Editions of Dungeons and Dragons

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1974 "Original" Dungeons & Dragons (original white/brown box edition with three booklets)

Men & MagicMonsters & TreasureThe Underworld & Wilderness Adventures

1977 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition)

Monster Manual (December)

Dungeons & Dragons (2nd version)

"Holmes" Basic Set (blue box) (levels 1–3)

1978 Players Handbook (June)
1979 Dungeon Master Guide (August)
1981 "B/X" Dungeons & Dragons (3rd version)

"Moldvay" Basic Set (magenta box)(levels 1-3)
"Cook/Marsh" Expert Set (light blue box) (levels 4–14)

1983 Core rulebooks reprinted with
new orange-spined covers
"BECMI" Dungeons & Dragons (4th version)

Basic Set (red box)(levels 1-3)
Expert Set (blue box)(levels 4-14)
Companion Set (levels 15–25)

1984 Master Set (levels 26–36)
1985 Unearthed Arcana (a fourth "core" rulebook)
Immortals Set (levels 36+)
1989 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition

Player's Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monstrous Compendium

1991 "RC" Dungeons & Dragons (5th version)

Rules Cyclopedia (levels 1–36)

1992 Wrath of the Immortals (levels 36+)
1993 Monstrous Manual
1996 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition revised

Player's Handbook
Dungeon Masters Guide

2000 Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition (three Core rulebooks)

Player's HandbookDungeon Master's GuideMonster Manual

2003 Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition revised (v3.5)

Revised editions of the core rulebooks (compatible with 3.0 via errata)

2008 Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (three Core rulebooks)

Player's HandbookMonster ManualDungeon Master's Guide

2009 Player's Handbook 2Monster Manual 2Dungeon Master's Guide 2
2010 Player's Handbook 3Monster Manual 3Dungeon Master's Guide 3
Notes: Titles in quotes are unofficial title commonly used by players.
The grey group of editions is commonly known as "Original D&D" or "OD&D".

However, some people use this term exclusively for the white/brown box version.

The purple group of editions is commonly known as "AD&D".
The orange group of editions is commonly known as "Classic D&D" or "Basic D&D".

However, some people use this term to apply to the orange and grey groups combined.
Additionally, some people use the term "BECMI D&D" to refer to both the 4th and 5th versions (but not the 3rd version).

The green group of editions is commonly known as "D&D 3.x" or "d20 D&D".

Additionally, some people refer to both the green and red groups together as "WotC D&D" and all earlier groups as "TSR D&D".

The red group of editions is commonly known as "D&D 4e".