Gregory Von Durrach
Name: Gregory Von Durrach
NG Human Wizard, 1st level
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin
Gregory was born into minor nobility, a fourth child with no real inheritance, so he was shipped off to university at his majority. Shortly afterward, he showed his magical aptitude and was given a tutor (a distant relation). Unfortunately, he is less inclined to live off conventional employment and more disposed to adventuring with his companions.
Str: 8 Dex: 10 Con: 12 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 12
Hp: 5 BAB 0 (melee -1, range 0) F/R/W 1/0/2
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Improved Initiative, Familiar (Hawk - Excelsior!)
Skills: Concentration 4 (5), Knowledge (Arcana) 4 (8), (Architecture/Engineering) 2 (6), (Dungeoneering) 3 (7), (Geography) 3 (7), (History) 4 (8) (Nobility and Royalty) 4 (8), Spellcraft 4 (8)
Spells: Identify, Grease, Shield, Magic Missile, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, all 0-level spells
Kit: Spellbook (2), Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Scrollcase (4), Courtier's Outfit, Light Crossbow and 10 bolts, Alchemical Silver Dagger, Explorer's Outfit, Mule (Betsy!), Ink & Pen, Jewelry (50gp), Hooded Lantern, Oil, Paper (10), Belt Pouch, Pack Saddle, Scholar's Outfit, Sealing Wax, Signal Whistle, Signet Ring, Spell Component Pouch, Soap!, Tent, Vial (5), Waterskin, Whetstone