Harn of the Divine

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Of the Divine

There are only three spiritual movements on Harn. The Church, the Old Ways and the worship of Ilvir.

  • The church of the child of light. Founded over 600 years ago, the Church follows the teachings of a young boy born in the middle empires of the mainland long ago. He revealed that all previous gods were part of a pattern and that this pattern was the Child of Light, offspring of the Great Mother and Grand Father. He was slain by the Geat Evil, but cast his purity and light out into the world creating a huge and intricate pattern out of his purity and essence, everywhere making light and life. So incensed was the Great evil that it had been denied the Childs purity and essence that it flung itself into the world, losing most of its strength and power to do so. That is why there is a potential for the good in all things to be turned to evil, but only the potential.It is only possible to have pure Evil in the 'other worlds' that the church speaks of.

The church has a series of orders and sects, based on the later teachings of other children, born as speakers for the Child every 100-200 years. These have always brought tremendous disruption to the church. Think of a monotheistic church that gets a divine audit every couple of hundred years and you have the Church of the Child.

Church orders

  • Hermetic orders.
  • Mendicant orders.
  • Fighting orders.
  • Monastic orders.
  • Arcane orders.
  • Spiritual orders.
  • The Old Ways. The Old Ways are the ways of believers in the many gods with greater gods above them. The primal figures are the Great mother or triple goddess and the Grand Father. There are also three clever figures who aid the primal pair, one the master of nature, one the master of spirit, and one the master of magic. Between them and their contests with the Great Evil, all the world, gods, spirits and creatures are created.

Think of a mix of animism, celtic gods, welsh, irish and Scottish folklore and bon shamanism and you have theOld Ways. Depply tied to natural, spiritual and magical cycles, their orders and covens and myriad and local, but all ascribe to the same basic tenets.

Druids,Bards, witches and warlocks, Seers, Grain Queens and Sun Kings all follow the old ways.

  • Ilvir the God. The wild beasts, wild men and orcs all worship Ilvir as a living God. This is, of course, contested by both the church and the Old Ways.