Nathan Windsor

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A character in the PbP game Black Lagoon: Cherry Blossom Express

A former private eye from Miami, though not a particularily good one - too nosy for his own good, too fast and loose with his work ethics, too much of an adrenaline junkie (gets a kick out of being shot at). An escort job to South America turned sour when his client got killed in a pirate attack (s'alright, really, he hated the stuck-up bastard anyway) and he went missing together with the late client's shipment of diamonds; he was actually taken hostage, only nobody thought to inform the authorities who naturally assumed the obvious, at which point he figured he might as well be guilty of what he was wanted for. The next anyone heard of him, he turned up in Hong Kong, now running with the pirates.

He's a lean, tanned man of medium height in his early thirties, relaxed and casual, kinda good-looking in a scruffy sort of way, with wavy brown hair in a short ponytail, a permanent stubble and a roguish grin. He wears faded black jeans and sneakers, black sleeveless T-shirts and a specific brand of red-and-white Hawaiian shirts (as a sort of a mass-produced lucky charm), always unbuttoned, and mirrorshades the same shade of green as his eyes. Likes to use two customized CZ-97Bs, John Woo style, and takes pride in being teased about it. He's always leaning against something when he stands, tilts the chair back when he sits, and always chews a stick of gum (a habit he took up when he quit smoking).

Game Stats

  • Condition: OK
  • Wounds: 0
  • Bennies: 0


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d6
  • Spirit d8
  • Strength d6
  • Vigor d6

  • Charisma 0
  • Pace 6
  • Parry 6
  • Toughness 5


  • Fighting d8
  • Guts d6
  • Investigation d4
  • Lockpick d4
  • Notice d6
  • Persuasion d4
  • Shooting d10
  • Stealth d4
  • Streetwise d6


  • Ambidextrous
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Dodge
  • Trademark Weapon (pair of CZ-97B)
  • Two-Fisted


  • Curious (Major)
  • Loyal (Minor)
  • Wanted (Minor, for armed robbery in the US)


  • TM: pair of custom CZ-97B (.45ACP) pistols
    • Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, Weight 4, Shots 10, AP1, Semi-Auto
    • shoulder holsters
    • four spare magazines
  • Glock 36 (.45ACP) compact pistol
    • Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, Weight 3, Shots 6, AP1, Semi-Auto
    • concealed carry holster with ankle straps and belt clip
    • two spare magazines
  • Sawn-off Rossi Overland 12Ga shotgun
    • Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d10, RoF 1-2, Weight 6, Shots 2, Damage 1-3d6 and Shooting +2 with shot
    • thigh holster
    • 20-round cartridge belt
  • Balisong
    • Damage Str+d4, Weight 1, -2 to be Noticed if hidden
  • Cellphone
  • Headset radio
  • Lighter
  • Lockpicks
  • Pack of gum
  • $2200 cash


  • XP: 25
  • Rank: Seasoned


  1. Spirit +1 die type
  2. Two-Fisted
  3. Shooting and Streetwise +1 die type
  4. Dodge
  5. Trademark Weapon (pair of CZ-97B)