The Dawn After Steam
This is a Play by Post game run at RPGnet, using Legends of Anglerre. It is grounded in a collaboratively created setting.
This is a campaign revolving around powerful heroes in a world that has begun to recover from a catastrophic war. It is a world where magic and technology blend together. Instead of the metaphysical tension being tech vs. magic, it is imposing one's will upon reality vs. accepting one's fate. Both are paths to power as a new age dawns.
Themes for this Game
- Age of Darkness
- Epic Heroes
- Lost Glories
- Rise & Rebirth
Chargen & Game Prep
It is assumed they are all from the same city state, but this is negotiable. The organization rules will likely be in play, but I will wait to see what people want to do before I commit to PCs being in charge of organizations.
Quick World Description
Isolated city states and nomadic tribes are coming into increasing contact with one another. The line between technology and magic is blurry at best, and there are airships, muskets, and all sorts of sorcerers. Dark forces in the forests conspire to keep humanity weak, and the Clockwork Court is building something.
Quick World History
Once upon a time, there was an empire called the Kingdom of Steam that attempted to take over the world with fearsome engines and artifacts. They almost succeeded before the nations came together and fought them to a standstill. Eventually, some regions returned to peace, some nations returned to fighting one another, and some regions were ruined utterly. However, the war never quite ended.
Then, just under a century ago, the Kingdom of Steam made one last attempt to take over. The nations of the world were terrified, unsure if they could defeat the Steamists and their new, horrific devices. However, the Kingdom was too reckless, and its clockwork golems rose up in rebellion and destroyed the Kingdom. The Works then retreated into the citadel of Rossummesto where they have remained ever since. ...mostly.
Those who survived the war found themselves in a broken world. The population was decimated, the cities were razed, and governments had fallen. The Patrons of the Wilderness savagely reclaimed land, isolating the survivors even further.
Humanity survived, however, and the city states and nomads are ready to realize imperial ambitions.