M&M 2e - Adventurers
This is the wiki for Silent Wayfarer's M&M 2e - Adventurers, a less serious fantasy game using Mutants & Masterminds 2e.
Story So Far
Behind the Scenes
Meet the Stars
Meet The Moons
Shirley - The sunny, smiling barmaid who always seems to be everywhere at once. Has a knack for choosing drinks which match the customer. Is an angel in disguise, but few people know this.
Mr. Tokarev - Midgety old man who owns and operates the Dragon's Scale.
Temujin and Wanda - An ecchi man and his long-suffering partner. Temujin is much better-behaved when drunk, surprisingly enough.
Mittens - A full-grown cougar. Likes Nyanko, Nyonmu and Edric.
Mara, the Snake Witch - A middle-aged cougar. Likes Nyonmu. Apparently uses snake-themed magic and is pretty good at her jpb.
Rodin, Luka and Seresa - A trio of adventurers who are trying out the Dragon's Scale as an alternative to their usual watering hole, The Gates Of Hell. Rodin is quite bad at cards.