantage: You're on that "time of the month" that needs sanitary towels, painkillers and a respectable distance. Because of this, you are at +2 to both your starting Nutter and "I'll Cut Ya!" attributes.

Disadvantage: No-one likes a woman in red. You deduct -2 penalty from your starting Well Shaggable and Good Mates attributes.


"Oi! She's got a bun in the oven! Stop hitting her!"

Advantage: You're pregnant. Not just a little bit pregnant, like most girls on the estate are while between abortions, but properly pillow-under-the-jumper pregnant. Because of this, it takes a real hard-case to gut-stab you. Other Scum can only ever target you with Nutter-based attribute tests if their Nutter value is 7 or higher.

Disadvantage: Blokes generally don't fancy a fat bird, and though that's not fat making your belly big, a lot of blokes don't understand that. Also, the extra weight you are hefting about makes you a bit more obvious... You deduct -2 penalty from your starting Well Shaggable and Sneaky Bastard attributes.

Proper Tart[edit]

"Katie Price and Posh Spice, are like, so fashionable, babe, and they use this lip gloss all the time."

Advantage: You are slavishly devoted to make-up and celeb fashion which makes you popular with the guys, and a fashion guru to the girls. Because of this, you add +2 to your starting Well Shaggable and Good Mate attributes.

Disadvantage: This kind of look takes time! For every six hours the game scenario lasts, you lose one hour at the start of the night. For example, if the game scenario is 12 hours long, then you'll join in 2 hours into the night. Also, the look is expensive, and you're not inclined to do anything that will break a nail - at the start of the night, reduce your Nutter and Shrapnel attributes by one.


"You're just jealous cos you look like you're forty, or something. I'm gonna go throw up now, keep myself thin."

Advantage: You are bulimic and anorexic. Sadly, Scum guys think you're super skinny and "well fit" because of it. Because of this, you add +2 to your starting Well Shaggable attribute.

Disadvantage: It's not good for you being like this! Long term health issues aside, you get tired easily and don't have much tolerance for everyday poisons. Deduct -1 from your starting Nutter, Pisshead and Stoner values.

Boy Traits[edit]

A bit small for a stormtrooper[edit]

"Are you in yet?"

Advantage: Puberty hasn't really improved you in the trouser department, and that makes you angry. Add +1 to your starting Nutter and "I'll Cut Ya!" attributes.

Disadvantage: Word is out, I'm afraid. Deduct -2 from your starting Well Shaggable attribute.

Compulsive Rapper[edit]

"D to the A to the Z, that's me, I'm a Londoner and I'm well hard see?"

Advantage: Like Mike Skinner and Eminem, you think you're a great rapper (though actually you're barely capable of nursery rhyme level material). Scum being Scum, though, your mates think you're a great rapper too. Add +1 to your starting Good Mate and Well Shaggable attributes.

Disadvantage: You find yourself muttering rhymes as you wander the streets, which makes you kind of conspicuous. Deduct -2 from your starting Sneaky Bastard attribute.


"Wanna race?"

Advantage: You're obsessed with cars and you have a "souped up" engine in your pimping ride. Because of this, you add +1 to your starting Good Mate and Well Shaggable attributes, and have the advantage of having a car at the start of the game.

Disadvantage: You spend a lot of time sorting your car out, and even more time driving it about just because you can. Because of this, for every six hours the game lasts, you must spend at least one hour with the car, either driving it about or fixing it up. During this time you cannot take any other actions, and are not considered to be at any of the scenario's key locations.


"I've just made my third 80, a proc specced paladin raid-geared for Northrend. Guys? Guys? Why are you walking away?"

Advantage: You play World of Warcraft. A lot. Because of this, you're inner scum's need for addiction is sated by the game, and you don't really get any buzz from drugs. You can always choose to refuse if offered drugs (and as such the "sharing drugs" avoidance strategy doesn't work on you).

Disadvantage: Obviously you'll be out later, as soon as you've levelled. For every six hours the game scenario lasts, you lose one hour at the start of the night. For example, if the game scenario is 12 hours long, then you'll join in 2 hours into the night. The other side effects of World of Warcraft are also apparent in you - at the start of the night, reduce your Well Shaggable and Shrapnel attributes by one.