America's Most Wanted - COVER

Comic Book M&M1e Campaign AMERICAN GODS Vol. 3 "America's Most Wanted" Trade Paperback
WRITER: Kevin, Cat, De, Jason & Sammy
DESIGN: Kevin Perrine
In this story arc the Survivors of Flight 283 will encounter something both terrifying and amazing. America fosters heroes in the form of celebrity, with abilities far beyond mortal man some will use their abilities for fortune and fame. Others will find the power uncontrollable and at the same time ultimately controlling... The courts of man try several Survivors for crimes and slights against humanity, while the world looks inward at America's newfound "arsenal" asking when will the boot drop. These "Godlike" will become America's Most Wanted in more ways than one.
Collecting AMERICAN GODS #11-20.
What does the "America's Most Wanted" cover mean?