Lethality Houserules

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Revision as of 21:11, 22 May 2010 by Alydra (talk | contribs) (Addition: Notes about the rules below the bar)
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  1. The Piercing tag on weapons only permits them to ignore the soak of non-magical armor. Soak from Charms and Artifacts is unaffected.
  2. Artifact lamellar and reinforced buff coats are 1-dot Artifacts. Reinforced breastplates and articulated plate are 2-dots. Superheavy plate is 3-dot.
  3. All characters have access to the Body-Mending Meditation for free.
  4. Heavenly Guardian Defense, Seven Shadow Evasion, and Immortal Blade-Deflecting Palm are step 4, but cost one additional willpower.

These Houserules are for Exalted 2nd Edition. Please feel free to add to these rules, and use them for your own campaigns. For the sake of those campaigns currently using the rules, please do not edit current rules.

Rules 1-4 are currently in use by the Orichalcum Handbasket campaign.