Pyromancer: The Authorities
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The Church of the Holy Flame
The Church of the Holy Flame is state religion, government and vehicle for heriditaty influence all rolled into one. It claims to have founded the Shining Domain and tells the populace that without its protection, humanity would inevitably be consumed by the demonic forces of the Skar.
Their power is maintained through mastery of the energies of Pyros - the burning force of magic that flows through the parallel dimension of Flamespace. It is the Church that controls who may learn the secret arts of Pyros manipulation, granting licenses to Guilds to allow them to teach their Journeyman the more utilitarian magics, and retaining the more militarily useful magics for their own Templars.
In the eyes of the Church, Pyros is the stuff of God, and Flamespace is the blood, soul and mind of God. Only those with Holy dispensation can be allowed to access its energies - mere ordinary men must be content to worship the manifestations of Pyros and to be give thanks for the gifts of life, warmth and light.
The religion of the Holy Flame also elevates the Holy Family that governs to semi-divine status, giving them the right and responsibility of ruling over society and channelling the worship of the masses through them. The Holy Family (which number only a few hundred of "pure blood") lead weekly services in the Cathedrals of the Holy Flame, accepting the worship and adoration of the ten to twenty thousand kneeling before them in the Cathedral, and the indirect worship of others across the city who are required by religious law to cease their work and to pray to the Holy Flame and its Holy Emissaries.
Naturally the Holy Family itself cannot run the church all by itself, and The Church maintains four distinct organisations which oversee its various roles.
The Ecclesiarchy
First and foremost are the Ecclesiarchy. This is the churches administrative and executive branch, overseeing the functions of government such as tax collection and disbursement, maintenance of the legal courts and interpreting the Holy Family's edicts.
The Templars of Burning Light
The Templars are the Church's military, ostensibly formed to defend the Shining Domain against the Skar, but also acting as police force for the Domain, and muscle to back up the Church in its actions. The Templars inevitably have the best equipment and training, and it is a foolish Burner who tries to take them on head on.
The Missionaries of the Sacred Flame
The Mission claims to have an agenda of mercy but are in reality all about public relations and keeping the populace happy. They proselytise, speak sermons to workers and maintain small charitable missions that provide the only free healthcare and social support for the poorest members of society. Though well liked by the masses, the Missionaries are a more sinister entity than they first appear, with their High Council engaged in a constant program of careful societal engineering, seeking to create a more compliant and obedient populace through whatever means are necessary.
The Paladins of the Secret Fire
As their name suggests, the Paladins aren't a publicly acknowledged organisation, but rather a secret order that operates on a covert level. The Paladins were created in order to maintain the Church's monopoly over Flamespace. They stay "tuned in" for hours at a time, running regular patrols to look out for illegal flamerunners and seek to eliminate them on sight.
For the Church to admit the existence of Paladins would be for them to admit that flamerunners exist, and that they are a thorn in their side. Thus, the Paladins secret war remains so, fought purely in flamespace.
The Guilds
The Guilds have existed for most of the history of the Shining Domain, and originally were simply collections of skilled tradesmen protecting their interests within their industries.
Over time, however, the Guilds have turned into something different - the equivalent of modern day corporations. Each Guild is now interested only in making money and maintaining its own wealth, and now Guilds have little relation to their names - the Masons Guild, for example doesn't just chip at stone - it oversees mining facilities, has controlling interests in the construction industry, has a presence in the retail sector and is one of the foremost names in heavy industry.
Of all the hundreds of guilds in existence, half a dozen control 99% of the commercial and industrial interests in the Shining Domain. Each and every one of these six Guilds has a presence in almost every sector of society, whether it is manufacturing, retail or finance. While they are vicious competitors in a crowded marketplace, they also are willing to team together to crush any upstart small businesses that want a portion of the market share, or unite to defeat any threat to the status quo.
Major Guilds
The six Guilds are as follows:
- The Masons Guild - The largest of the six, the masons specialise in heavy industry, and have a reputation of producing durable and reliable goods. The Masons are well known for being extremely conservative - far less likely to hire free agents on black ops or engage in dangerous plays.
- The Weavers Guild - The main competitors to the Masons in the manufacturing sector, the Weavers are known for producing and distributing cheaper goods, making their brand more recognisable at street level.
- The Milners Guild - The Milners are well recognised as masters of the finance sector, dealing with investments and lending as often as they will deal with actual manufacturing or retail. A series of takeovers has left them with many subsidiary interests of course, and many "independent" names are in fact under the Milner umbrella.
- The Silversmiths Guild - Ironically the Silversmiths are very much a "down to earth" guild, dealing primarily in work outside of the cities - agriculture, mining and logging. They are the poorest of the six, but still a recognised part of the power structure.
- The Caskers Guild - The Caskers are kings of retail, though a certain amount of vertical integration means that they have a hand in high-skill manufacturing and product-finishing. Their power tends to wax and wane with the health of the economy.
- The Fletchers Guild - A minor Guild for a long time, the Fletchers rose to prominence just eighty years ago after developing a series of exciting new industrial technologies. The old hands consider them "upstarts" but are grudgingly forced to accept them as serious competitors. The Fletchers maintain two reputations from their early days - one is for being adventurous with R&D, and the other is for being willing to use whatever dirty tricks are necessary to expand their market share!
Guild Ranks
Structurally, the Guilds follow traditional lines of organisation, and most share the following terms:
- Guildlord - The ultimate authority of the Guild, essentially the equivalent of a CEO, typically elected from the Guildmasters.
- Guildmaster - A high senior in the Guild, essentially the equivalent of a member of the Board of directors. The group of Guildmasters is known as the Guild Sanctum.
- Fabricator - A high ranking official, not necessarly involved in manufacturing.
- Journeyman - A middle rank employee, essentially the lowest level that can be considered to be part of the privileged elite, and certainly the lowest level that is licensed to handle Pyros.
- Guildsman - A low ranking employee, but a professional one, likely with the prospects to advance if talented and ambitious.
- Worker - Also called "Affiliates" and "Indentants" these are the blue-collars who do the actual hard labour in the Guild. Workers have their own subdivisions of rank, but it is almost unheard of for one to make it even to Guildsman rank.