Chapter 22 - Into the Woods
Days 46-48
Wary of hostile townfolk, the party set up camp a half hour west of Viz in a sparsely inhabited area. Hopeful of being able to forage for food to replace what had been stolen by the pixies, they met with disappointment.
In the morning, Leandrie and Aldur set out in a light rain to return to Viz, the cleric again using his divine magic to disguise himself as an elf. As was the case in their previous visit, the town was bursting at the seams with settlers and new construction, though none of the expansion was occurring along the boundary with the forboding Dryad Woods. In the main square, an ogre-sized earth elemental stood stationary. Cautious inquirires revealed that it had been brought in to aid with the construction efforts.
They found the store that Leandrie had received directions to the night before, finding it to be a small establishment filled with luxury items. Inside, they found a man seated at a bench, working fine jewellery of exceptional craftsmanship. He was easily able to produce a small fragment of jade that met Aldur's needs.
Aldur sought out the elves who taught at the university, hoping that they might know of a healer who might aid his companions. Unforutunately, the elves there knew of no elf in Viz with such abilities. They suggested he await the arrival of one of their elders who was planning to pass through in a few weeks, and they promised to keep a lookout for any elf with such healing powers who might arrive in the intervening time.
Returning disappointed to the camp, the party once again foraged in the surrounding wilds, this time with slightly more success as Aldur was able to ensnare some rabbits for that night's supper. That night as the party rested, a strange light was seen in the northern sky, silhouetting the trees of the Dryad Wood. A pulsating, flickering blue, it persisted throughout the night.
The next morning, the party decided that it was time to resume the pursuit of the kidnapped children. With the main road into the woods guarded by the mysterious treelike guardian, they chose to risk entering the woods directly north of where they camped, and perhaps join the road further on. With Aldur as a guide, they entered the unnaturally dark forest. A sense of forboding settled over the party and Leandrie was visibly shaken, though he took heart in the confidence of his allies and forced himself to continue onward. An inexperienced traveler might easily have become disoriented as they tried to follow the dark, twisting paths through the forest, but Aldur displayed his well-honed survival instincts, expertly leading the party northward. After several hours of travel, they came over a rise and found themselves in a sheltered vale, surrounded by a natural orchard of trees bearing exotic, delicious-looking fruit. Aware of the dangers of eating food found in an enchanted wood, Aldur urged the party forward and into the dark woods beyond.
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