Game: Orichalcum Handbasket
Arisa (ah-REE-sah) is your typical cowgirl, from the top of her stereotypical hat to the metal points on her shit-kicking boots. What this means for the rest of creation is that she looks out for the little guy, will get into just about any fight that looks like fun, and it is nigh on impossible to talk her out of that sixth beer.
Basic Statistics

Before Arisa exalted, she was a tomboyish girl in one of the jungle tribes of the Harborhead region. The children of this village played, as most children play, a game of "Anything you can do I can do better." It started with your basic running, jumping, and climbing trees, but soon progressed into other skills. Arisa, of course, always came in second, or even third in these competitions, but never first. Of course, the boys of her tribe said it was because she was a girl and girls couldn't do anything right. To combat this attitude, Arisa was determined to beat them at their next little one-upmanship fight so much that they would never think of her as "just a girl" again.
The next fight of this variety that came among the young men of the tribe revolved around the animals that they could tame to be their pets. As larger and larger pets became the norm around the tribe, Arisa took the only step that was possible to take: She went out into the wilds and tamed the most monstrous beast that she could find: a Tyrant Lizard.
The taming of this beast, casually called "Rover", whose name in his own tongue means The Mountain That Devours, was the trial that caused Arisa to Exalt as a Zenith Caste Solar. She has a knack about animals, and especially the Tyrant Lizards, who accept her as one of their own whenever she enters their territory. Upon returning to her tribe to show off her new pet and win their god-forsaken contest once and for all, Arisa found that her tribe wanted nothing to do with her and her frightening pet.
In her travels after leaving her tribe and before joining the circle, one of the most notable evenings for Arisa involved her riding Rover into a small town, and looking over her sunglasses at the awed townspeople, saying: "Yes, I'm that awesome". After which she dismounted, tied him up at the trough, and wandered inside the nearest bar. Inside this bar, after a few too many drinks, a stranger at the bar tells her a story about the greatest beast of all, even greater than her Tyrant Lizard friend outside. He tells her about the Kukla, but he puts all of his energy into claiming that it is only a myth, and not a real creature. Of course, Arisa only ever believes what she wants to believe, and of course decides that the Kukla is in fact a real creature, and that the only thing that means anything in her life is to tame that beast. And so she shall.
Connection to the Circle
Arisa's connection to the Circle started when she reached the town of Gem in her wandering. When she arrived there she found a fantastic looking man being accosted by a number of rough looking men. Unable to hold herself back from what looked like an exciting fight, Arisa threw herself into the battle to save the fantastic man, if only because he looked like he could use a hand... and a drink.
After the fight, she and her newly found friend Feyth rode out of town on Rover. Rather, while Rover was getting used to the scent of Feyth, and not eating him out of habit (or jealousy), Feyth floated happily in the air while tethered to Rover.