D&D Survival B/X:Team Dorsai:Deorn Half-Ogre, Fighter
Biographical Info[edit]
- Name Deorn Half-Ogre
- Sex M
- Age 28
- Height 6'10
- Weight 230 lb
- Hair Black
- Eyes Blue
- Skin Fair
- History and Personality Deorn is a simple-minded thug, making up for his lack of intelligence with brute strength. He neither knows nor cares what Amalek's motives are, his only concern being the gold that Amalek continues to give him in exchange for his service. He served Amalek's master Elias until his death, and as long as Amalek continues to pay him, will serve him as well.
- Description Whether Deorn is truly half-ogre no one can say, but he certainly has the look of it. A mountain of a man with shaggy hair and beard, and a face that seems permanently contorted into an evil grin that displays several missing teeth.
- Class Fighter
- Level 1
- EXP 1000
- Alignment N
- STR 17
- INT 7
- WIS 5
- DEX 4
- CON 12
- CHR 6
Combat Stats[edit]
- AC 5
- HP 8
- Move 60 (20)
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell16
Race and Class Abilities[edit]
Languages: Common, Skandik
Gear and Treasure[edit]
- Encumbrance 770
- Coins 28 GP EP SP CP
- Weapons
- Serrated Pike (Pole Arm)
- Gear
Backpack Water Skin Rations (1 week) Tinder Box Torches (6) Rope Small Hammer Iron Spikes (12) Small Sack Plate Armor
- Treasure