LS Rules
This game uses the Savage Worlds rules system.
Character Generation
You can start your character at different levels.
- Novice = 4 Bennies, 3 XP per session
- Seasoned = 4 Advances, 2 Bennies, 2 XP per session
- Veteran = 8 Advances, 0 Bennie, 1 XP per session
When the character reaches Heroic level (60XP) (20 episodes for any character) their Bennies reset to 3 and they get variable XP (1-3 per session).
Your home planet type (Core, Border, Rim, Black) grants you background knowledge and a free skill (d4).
- Core = Knowledge (everyone in the core, rich or poor, has a better than average education).
- Border = Streetwise (people on the Border have to go outside the law on occasion just to get the necessities of life)
- Rim = Survival (people on the Rim are independent and can rely on no one but themselves)
- Black = Technical (people born and raised out in the black of space rely on technology for their very survival).
- Athletics (new skill - strength or agility) - use to do feats of physical prowess, swim, jump, climb.
Boating(delete, is combined under Driving)Climbing(delete is combined under Athletics)- Driving (RAW) Allows operation of all land and aquatic vehicles (Includes Hovercars)
- Gambling (RAW) Skill and intuition at games of chance.
Guts(delete) Use Spirit Instead or Edge (Brave)- Healing (RAW) Medical Skill
- High Society (as per streetwise, but with the opposite end of society).
Intimidation(delete, combined with Persuasion)†- Investigation (RAW) Non-computer research and discovery.
- Knowledge (RAW) Specialized knowledge beyond the average citizen.
- Lockpick (RAW) Ability to pick mechanical and electric locks (also escape being tied up)
- Mechanical (replace Repair - smarts) - Use to operate, manipulate or repair mechanical devices.
- Notice (RAW) Ability to spot unusual things in one's surroundings.
- Persuasion (RAW+) Convince people to do what you want (includes intimidate and taunt)
- Piloting (RAW) Pilot Air and Space vehicles. (includes hovercars)
- Riding (RAW) Ride horses, camels, mules and other animals
- Shooting (RAW) includes all firearms, missile and thrown weapons.
- Stealth (RAW) Sneaking about.
- Streetwise (RAW) Dealing with people on the shady side of the law.
- Survival (RAW) Providing for oneself and others in the wild (includes tracking).
Swimming(delete, combined under Athletics)Taunt(delete, combined under Persuasion)†- Technical (new skill - smarts) - use to operate, manipulate or repair new-tech device
Throwing(delete, combined under Shooting)Tracking(delete, combined under Survival)
†Taunt and Intimidate actions may gain benefits from edges, or circumstances.
- Browncoat (minor/major) -2 to Charisma with Alliance Personnel/System. As Major character goes out of way to harm the Alliance.
- Twitchy (minor) Natural 1s on Trait rolls for Notice and Investigate give character misleading information, seeing dangers where there are none (or dangers of a different form).
- Leaky Brainpan (minor/major) -2 to Charisma, as a major, character is Shaken every time he/she rolls a Natural One (on a Trait die)
- Companion +2 to Charisma, special privileges throughout the 'Verse.
- Cortex Spectre -4 to Investigation checks by others.
- Religion +2 most Spirit rolls
- Mesh = As per Kevlar 2/6 (bullets) (-4 AP)