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Miriam, Female Human, About 20 years old, played by tomas
- Class: Burglar 1st level
- Action dice: 3d4
- Recent changes to sheet:
NB Pease don't alter the format too much; if we alter one, I want to alter all.
- STR 13 (+1) / DEX 13 (+1) / CON 13 (+1)
- INT 11 (0) / WIS 16 (+3) / CHA 14 (+2)
- Init: +3 (2 Burglar + 1 Dex)
- BAB: +1 / Melee +1 / Ranged +1
- Defence: 12 (10 + 2 Burglar + 1 DEX - 1 Leather Armor DP)
- DR: 2 (Studded Leather Torso Armor)
- Fort: +1 (0 +1 Con) / Ref: +3 (2 +1 Dex) / Will: +3 (0 +3 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 7 / Wound Points: 13
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Short Sword +1 To Hit; 1d8 Damage; 19-20; Keen 4
- Dagger +1 To Hit; 1d6 Damage; 19-20; Bleed, Hurt
Social, Interests & Religion[edit]
- Lifestyle: x (Panache x [+x Appearance; Income 0 silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: x
- Reputation:
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language: Native Language
- Language: TBD
- Study: Sturian Religion
- Study: Saphetian politics
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies[edit]
- Adaptable: Grace under Pressure: +3 bonus to rolls boosted by Action Dice
- Adaptable: Origin skill: +2 origin skills
- Adaptable: Inquisitive mind: +2 interests
- Rogue: Practiced Sneak (if action die spent on sneak and it fails, action die is returned)
- Rogue: Sharp Mind (+1 skill per level)
- Rogue: Trap Sense (roll twice for REF save against traps)
- Rogue: Ambush Basics (2 rounds to make ambush/tactics check. Additional die of sneak attack damage)
- Burglar: Dexterous (spend 1 action dice and add two action dice to Dex-based skill)
- Burglar: Very, very sneaky (Don't fail Acrobatics or sneak if no error and beats DC 20+level)
- Feat: Darting Weapon (get 2 attacks at -2)
- Feat: Elusive (-1 to attacks for +1 to defense up to +4)
- Proficiencies: Edged weapons (forte) / Blunt weapons
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)[edit]
(8+Int 0 +SM 1 = 9/lvl) = 36
- Acrobatics** 1 (0/Dex1/0)
- Athletics** 4 (4/Str/0)
- Blend* 5 (3/Cha2/0)
- Bluff** 6 (4/Cha2/0)
- Crafting** (Jewelry) 0 (0/Int0/0)
- Disguise* 6 (4/Cha2/0)
- Haggle** 3 (0/Wis3/0)
- Impress
- Intimidate
- Investigate** 6 (3/Wis3/0)
- Medicine
- Notice** 6 (3/Wis3/0)
- Prestidigitation** 4 (3/Dex1/0)
- Resolve* 2 (1/1Con/0)
- Ride** 1 (0/Dex1/0)
- Search** 3 (3/Int0/0)
- Sense Motive* 6 (3/Wis3/0)
- Sneak** 4 (3/Dex1/0)
- Survival
- Tactics 2 (2/Int0/0)
One asterisk = Origin skills / Two = Burglar class skills
Starting Money 100s
- Studded leather armor
- Short sword
- dagger
- Disguise Kit
- Water skin
- Pouch (50 coins) 2s
- Bedroll
- Flint/tinder
- Backpack
- Candles
Born: 26th day of the 12th month of 475
- Death I: Each of your attacks against a living creature inflicts 2 additional damage. You may also cast deathwatch at will.