D&D Survival B/X:Team Nainitsuj:Hul the Wise, Cleric
Biographical Info
- Name Hul the Wise
- Sex Male
- Age 24
- Height 5'11"
- Weight 1800cn
- Hair Black
- Eyes Brown
- Skin Dark
- History and Personality Hul the Wise sighed, and wondered what he had done to offend his god. Or may his god had decided to bless him inordinately. He had been saddled with a bumper crop of fools this time. And all demi-humans from the recent wave of refugees from the flooding of Narn Valley.
The elf was trying to chat up the gate guard, and was going to get punched in the face. The dwarf had just finished off a skin of wine, and had now pissed himself....it wasn't going to make him smell worse, unfortunately. The halfling was standing on the back of Hul's mule, holding a stick with a carrot in front of the beast, but too closely, as the surly thing was chomping away.
- Description
- Class Cleric Qwozyl, god of Fools
- Level 1
- EXP 1011
- Alignment Neutral
- STR 10 (+0)
- INT 10 (+0)
- WIS 16 (+2)
- DEX 9 (+0)
- CON 11 (+0)
- CHR 11 (+0)
Combat Stats
- THAC0 19
- AC 6
- HP 6
- Movement 120'/40'120'
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 11
- Magic Wands 12
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 15
Race and Class Abilities
- Turn Undead
- Languages: Common, Karakhan
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 430cn
- Coins 5GP 1EP 0SP 7CP
- Gear Holy Symbol, Mule, Saddlebags, Leather Armor, Shield, Mace, Waterskin, 6 weeks standard rations, 50' rope, 10' pole
- Treasure