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Denedran Green-Eye, Human Adaptable Warden, 25 years old, played by mathey
- Class: Scout 1, XP 0
- Action dice: 3d4
- Recent changes to sheet:
NB Pease don't alter the format too much; if we alter one, I want to alter all.
- STR 14 (+2) / DEX 15 (+2) / CON 14 (+2)
- INT 15 (+2) / WIS 15 (+2) / CHA 12 (+1)
- Init: +8 (1 Scout + 2 Dex + 5 Decisive)
- BAB: +0 / Melee +2 / Ranged +2
- Defence: 12 (10 + 0 Scout + 2 Dex)
- DR:
- Fort: +2 (1 +2 Con) / Ref: +2 (1 +2 Dex) / Will: +2 (1 +2 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 11 / Wound Points: 14
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Shortbow
Social, Interests & Religion
- Lifestyle: +1 (Panache 1 [+x Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: 1
- Reputation: 10
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language:
- Study:
- Study:
- Study:
- Alignment: St. Kirlan (Paths: Heroism)
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Adaptable: Grace under Pressure: +3 bonus to rolls boosted by Action Dice
- Adaptable: Origin skill: +2 origin skills
- Adaptable: Inquisitive mind: +2 interests
- Warden: Attribute Training: +1 to INT
- Warden: Decisive: +5 to Initiative
- Warden: Practised Investigate: If use action die to boost Investigate but fails, get it back
- Warden: Pathfinder Basics: Caverns/Mountains: May always act during surprise rounds and your Travel Speed increases by 2 MPH while in this terrain. You gain Falling Resistance 5 and a +2 bonus with Climb checks.
- Warden: Unbreakable: Attribute impairments decrease by 1.
- Scout Class Ability: Trailblazer: Can share 1 Terrain Feat with allies for one scene
- Scout1: Stalker: Doesn't fail Survival or Tactics checks if DC less than 21; minimum level of success
- Lvl 1: Pathfinder Basics: Forest/Jungle: May always act during surprise rounds and your Travel Speed increases by 2 MPH while in this terrain. You gain a +2 bonus with Sneak checks.
- Lvl 1: Bow Basics: When you wield a bow it gains AP 2, and Deadshot stance.
- Stance: Deadshot: +2 ranged weapon attacks and damage. May only take 5ft bonus steps, no more.
- Proficiencies: (start 4) Blunt weapons / Bows (Forte) / Edged weapons / Hurled weapons
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
(6+Int 2 = 8/lvl) Max 4 Total (4x8)=32
- Acrobatics 3 (1/2Dex/0)
- Athletics 4 (2/2Str/0), 6 Climb (+2 Climb from Pathfinder Basics: Caverns/Mountains)
- Blend 3 (2/1Cha/0)
- Impress* 3 (2/1Cha/0)
- Investigate* 6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Medicine 3 (1/2Int/0)
- Notice 6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Resolve 6 (4/2Con/0)
- Ride 3 (1/2Dex/0)
- Search* 4 (2/2Int/0)
- Sense Motive* 4 (2/2Wis/0)
- Sneak 5 (1/2Dex/2) (+2 Sneak from Pathfinder Basics: Forest/Jungle)
- Survival 6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Tactics 4 (2/2Int/0)
One asterisk = Origin skills
Loads (?) : Light < 90 lb / Hvy 91-270 lb / Over > 271 lb
Stake 100s
- ?
- ?
- Coin: ?s
Born: Xth day of the month of **** and ****, Yth month of 475