Episode 402: Shepherd's Hope

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Episode Mount in Progress. More coming soon. Air Date: 22 June 2010
Present: Kim, Maer, Terri, Andy, and Bobby

Wednesday, 30 Apr 2521
Kuiper II class, Summer’s Gift
Varansi Spaceport, Urvasi
Kalidasa (Xuan Hu) system
0600 hrs, local time

We delivered Channa and the girls to the Holy City without further incident and turn right around for the Varansi. Working flat-out for the next two weeks, Rina repairs what she can of the Gift, but on the day of lift-off the sensors are still only fixed halfway. They fritz in and out, giving inconsistent readings. Nika has become quite good at astronavigation off-line, thanks to the Long Silence, and it looks like until we can get our sensors fixed completely, she’s going to get a lot of practice in picking things out visually in the Black.

We’ve got a job hauling cargo to Kerry in the Georgia system. Humanitarian goods and supplies: blankets, food, fuel, shelters, etc. There’s 100 tons of it and the pay for getting it there is 400 credits, half of it payable up front! With a little money in our coffers we’re able to fuel up to full and lay in food supplies for the trip. Kiera has decided to stay with us for the time being and has quit the first class cabins for her custom made container. Kerry is too far for us to make in one go, so we’ll stop at Grasshopper station midway to refuel.

It’s 420 hours to Grasshopper Station, netting us an ETA of Friday, l6 May 2521. After an overnight stay and a quick refuel we’ll pulse the rest of the way to Kerry, 170 hours away, arriving 7 days later on the 24th.

Saturday, 24 May 2521
Village of Shepherd's Hope, Kerry
Georgia (Huang Long) system 1100hrs, local time< br>

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