ROTE:Saitou Moto Kurou
A player character in the PbP game Ninjas the Return of the Enemy.
Do not think dishonestly.
The Way is in training.
Become aquainted with every art.
Know the Ways of all profession.
Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.
Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.
Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
Pay attention even to trifles.
Do nothing which is of no use.
-- Shinmen Musashi No Kami Fujiwara No Genshin, A Book of Five Rings
General Information[edit]

A serious young man from the Moto family, an extremely old-fashioned lot of stubborn isolationists who think that this new-fangled "hiding in plain sight" nonsense is the source of all the current troubles. He insists his family is a secluded off-shoot of the Saitou line, despite possessing none of that bloodline's typical elemental powers, aside from a meagre puff of obscuring smoke. He acts very cool and aloof, though always polite (sometimes infuriatingly so), carries his "bokken" absolutely everywhere, and dresses downright archaically in sarashi, kosode and hakama - always in dark, drab colors (black, brown and dark grey) that fade conveniently into the shadows when needed.
Or at least, a cool and aloof gentleman warrior is how he wants and tries to act, but he's possessed of a wide romantic streak and a hot-blooded tendency for melodrama that he can't quite suppress. In practice, he's an imperturbable Stoic almost all of the time... and an incorrigible Large Ham the rest.
He wears a black patch of lacquered leather over his left eye. When asked, if he deigns to answer at all, he explains it's an old injury suffered in kenjutsu practice with his father.
Kurou rarely exhibits any overt powers (excluding the smoke cloud, which he habitually demonstrates as proof of his lineage). The Moto family concentrate on inner uses of ki and mastery of the self through martial arts, and Kurou's skill in their hereditary style of swordsmanship is most spectacular, especially for one so young.
Likes: seafood, fine arts, moonlit nights
Dislikes: early mornings, deep water
Favorite pastimes: training, meditation, "historical" romance novels
Game Statistics[edit]
- Power Level 10
- Power Points 150
- Hero Points 1
- Debatable genealogy
- Guileless
- Old-fashioned upbringing
- Secret (ninja!)
Drawbacks (-3pp)[edit]
- One eye (-4 with ranged attacks) = -3pp
Abilities (40pp)[edit]
- Strength 14 (+2)
- Dexterity 20 (+5)
- Constitution 20 (+5)
- Intelligence 14 (+2)
- Wisdom 18 (+4)
- Charisma 14 (+2)
Combat (0pp)[edit]
- Initiative +4 (+5)
- Attack +10/+8/-4 (sword/melee/ranged)
- Defense +10 (all dodge)
Saves (10pp)[edit]
- Toughness +3 (roll) (+5)
- Fortitude +3 (+5)
- Reflex +3 (+5)
- Will +4 (+4)
Skills (25pp)[edit]
Italics denote Skill Mastery.
- Acrobatics 15 (+5)
- Concentration 8 (+4)
- Knowledge (tactics) 8 (+2)
- Intimidate 15 (+2)
- Notice 8 (+4)
- Search 8 (+2)
- Sense Motive 8 (+4)
- Sleight of Hand 15 (+5)
- Stealth 15 (+5)
Feats (45pp)[edit]
- Accurate Attack
- All-Out Attack
- Ambidexterity
- Attack Focus (melee) 8
- Attack Specialization (sword) 1
- Defensive Attack
- Defensive Roll 3
- Demonic Glare
- Dodge Focus 10
- Elusive Target
- Evasion 2
- Fearless
- Grappling Finesse
- Hide in Plain Sight
- Improved Grapple
- Jack-of-All-Trades
- Move-by-Action
- Ninja Run 1
- Power Attack
- Quick Draw
- Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)
- Startle
- Stunning Attack
- Takedown Attack 2
- Uncanny Dodge (mental)
Powers (33pp)[edit]
Chi Sense 3 = 3pp
- Innate
Leaping 3 (x10) = 3pp
Obscure 2 (visual) = 2pp
- Flaws: Range -1 (touch)
Strike 8 (flurry of blows) = 20pp
- Extras: Autofire +1
- Feats: Alternate Power x 2, Innate, Mighty, Precise
- Drawbacks: Power Loss -1 (without a sword)
AP1: Strike 8 (single powerful blow)
- Extras: Penetrating +1
- Feats: Innate, Mighty, Precise
- Drawbacks: Power Loss -1 (without a sword)
AP2: Corrosion 8 (steel-cutting blow)
- Extras: Penetrating +1
- Feats: Innate, Mighty, Precise
- Flaws: Limited -1 (only against nonliving objects)
- Drawbacks: Power Loss -1 (without a sword)
Super-Speed 1 (10mph/88ft) = 5pp
- Feats: Wall Run, Water Run
- Flaws: Limited -1 (no Quickness)
- Somber clothes
- Stylish eyepatch
- Shirasaya katana disguised as a bokken
Damage Conditions[edit]
- Bruised: 0
- Staggered: no
- Unconscious: no
- Injured: 0
- Disabled: no
- Dying: no
- none