M&M Star Wars:Character Creation Guidelines
M&M Star Wars: Additional Skills & Feats (2E)
New Skills
Astrogate (INT)
Trained Only
Use this skill to plot a course through hyperspace from one star system to another using a Nav Computer.
Check: A check is made to determine if a safe route has been plotted and how much time the trip will take. A failed check could mean a delayed journey or a possible hyperspace mishap that could be disastrous to everyone involved.
Plotting a particular course can be done easily in one minute. In rushed situations, a course can be programmed in quickly, at the cost of accuracy. For each rank of Astrogate you sacrifice you may reduce the time taken by one round. So, if a character were to take a -9 penalty to his check, an Astrogate check could be made in one round.
Table 1-1: Astrogation DCs and Modifiers
Quality of Data / Base DC/ Hazard Modifier*
One day old or less /10 /+2
More than one day old, up to one week old /15 /+4
More than one week old, up to one month old /20 /+8
More than one month old /25 /+16
No data available /30 /+32
*To determine hazards, roll 1D20 and consult table 1-2 below. Add the modifier, if any, to the Astrogate DC.
Table 1-2: Random Hazards
Hazard Roll Result /DC Modifier
10 +2
15 +4
20 +6
25 +8
30 +10
35 +15
40 +20
45 +25
50 +30
Table 1-3: Conditional Modifiers
Situation/ Circumstance /DC Modifier
No nav computer or astromech droid /+5
Nav computer used /-4
Astromech droid used (Does not apply if the ship has a nav computer also) /-2
Hyperdrive jury-rigged /+5
Reduce check time by 1 round /+1
No holonet access (or rebellion era) /+5
Additional charts and travel times may be found on Pg. 205-206 of Star Wars D20.
Knowledge (INT)
Trained Only
Additional Knowledge skills have been added.
- Alien Species: Cultures, societies, attributes of species other than your own.
- Bureaucracy: Knowledge of bureaucratic procedures.
- Jedi Lore: Knowledge of the traditions and powers of the Jedi.
- Sith Lore: Knowledge of the traditions and powers of the Sith.
- World Lore: Cultures, life, and physical makeup of specific planets in the galaxy.
New Feats
Jedi Knight
You have become an accomplished member of the Jedi Order and passed the Jedi Trials. You are now tasked with keeping peace in the galaxy.
Prerequisites: Alter +3, Control +5, Sense +5, Must pass the Jedi Trials.
Benefit: Choose Alter, Control, or Sense. When making power checks for the chosen Force skill, you receive a +2 modifier. This modifier does not affect the potency of the skill. It only applies to the checks made to use a power under that skill.
Jedi Master
You have become an even more accomplished member of the Jedi Order and may be selected to join the council. You are now tasked with the highest priorities and most dangerous missions in your quest to keep peace in the galaxy.
Prerequisites: Alter +7, Control +9, Sense +9, Jedi Knight, must be deemed qualified by the Jedi Council.
Benefit: Choose Alter, Control, or Sense. When making power checks for the chosen Force skill, you receive a +2 modifier. This modifier does not affect the potency of the skill. It only applies to the checks made to use a power under that skill. This bonus stacks with Jedi Knight if the same skill is chosen.
Sith Lord
You have been taken in by a Dark Lord of the Sith and become his apprentice.
Prerequisites: Alter +10, Control +7, Sense +7, Must apprentice under an existing Sith Lord.
Benefit: When using any Dark Side Force power you receive a +2 modifier to the power check to activate it. You are also given the title of Darth and may be renamed by your master.