Kazuhito Kaminari

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Kazuhito Kaminari

Abilities (36 PP)

Str 10
Dex 22 (12 PP)
Con 18 (8 PP)
Int 22 (12 PP)
Wis 12 (2 PP)
Cha 12 (2 PP)

Kombat (8 PP)

Attack +2 (4 PP)
Defense +6/+0 flatfooted
Toughness +4
Initiative +6
Fort +4
Ref +6
Will +5 (4 PP)

Skills (14 PP)

Computers 11 (2.75 PP)
Craft (mechanical) 11 (2.75 PP)
Drive 1 rank (0.25 PP)
Knowledge (mechanical) 8 ranks (2 PP)
Knowledge (Tactics) 5 ranks (1.25 PP)
Notice 5 ranks (1.25 PP)
Pilot 11 (2.75 PP)
Profession (Cook) 4 ranks (1 PP)

Feats (28 PP)

Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 (4 PP)
Accurate Attack (1 PP)
All-Out Attack (1 PP)
Benefit 3 (Military Officer, Equipment x2)
Dodge Focus 6 (6 PP)
Evasion 2 (2 PP)
Fearless (1 PP)
Improved Outmaneuver (1 PP)
Interpose (1 PP)
Luck x3 (3 PP)
Mecha Dogfighter (1 PP)
Power Attack (1 PP)
Need for Speed (1 PP)
Task Focus - Pilot (Morningstar) (1 PP)
Uncanny Dodge (1 PP)

Powers (6 PP)

Quickness 2 (10x multiplier, 1 PP)
- Flaw: Limited (Mechanical tinkering only) (-2 PP/rank)

Hard To Lose Device 2 - Rider Powersuit (10 points of powers) (5 PP)
- Power Feat - Summonable) (1 PP)
- Drawback - Conditional Ownership) (-2 PP)
- Drawback - Key (Rider Belt system) (-2 PP)

   Immunity 3 (Suffocation, vacuum and cold) 
Flight 4
- Limited: Platform (-1 PP/rank)
Superstrength 2
- Flaw (no combat bonuses -1pp/rank)

Equipment (10 EP)

Blasta Pistol(10 EP)

Drawbacks (-2 PP)

Cursed Interpose (Interpose randomly works against our hero's will) (-2 PP)