Other Custom Mechanics
New Artifacts[edit]
Symbiotic Elemental Passenger (Artifact ● to ●●●)
During the Primordial War, the Exalted and Elementals made frequent pacts of protection and aid. One of the most personal forms of aid the elementals could provide was to become one with the Exalted. The elemental forms a symbiotic partnership with the Exalted and becomes imprinted upon the wearer’s skin.
Only one elemental can form a symbiotic relationship with the wearer at a time. A one-dot passenger grants the wearer three specialty dots in one or more appropriate fields. If this grants the wearer more than three specialty dots in an Ability, she is still restricted to a mximum of three specialty dice per roll. A two-dot passenger gives the additional benefit of one dot to three Abilities, or two dots to one Ability. A three-dot passenger one dot each to three Attributes or two dots to one Attribute in addition to the aforementioned benefits. The benefits typically mirror an elemental’s natural abilities, but it may also reflect the elemental’s mindset or Charms.
Common benefits bestowed follow. These are only examples; a specific elemental passenger might award different specialties, abilities, or attributes than the one given below.
Specialties: Athletics (Flying Maneuvers +1), Melee (Maul +1), War (Skirmisher Formation +1)
Abilities: Dodge +1, Survival +1, War +1
Attributes: Appearance +1, Stamina +1, Dexterity +1
Specialties: Athletics (Running +1), Lore (Alchemy +1), War (Close Formation +1)
Abilities: Awareness +1, Stealth +1, Martial Arts +1
Attributes: Dexterity +1, Perception +1, Wits +1
Specialties: Socialize (Reading Emotions +3)
Abilities: Dodge +1, Integrity +1, Performance +1
Attributes: Charisma +2
Specialties: Athletics (Straight Ahead +1), Awareness (Hearing +1), Performance (Poetry +1)
Abilities: Linguistics +2
Attributes: Charisma +1, Perception +1, Strength +1
Specialties: Survival (Forests +1), Performance (Speeches +1), Occult (Sorcery +1)
Abilities: Presence +1, Resistance +1, Integrity +1
Attributes: Stamina +1, Charisma +1, Manipulation +1