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Asgeir “Ash” von Hohenheim, “Spear of God”


Asgeir von Hohenheim was born in German, but she grown up and received education in tMiddlegate city, as her father is the ambassador of German. Asgeir has bogus positions in the German embassy, which subsequently grant her diplomatic immunity. From seeing so many sugar-tongued politicians going in and out of her home and the embassy ever since she was a child, Asgeir is very perceptive about people’s emotion and motives, has a knack on picking up the keen dynamic of social situations. She has short blonde hair and greenish blue eyes, and she usually wears a yellow contact glass on her left eye just for the fun of it. She speaks and acts like a boy, dresses like one, and despise greatly about acting or being treated like a girl. She is charismatic, however, and her gender-neutral appearance won her a lot of popularity among both boys and girls alike.

Asgeir have two lifelong friends, Sasha and Ichiro, who she had known ever since she was a child. The three of them used to call themselves the “Three Musketeers”, they even swore the “Oath of the Peach Garden” in Asgeir’s family garden. They would play a game called “Fight the Demon”, where Asgeir would use a branch as spear and Sasha would build her own tanks with cardboards, and they would fight demons whishes origin the two girls were too little to care about. Ichiro? He would help the girls carry stuffs, and facepalm all the way through the girls’ imaginary adventures. Even today the three of them hang out together regularly, hit the town for bears, sports and other thrills.

Asgeir is easy-going and fun-loving, just like most boys at her age. She likes shonen mangas, which is also her step stone into mythology and folklore. Shonen manga would often make (usually incorrect) reference to the mythologies of various cultures, and Asgeir would look these references up on the Internet or in library. Asgeir is also a gamer, having the expensive hobby of miniature games. She would recreate famous battles with miniature and discuss tactics and strategies with her father. Last but not least, Asgeir also likes poetry, particularly the epics about gods and heroes and their tragedies and triumphs.

Asgeir’s family includes the following: her father, Erland von Hohenheim, the ambassador of German. Erland is the classical over-protecting father, who always insists on treating Asgeir in the way she hated the most – like a girl. One wonder why he gave both his daughter male names in the first place. The mother, Cassandra Xorn, is a kind and gentle lady from Miami, who met Erland in one of her business trip. Cassandra is very adept in using archaic weapons, swords in particular, which isn’t exactly a popular hobby among housewives. Asgeir’s older sister, Mercurius also holds a position in embassy that grants her diplomatic immunity, but her real profession is that of a doctor, and she runs a small clinic called Planetary in the Middlegate city.



Strength 10 (+0) [0pp]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [4pp]

Constitution 18 (+4) [8pp]

Intelligence 14 (+2) [4pp]

Wisdom 18 (+4) [8pp]

Charisma 16 (+3) [6pp]


Fortitude: 0 (+4) [0pp]

Reflex: 0 (+2) [0pp]

Will: 0 (+4) [0pp]


Combat [4pp]

Initiative +6

Attack Bonus +0 [0pp]

Defense Bonus +1/+4 [16pp]

Toughness: +4 [0pp]


Bluff 7 (+10)

Concentration 4 (+8)

Diplomacy 7 (+10)

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Arcane) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Tactics) 7 (+10)

Language 2 (Base Germany; English, Japanese)

Notice 2 (+6)

Perform (Poetry) 7 (+10)

Sense Motive 6 (+14)


Dodge Focus 2


Improved Initiative 1

Benefit 1 (Diplomatic Immunity)

Bishonen/Bishojo 1



Rousing Speech 1 (Perform (Poetry))

Slap Silly

Rhythm of Combat




Strength 10 (+0) [0pp]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [4pp]

Constitution 26 (+8) [16pp]

Intelligence 14 (+2) [4pp]

Wisdom 26 (+8) [16pp]

Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]


Fortitude: 2 (+10) [2pp]

Reflex: 2 (+4) [2pp]

Will: 2 (+10) [2pp]


Initiative +6

Attack Bonus +0/+10 [0pp]

Defense Bonus +4/+10 [16pp]

Toughness: +8/+10 [0pp]


Bluff 7 (+12)

Concentration 4 (+12)

Diplomacy 7 (+12)

Gather Information 7 (+12)

Knowledge (Arcane) 12 (+14)

Knowledge (Tactics) 10 (+12)

Language 2 (Base Germany; English, Japanese)

Notice 2 (+10)

Perform (Poetry) 7 (+12)

Sense Motive 6 (+14)


Defensive Roll 2

Dodge Focus 2

Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack

Defensive Attack


Withstand Damage

Improved Initiative 1

Power Attack

Uncanny Dodge 1 (Visual)


Benefit 1 (Diplomatic Immunity)

Bishonen/Bishojo 1




Last Stand

Rhythm of Combat

Rousing Speech 1 (Perform (Poetry))

Slap Silly


Super-Senses 6 (Detect Crack 2, Visual: Counter Illusion 2, Counter Concealment 2) [6pp]

Huginn and Muninn

Enhanced Connected and Enhanced Well-Informed [2pp]

Hoofs of Sleipnir

Flight 2 [4pp]

Spear the Gungnir

BP: Strike 10 (Extras: Penetrating +1; Feats: Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1) [26pp]

AP: Blast 10 (Extras: Penetrating +1; Flaws: Full Round Action –1; Feats: Accurate 5, Improved Critical 1) [1pp]

AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save (Fortitude) +1, Area (Line) +1, Vampiric +1; Flaws: Full Round Action –1, Tiring -1; Feats: Progression 6) [1pp]