Tom Hearst, AKA Blueblood

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Tom Hearst, AKA Blueblood

7'2", 340 pounds, Caucasian, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair; Extremely Muscular, though still agile, with thick veins standing on his muscles. His veins and eyes glow a dull blue from his chemically altered blood. Somewhat homely, though not ugly, and usually cheerful and smiling. Typically wears dark blue clothing underneath a long black overcoat, as well as black leather gloves. When working, he wears a black, expressionless mask that covers his entire head; the eyepieces have lenses which will allow no light to escape, or can be set to allow the blue light from his eyes to seep through, giving an impression of pin point pupils.

Strength: 33/320 (Size -10%) [90]

Dexterity: 20 [200]

IQ: 14 [80]

Health: 20 [100]

HP: 60 (Super -10%, Size -10%) [43]

FP: 20

Will: 18 [20]

Perception: 18 [20]

Damage (Swing): 6d/35d

Damage (Thrust): 3d+2/33d

Basic Lift/Encumbrance:218, 436, 654, 1308, 2180 / 10 tons, 20 tons, 30 tons, 60 tons, 80 tons

Basic Speed: 10

Basic Move: 10+1

Basic Dodge: 13+1

Advantages/Perks: [1,170]

Gigantism [0]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Contact Group (Supers; Skill 18 (supernatural methods), Quite Often (12), Usually Reliable) [16]

Contact (Crime Scene Investigator; Skill 21, Fairly Often, Unreliable) [2]

Reputation +4 (Really nice guy, approachable; "One of us". New Yorkers, All the Time) [10]

Ambidexterity [5]

Patron (Powerful Individual, Fixed Location -50%) [5]

Headquarters Perks (Combat Training Room, Computer, Electronic Security System, Laboratory, Surgery, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Video Projection System) [7]

Ally; Headquarters Operations Director (15% of points, Almost all the time) [2]

--- Super Abilities ---

Innate Attack (Crushing) 1d6 (Melee Attack C -30%, Armor Divisor (5) +150%, Strength Based +100%) [16]

Extra Attack 2 (Super -10%, Multi-Strike +20%) [55]

DR 100 (Super -10%, Hardened 1 +20%, Cannot Wear Armor -40%, Semi-Ablative -20%) [250]

IT: Damage Reduction 100 (Super -10%) [270]

Super-Strength 13/320 (Super -10%, Size -10%, Costs 2 HP/Second -40%) [208]

Regeneration (Very Fast; 6 HP and FP/second) (Super -10%, Fatigue Recovery +100%) [190]

Enhanced Move (Ground Speed 22) (Super -10%) [18]

Super Jump 4 (Super -10%) [36]

Hyperspectral Vision (Super -10%) [22]

Breath Holding 4 (Super -10%) [7]

Temperature Tolerance 10 (Super -10%) [9]

Nictitating Membrance 10 (Super -10%) [9]

Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +8 (Super -10%) [13]

Illumination [1]

Nonprotective Clothing [1]

Power Blow (Against Objects or Super-Powered Foes) [1]

Fearsome Stare [1]

Disadvantages/Quirks: [-233]

Code of Honor (Hero; protect the weak, punish those who would abuse them. If someone kills, they are to be turned in, or taken down then and there. Minimize collateral damage, but if taking down a building saves a life, do it, and worry about the consequences later.) [-10]

Charitable (CR 12) [-15]

Duty (City; Almost all the time, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]

Dependant (The Beautiful Julia, the first woman to ever honestly love him. He is head over heels in love with her, as well. Loved One, No more than 5%, Quite Often) [-56]

Enemies (Jericho Thompson, a egomaniacal self-proclaimed crime lord that has a particular hatred for Blueblood. Blueblood isn't quite sure why HE sets the guy off so much, but plots, assassins, and attempts on his life...or at least, attempts to get some of his blood to sample...happen every so often. Medium Sized Organization, more powerful, Hunter, Fairly Often) [-30]

Ham-Fisted (Bluebloods hands are oversized, like the rest of him, and he is frustratingly incapable of fine work unless he focuses completely) [-10]

Increased Consumption 1 [-10]

Light Sleeper [-5]

Insomniac (Severe) [-15]

Miserliness (Blueblood, or rather, Tom, isn't used to having money. He doesn't like spending it, in case he can't find any more.) [-10]

Cannot Harm Innocents [-10]

Restricted Diet (Blueblood requires meat, and a lot of it, to function.) [-10]

Selfless [-5]

Sense of Duty (Good people) [-10]

Supernatural Features (Glowing blood; bright blue glowing eyes) [-10]

Unusual Biochemistry [-5]

Shy [-1]

Protective of animals and kids [-1]

Always tips heavily, even when the meal is free [-1]

Skills: [111]

Acrobatics DH 19 2

Area Knowledge (New York) IE 15 2

Cooking IA 15 4

Criminology TL8 IA 14 2

Diplomacy IH 14 4

Driving (Automobile) TL8 DA 19 1

First Aid TL8 IE 15 2

Interrogation IA 14 2

Intimidation WA 19 4

Judo DH 22 12

Karate DH 22 12

-Feint (Hard) 26 5

Law (Criminal, United States) IH 14 4

Lifting HA 20 2

Observation PA 18 2

Power Blow WH 25 32

Scrounging PE 18 1

Shadowing IA 14 2

Stealth DA 20 2

Streetwise IA 14 2

Tactics IH 14 4