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"Life is what you make of it. Mine sucked. Hopefully this magic thing won't be shit, too."

"Yeah, I'll do it. Wouldn't want to get your pristine hands dirty, would we?"

"Come on Mutt, we've got places to be."

Real Name: Jack Stewart
Path: Thyrsus Order: Guardians of the Veil
Virtue: Hope Vice: Greed
Mental Physical Social
Intelligence: ●●○○○ Strength: ●●○○○ Presence: ●○○○○
Wits: ●●●○○ Dexterity: ●●○○○ Manipulation: ●●●○○
Resolve: ●●●○○ Stamina: ●●●○○ Composure: ●●●○○
Skills Arcana
Computer: ●○○○○ Life: ●●●○○ (Ruling)
Investigation: ●●○○○ (Rote) Spirit: ●○○○○ (Ruling)
Medicine: ●○○○○ Space: ●●○○○ (Common)
Athletics: ●○○○○
Brawl ●○○○○
Larceny ●●○○○ (Pickpocketing)
Stealth ●○○○○ (Rote)
Survival ●○○○○
Weaponry ●○○○○
Animal Ken ●○○○○
Empathy ●○○○○
Intimidation ●○○○○
Persuasion ●●○○○ (Hustling)
Socialise ●○○○○
Streetwise ●●●○○ (Chicago)
Subterfuge ●●○○○ (Rote)
Familiar: ●●●●
Contacts: ●○○○○ (Street)
Hallow: ●○○○○ (Sanctum - Shared)
Status: ●○○○○ (Guardians)
High Speech: ●○○○○ (Free)
Health: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Willpower: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Mana: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □ □
Wisdom: ●●●●●●●○○○
Gnosis: ●○○○○○○○○○
Defense: 2
Initiative: 5
Movement: 9
Player: Deadite Game:


Although he's no longer the desperate street kid he was, Cajetan still usually looks like one. He's skinny but his body is no longer malnourished or ravaged by years of substance abuse, thansk to his ability with the Life Arcana. In fact, if you could get his to 'scrub up' and wear decent clothes, he'd be quite handsome, in a late-teenage kind of way.

Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen. On a typical day, Cajetan will be wearing his faded, torn and repaired grey 'hoodie' jacket over a dirty t-shirt, with jeans that are similarly old and subject to makeshift repairs. He'll also have a pair of sneakers that he acquired from some charity organisation.

He's also frequently accompanied by Mutt, his large cross-bred mongrel shaggy street dog (and familiar). Mutt is a patchwork of different fur colours and textures, and is a large dog, standing to Cajetan's waist. His eyes are different colours, one extraordinarily blue, the other a deep, muddy brown.


Fevered - when Cajetan's nimbus displays, onlookers feel their temperatures rise as their breathing becomes more rapid but shallow, as if their body is struggling to fight off a massive infection. They may also become faint or feel nauseous. As the feeling fades, they are left with a renewed connection to Life and are thankful that their life triumphed over the base life-form.


Faded, torn and patched, dark grey 'hoodie' jacket with a deep hood. Counts as a cloak when Cajtan pulls the hood up and hides his face in the shadows. (Dedicated Order tool.)


Self Healing (Life 2, Covert)
(Intelligence + Medicine + Life = 6 dice)
Cost: 1 mana. Each success heals 1 bashing or lethal health level. When cast with a Vulgar aspect, can heal aggravated.

Organic Resilience (Life 2, Covert)
(Stamina + Athletics + Life = 7 dice)
Mage Armour - Adds (Life) levels of Armour. For 1 mana, Duration becomes one day.

Scrying (Space 2, Covert)
(Intelligence + Investigation* + Space = 7 dice)
See far away places and people. Penalties to dice pool based on familiarity.