Tales of the Jade Mantis/The Jade Mantis

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The Jade Mantis is the ship of the crew from the Tales of the Jade Mantis, a play by post game in the Firefly universe on the rpg.net forums.

  • The 'Jade Táng Láng' is an ornate Euphoria class Space Junk with beautiful sleek lines, spacious holds and sumptuous hardwood staterooms . An illegal sensor suite is complemented by cunning armaments and a toughened outer shell. Originally outfitted by the Tong she has many secrets, hidden even from the crew. She has ploughed the space lanes for generations on upgraded 'Sorcerous' Phoenix engines, hydrogen scoops and a solar sail. Below, a powerful well armed scout shuttle is stored next to the armoured Mule. For sick crew there is a fully stocked Chinese Apothecary. A well equipped maneuverable idiosyncratic ship, prepared for any circumstance.
  • Some ideas...Euphoria Class Space Junk. Chinese built 200 year old Freighter. Basic design is slow but beautiful with cavernous holds and a warren of corridors. A favourite of the Tongs for smuggling they often end up upgraded far past their original specs. Renown for forming their own ghostly personalities and a tradition that each generation of owners leave their own mark with intricate and cunning changes. (probably a few Tong boss surprises too)

Crew Quarters

Hugo Raynes

When entering Hugo's quarters it feels like you step back in time, right into the Unification war. Instead of door his quarters are sealed of by large sheets of canvas, and inside his chamber it look just like a army barracks.

You'd think he's expecting a inspection any minute, so neat and clean are all his belongings ordered.

Chris Jarrow

Chris as a co-owner, has taken over one of the large staterooms. The room doubles as an office where business can be discussed. The cabin is furnished in a minimalistic fashion - at least so far as that goes on The Jade. That means the furnishings are of the topmost quality but are sparingly distributed around the room and there's little in the way of clutter, nor an excess of draperies. He keeps no mementos of his old life or family.

Nanny Ni Hao

Positioned just above the cockpit (accessed by a spiral stairwell..so good for an entrance my dear..) Nanny's room is as extravagant as its mistress and one that befits a member of a Tong. Full of silks, stone statues and incense. Paintings by the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou adorn the walls. Behind one is a secret passage that disappears into the heart off the ship. All crew members have heard the rumours that it exists, giving the horny trader access to various beds and rooms in the ship at a whim. Small portraits of her foster children can be found on her dresser. A music centre links into the ships tannoy and is used to play excruciatingly loud chinese music when the mood suits her...

'Jade Táng Láng'

  • Knowledge
    • ploughed the space lanes for generations
    • prepared for any circumstance
  • Fighting
    • toughened outer shell
    • outfitted by the Tong
    • cunning armaments
  • Skills
    • Euphoria class Space Junk
    • illegal sensor suite
    • Chinese Apothecary
    • upgraded 'Sorcerous' Phoenix engines
    • hydrogen scoops
    • solar sail
    • maneuverable
  • Social
    • ornate
    • beautiful sleek lines
    • sumptuous hardwood staterooms
  • Resources
    • spacious holds
    • many hidden secrets
    • powerful well armed scout shuttle
    • armoured Mule
    • well equipped
  • Flaws
    • idiosyncratic