Emberverse: Cast of Characters

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Rocky Mointain National Park[edit]


  • At change: ~7
  • July 1: ~60

Known Residents[edit]

First Last Age (at change) Gender Skills Race Relationships Notes
Amber f Textilecraft (knitting and crochet): Apprentice. married (John)
Amy Tarzhay f Archery: Journeyman, Fletching: Apprentice dating (Chelsea) lesbian, soccer player
Ariel Vance f Glassworking: Journeyman (Faire circuit) married (Henry)
Chelsea f na dating (Amy) lesbian, soccer player
Erasmus McGonigle m Carpentry, Woodworking, Animalcraft, Agriculture: Journeyman black married (May)
Henry Vance m Brewing: Journeyman. married (Ariel), twin (Herman Vance)
Herman Vance m Masonry: Apprentice twin (Henry Vance)
Jackson Rodriguez m Agriculture/Farming: Expert. Animalcraft: Journeyman.
Jamie Hyneman 54 m A Player Character cauc.
Janet Montville f Baking: Expert
Janus m Runs watch repair shop. Metalcraft and Lockcraft: Apprentice.
Jason Statham m Hand to Hand: Expert
John m Weaponcraft: Journeyman. married (Amber)
Katie Connolly 33 f A Player Character cauc. (Irish)
Lee Montville f Artistic painting: Journeyman
Leslie Dayton-Gable f na (childhood friend of Crow & Raven)
May McGonigle f Cooking: Journeyman. Animalcraft: Apprentice. white married (Erasmus)
Monty Gable m Acting: Apprentice
Randy m Weaponcraft: Journeyman sibling (John)
Mark Bishop m Riding, Animalcraft: Expert married (Frida) Bear Lake ranch, 500+ horses
Frida Bishop f Riding, Animalcraft: Expert (500+ horses) married (Mark) Bear Lake ranch, 500+ horses
Joey m Skiing, Hand to hand: Novice. Animalcraft: Apprentice Estes Park citizen owed training
Jake m Skiing, Hand to hand: Novice. Animalcraft: Apprentice Estes Park citizen owed training
Steve m Skiing, Hand to hand: Novice. Animalcraft: Apprentice Estes Park citizen owed training, injured
Elise Arcadia f A Player Character lusting (Jason Statham)
Ward McGonigle 10 m na son (Erasmus and May)
Jeanette McGonigle 15 f na daughter (Erasmus and May)
Sigmund Dayton-Gable 5 m na son (Leslie and Langdon) twin(Gertrude)
Gertrude Dayton-Gable 5 f na daughter (Leslie and Langdon) twin(Sigmund)
Dakota Montville 14 m na son (Janet and Lee)
Jasmine Montville 12 f na daughter (Janet and Lee)
Jed Bowyer 45 m Bowmaker: Expert white Lifelong Estes resident.
Henry Potter 25 m Potter: Apprentice white Mormon. Learned the trade on mission in Africa.
Abe Miller 35 m Miller: Journeyman white From Eastern CO. Was here on vacation. Wife and two children died within week after the change.
Hannah Tanner 30 f Hideworker: Journeyman hideworker wife (Jake) From Helena. Here with hubby. Worked solely with sheep but figures elk and beaver and bear can't be much different.
Jake Tanner 40 m Logger: Journeyman husband (Hannah) Was the family businessman although his older brothers ran the operation.
'Big Jack' Spruce 50 m Logger: Journeyman black Looks like the dad from Good Times. Moved here from Oregon- tired of rain.
Lily Knowen 22 f Botanist: Apprentice botanist Grad student. Down hiking from CSU at the time of the Change.

Estres Park Park[edit]


  • At change: ~4400
  • July 1: ~2000

Known Residents[edit]

First Last Age (at change) Gender Skills Race Relationships Notes
Allison McGee f na gun and archery range, Proprietor
Langdon Donnelly m ??? Park Ranger
Siobhan McCullogh f Healer: Expert Gardnerian