Amnesiac late 30's human male. Huge, big bellied and black as night. Silver grey shaved hair, gold front teeth, tribal facial scars, a great big booming voice and a body crisscrossed in healed wounds and tattoos. One of which has the word Marid (in trade) entwined with a sea deamon. If i could tell you about him I would...
remembers he is Medjay from the kadaru speaking people.
Owning a leather kilt, a cuirboilli breast plate with wave patterns, a torn and grubby exquisite white cloak and head scarf. Carrying a plain 2H scimitar and a cestus on a cord around his neck.
- Str 16
- Con 12
- Siz 17
- Int 13
- Pow 12
- Dex 10
- Cha 14
- Hp 15
- Fatigue 18
- Pow 12
- Xp bonus 7
- dam bonus+1d6
- Effort 80%
- Stamina 60%
- Idea 65%
- Agility 50%
- Charisma 70%
- 2H Scimitar
- Bargain
- Command
- Etiquette
- Fast Talk
- Perform
- Persuade
- Teach
- Art
- Craft
- Fine Manipulation
- Repair
- Sleight of Hand
- Appraise
- First Aid
- Gaming
- Strategy
- Insight
- Listen
- Navigate
- Research
- Sense
- Spot
- Track
- Boating
- Climb
- Dodge (DEX x 2%)
- Hide
- Jump
- Ride
- Stealth
- Swim
- Throw