Chapter Three: Assault on the Tower

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Game: Orichalcum Handbasket

Assault on the Tower[edit]

Knowing Saloy Hin to be their biggest roadblock in making the South a better place to be, the Circle move to make a mess of someone's well-laid plans. As a group (with Rover placed off to the side for safety) attempted to infiltrate the tower's defenses, four in uniform, with Ebon wandering behind as stealthily as possible. Unfortunately for Ebon, she was spotted by one of the Terrestrial Exalts, and immediately captured by her compatriots at the order of said exalt for questioning. After the Exalt had questioned Ebon to the best of his ability, the rest of the Circle lured other soldiers of their basic sizes to the tent, and knocked them unconscious, then taking Ebon and moving to the interior of the tower unmolested. Inside The Steel Tower the Circle found an elevator shaft that had been cleared all the way down to the bottom of the tower. Through various means they rappelled down to the bottom and discovered massive libraries, the Manse chamber, and the hangar, which contained many interesting things, from warstriders to battle platforms. Unfortunately, at that time there was no way to get things out from beneath the tower. Something that Saloy Hin was clearly aware of, thus the army excavation occurring outside in the desert. Upon their emergence from the depths of the tower, Feyth took it on himself to take the army under their control by convincing them that he was actually Saloy Hin. After his initial speech, by which the terrestrial exalts were not swayed, a battle ensued. Particularly, the Corundum Conundrum.

Sidereals and Tower Defense[edit]

After the cleanup from the battle, the Circle instructed their newly gained army to excavate a tunnel to the hangar entrance first, and then moved to hit Velen and take on Saloy Hin directly. Unfortunately, on their way their they recieved an urgent panicked missive from Granias requesting immediate aid, and explaining that she had attracted some unwanted attention. As we would later learn, some unwanted Sidereal attention. The Circle did an approximate about-face and moved at top rover speed to Lap, where they rescued Granias in an epic battle which is recounted as Sidereals? In MY Lap? It's more likely than you think. After dealing with that mess, and having a nice long talk with Granias about not attracting so much attention, they resumed their trip to Velen with her speedy angel travel system. Unfortunately, (is this becoming a trend??), they found when they got to Velen that the real Saloy Hin had moved on the tower after hearing that some sort of kerfuffle had occurred there. Using the massive awesome speedyness of Granias' transportation system, the Circle once again reaches the tower before the army of Saloy Hin. Once there they work with their army to set up the best double ambush ever. The Dual Surprises are well done, Saloy Hin is defeated, what of the massive army that remains is under the Circle's control (Including that which was left at Velen). This concludes the Assault on the Tower.

Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four