Tibald the Ox
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Biographical Info[edit]
- Name Tibald the Ox
- Sex Male
- Age 87
- Height 4'10"
- Weight
- Hair Red, with an unimpressive beard
- Eyes Brown
- Skin White
- History and Personality
- Description
- Class Dwarf
- Level 1
- EXP 1220/2200 (+5%)
- Alignment L
- STR 13 (+1 hit, dmg, doors)
- INT 15 (+1 language; Read/write)
- WIS 9
- DEX 8 (+1AC; -1 Missile; -1 Init)
- CON 13 (+1HP)
- CHR 7 (+1 Reaction; 3 retainers; morale 6)
Combat Stats[edit]
- AC 7
- HP 9
- Move 90'/30'/90'
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 8
- Magic Wands 9
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 10
- Dragon Breath 13
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 12
Race and Class Abilities[edit]
- Infravision up to 60 feet
- 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6) chance of detecting traps, false walls, hidden construction, or noticing if passages are sloped.
- Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Gnome, Kobold, Orcish
Gear and Treasure[edit]
- Encumbrance 467
- Coins 0PP 7GP EP SP CP
- Weapons
- Normal Sword 60 1d8
- Warhammer 30 1d6
- Normal Dagger 10 1d4
- Spear (1H or 2H) 30 1d6
- Short Bow w/ 20 Arrows 30 1d6
- Quiver w/ 20 Arrows m
- 1 Silver-tipped Arrow m 1d6
- Sling W/ 30 Stones m 1d4
- Leather Armor 200
- Shield 100
- Gear
- Backpack m
- Garlic m
- Rope (50') m
- Small Sack m
- Standard Rations (unpreserved, 1 person/1 week) m
- Iron Rations (preserved, 1 person/1 week) 15 m
- Iron Rations (preserved, 1 person/1 week) 15 m
- Water Skin m
- Wolfsbane (1 pouch) m
- Treasure