Name: Jox
Quote: "Cool Story Bro!"
Age: ? Sex: N/A (Male persona)
Race: Warforged
Class: Fighter
High School Archetype: Jock/Fratboy
Personality: Obnoxious, likes to brag, and prove he is the best. Hits on every women he sees, refers to every man he sees as bro. Wants other to acknowledge him.
Bio: Jox claims he was one of the last Warforged created before the ending of the Last War. As such he has never seen combat during that conflict. A fact which lessens his standing amongst his fellow Warforged. Jox is the recipient of some special Warforged only scholarship that Margrave has recently started.
Background: Sharn (Margrave and it's surrounding are the only thing he's ever had like a home)
Build: Axe and Board Fighter
Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8.
AC: 22 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 37 Surges:12 Surge Value: 9
+2 Bonus to saves against ongoing damage May always take a minimum of 10 on death saving throws
To hit: +10
Speed: 6 Initiative: +4
TRAINED SKILLS: Intimidate +7, Endurance +9, Athletics +8, Insight +8
Freebie Feat: Weapon Expertise: Axes
Level 1: Weapon Focus (Axes)
Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Plate)
Fighter at-will 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter at-will 1: Brash Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Villain's Menace
Fighter utility 2: Boundless Endurance
Racial Encounter: Warforged Resolve (Minor)
Item Daily Power: Warsoul Weapon (Triggers on Enemy Shifting)
ITEMS 274 gp
Identification and Traveling Papers with Portrait (complete with Jox making his EXTREEME! pose), 2 Handaxes, Everburning torch, Climbing kit, backpack, rope, 2 sunrods, flint and steel, empty pouch, embedded handaxe
Level 1 Item (+1 Amulet of Protection)
Level 2 Item (+1 Mythril Plating)
Level 3 Item (+1 Warsoul BattleAxe)
Picture [1]
Theme song "Light up the Night by the Protomen" [2]