Jack Freesoul

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Revision as of 13:23, 2 May 2010 by (talk) (Spry Jack's character sheet)
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Stats Ability d8 Smarts d6 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6

Pace 6" Parry 5 (6 w/rapier) Toughness 5 (6 w/armor) Charisma 0

Hindrances Loyal (minor, racial) Overconfident (major) Vow: aid slaves (minor) Quirk: steals (minor)

Edges Thief

Skills Boating d6 Climbing d6 (+2) Fighting d6 Guts d6 Lockpicking d6 (+2) Notice d4 Repair d4 Shooting d6 Stealth d8 (+2) Streetwise d4

Gear Flintlock pistol 25 shots Silver rapier Leather armor Lockpicks Sleeping canvas Waterskin 55 cogs