The Dawn After Steam: More Chargen Info
PC generaction[edit]
- Player Characters will be superb characters. This puts them at a power level where they begin the game capital "H" Heroes. They are 5 phase characters, meaning they begin play with:
- Phases include: Early days, 2 Legends, and 2 Guest Starring roles in other PC's lives.
- 10 aspects, 2 associated with each phase
- 5 stunts
- 35 skill points, and max skill of +5 (Superb).
- The game is beginning with the assumption everyone is from the same city-state.
- Before players get to putting together the stats for their characters, they should think of answers for these questions:
- What is your character's concept, in a sentence?
- What does you character care about? What are they prepared to fight for? This question is oriented toward the present and right now.
- What does your character regret or is proud of? This is a question about the past of the character, and how they remember it.
- What is a goal for your character? This is, obviously, about the future the character wants.
- After basic concepts are decided, players are free to put together their 1st and 2nd phases. After that, PCs will then be connected together for the later guest starring phases.
- Players that wish their PCs to start in a leadership position require the following:
- The Founder stunt, which has as a prerequisite Hero, Master Diplomat, or an equivalent stunt depending on the organization in question. Without this stunt, a character can belong to an organization, but not be in charge of it.
- An aspect related to the organization.
- Make sure to take skills such as leadership. Furthermore, there are many stunts under leadership as well as a few other skills (resources) that relate to running an organization and/or benefiting personally from running one.
Collaboration on Setting[edit]
- All players have the option to contribute to the setting two ways.
- All players are allowed to create and write up a size 3 organization or smaller.
- All players are allowed to add one aspect either to the starting city or the nearby lands. If more than 4 players wish to add aspects to the city (a size 4 organization), negotiation will occur to decide which aspects stay.
Skill Ladder[edit]
This is the list of skills levels. You are assumed to be mediocre (+0) at everything unless stated otherwise:
- +8: Legendary
- +7: Epic
- +6: Fantastic
- +5: Superb
- +4: Great
- +3: Good
- +2: Fair
- +1: Average
- 0: Mediocre
- -1: Poor
- -2: Terrible
- -3 Abysmal
As mentioned before, PCs are capped at +5. They can't have skills that start higher than that.
Skill Pyramid[edit]
Basically, you must have more skills at one rung of the ladder then you can have at the next higher. So, you could have 1 good skill, 2 fair skills, and 3 average skills. You cannot have 2 fair and 2 average.
Here is the list of skills in LoA (if you want descriptions, contact GM):
- Academics
- Alertness
- Art
- Artificer
- Athletics
- Burglary
- Contacting
- Deceit
- Drive
- Empathy
- Fists
- Gambling
- Intimidation
- Investigation
- Leadership
- Melee Weapon
- Might
- Magic Power (Specify)
- Pilot
- Ranged Weapon
- Rapport
- Resolve
- Resources
- Science
- Sleight of hand
- Stealth
- Survival