Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy

Senator Kennedy on wikipedia.
Senator Kennedy's Senate Home Page
(Note: Senator Kennedy's real-life history was slightly changed for game purposes, to better fit with Jack Bennet's character concept.)
About Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy Senator Edward M. Kennedy has represented Massachusetts in the United States Senate since he was first elected in 1962 to finish the term of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. Since then, he has been re-elected seven times, and he is now the second most senior member of the Senate. Read about his record of accomplishments, Throughout his career, Kennedy has fought for issues that benefit the people of Massachusetts and the nation. He continues to work to better the lives of working families and to secure our nation from our true threats. Read more about Senator Kennedy’s agenda. Kennedy is the youngest of nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, and is a graduate of Harvard and the University of Virginia Law School. His home is in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, where he lives with his wife, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, and children, Curran and Caroline. His son Jack is currently attending Goregetown after having gone to private school in N.Y. for most of his life. He also has three grown children, Kara, Edward Jr., and Patrick, and four grandchildren.
Ted Kennedy/Dad: Jack and his father have a rough, on-again/off-again relationship. They love each other, but have trouble admitting it, and they piss each other off. Ted sees great potential in his son, potential to really make a diferance in the world, and Jack just wants to live his life. Ted sees Jack as the last great heir to the Kennedy's and would love to see his son become president or something influential. He's always talking about Jack wasting his potential. Generally, they come together for a happy reunion that ends in one of them bringing up some topic they will fight about and Jack storming out as quickly as he came in.