Sean O'Rourke

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Sean O'Rourke Humani Male Career: Scouts, Bureaucracy Detached Duty Office Rank: E9 Senior Supervisor

UWP B6A6764C Starport: B Size: Medium Atmos: Dense Hydro: Wet Pop: Moderate Law: Moderate Gov: Colonial Tech LVL: Avg Stellar

UPP: E9BC7B STR 14 DEX 9 END 11 INT 12 EDU 7 SOC 11

SKILLS: Grav Veh-0, Computer-5, Rifle-2, VaccSuit-0, Pilot-1, Engineering-4, Ship's Boat-0, Commo-2, Nav-2, Recon-0, Mechanical-1,Hunting-0, Bribery-2, Liaison-0, Guard/Hunt Beast-0, Robot Ops-0

Property: (to be determined) Credits: 180,000 Scout(30 yearLoan) Weapon: (to be determined)

Sean doesn't talk about his past, he probably doesn'thave one. One of the best engineers this side of the Claw, for his age and rank, and by god, his personality matches the machines he works with: crochety, irritable, angry most of the time and able to put bits of himself through a bulkhead when his ire is up.