Nobilis A Random Bunch:Luke
Luke Haron
Luke was a gambler by trade, elking out his living through various games of chance until he found himself playing a game of dice at ground zero of the creation of his chancel. Finding himself to be a relativly minor Power outside of his realm and realising he couldn't match his opponents head to head he took to outwitting them.
Chance (covering luck/fortune, probablility, randomness)
- Aspect 1 (5 AMP)
- Domain 1 (6 DMP)
- Realm 5 (5 RMP)
- Spirit 0 (5 SMP)
Would Levels
- 2 surface
- 2 serious
- 1 deadly
- Shapeshifting (Comprehensive)
- Can not be permanently imprisoned (one trick imortality)
- Gatemaker
- code of the Wild
- focus (dice) (1 level of domain) (+1 DMP)
- suspicious
- respectful(those who live by their wits)
- ceremony(weekly card draw)
- 5 ability to escape or outwit oponents
- 4 chancel
- 4 estate of chance
- 3 anchor
- 2 focus
- 2 reputation as a trickster