The Dawn After Steam: Chargen and Game Prep

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Character Generation

  1. Player Characters will be superb characters. 5 phases, 10 aspects, 5 stunts, 35 skill points, and +5 max skill. This puts them at a power level where they begin the game as You're capital "H" Heroes.
  2. The game is beginning with the assumption everyone is from the same city-state.
  3. Before players get to putting together the stats for their characters, they should think of answers for these questions:
    1. What is your character's concept, in a sentence?
    2. What does you character care about? What are they prepared to fight for? This question is oriented toward the present and right now.
    3. What does your character regret or is proud of? This is a question about the past of the character, and how they remember it.
    4. What is a goal for your character? This is, obviously, about the future the character wants.
  4. After basic concepts are decided, players are free to put together their 1st and 2nd phases. After that, PCs will then be connected together for the later guest starring phases.