Fruit of the Vine:Luxifuge

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Luxifuge, the Marquis of Vanity[edit]

The estate of Vanity covers self-delusion and self-confidence. Whenever someone thinks they're better than they really are, Luxifuge is there. It also covers, in a limited fashion, the desire for all the stupid little accessories which make people think they look good.

  • Aspect: 2
  • Domain: 3
  • Realm: 2
  • Spirit: 1


Acidic Spittle-he claims to be a demon. As such, his saliva is infused with the corrosive energies of Hell.


Hideous-In his natural form, Luxifuge is a skinless corpse, a legacy of his time in Hell. He keeps himself Guised when he has to deal with people, but his natural form makes him incredibly difficult to deal with.

Summonable-Again, he says he's a demon, and can be summoned accordingly.

Affiliation-Code of the Fallen Angels


  • The Code of the Fallen Angels(6): Luxifuge cares deeply about the Code of the Fallen. While he's nice and charming and personable most of the time, at the core of his being he's devoted to the Code.
  • His Estate(4): As it was Vanity which led Luxifuge to his current position in Hell, he considers it one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
  • Villa Luxifuge(4): Luxifuge's home within the Chancel, Villa Luxifuge seems to the casual observer to be a spacious, well-appointed villa, where Luxifuge hosts exclusive parties for the Chancel's rich. The thing about Villa Luxifuge which makes people uneasy, however, is the fact that a standing enchantment on the place means that the areas which can't be seen are horrific. Blood pools beneath locked and unopenable doors, the smell of smoke hangs vaguely in the air, and guests are constantly under the impression that every room except the one they're in at that point is a slaughterhouse.
  • The opinion of the Chancelfolk's high society(2): Luxifuge is a massive social success, and wants to stay that way.
  • Alicia Taylor, his Anchor(2): Someone as self-centred as Luxifuge leaves a lot of human wreckage in his wake. Alicia, an ex-girlfriend, is a perfect example of this. She's deeply devoted to Luxifuge, which feeds his ego.
  • Kevin Hammet, his Anchor(1): A kid he bullied in high school, Kevin is now a success. Luxifuge, of course, resents this and makes Kevin's life difficult by virtue of his Anchorhood.
  • His Imperator(1): Luxifuge has problems devoting himself to anyone who claims to be more important than him. Still, he recognises that he needs some sort of bond to the thing which gives him power.

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