DFRPG The Promised Land of Ascended Dreams: Nadine Fathiyya Villeneuve

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Nadine Fathiyya Villeneuve

Template: Emissary of Power High Concept: Promised Warrior of Allah, Not A Huge Fan Trouble: The True Saif Ali

Background:* Nadine's parents came from very different backgrounds. Her mother, Nahid, was a community organizer, who tried to promote women's rights, especially in her Muslim faith while her father, Christian, was a brilliant scientist who happened to have a belief in some level of God but never talked about it much. Nadine grew up having a pretty normal life in Ottowa, and moved down to Maryland to go to school. She managed to get through a BA in Business Administration before things started to get weird. Aspect: Fresh Out Of College

Rising Conflict: A month or so after college graduation, Nadine had a run-in with someone who she believed was insane. He was muttering about a promise made with Allah and the Sixth Child of the Sixth Child of Hassan. He seemed to be transfixed on Nadine the whole time. Turns out, the guy was actually nuts, but he was speaking the truth. There was some deal made by one of the members of the House of Muhammed that every six generations, there would be a child born to help control the tide of evil. Sadly for Nadine, she was this child. She was offered what he referred to as the True Saif Ali and told that she could use it how her ancestor would have wished. Unfortunately for her, there were other people looking for that weapon, and they probably weren't going to just keep it for decoration and an unusual story like Nadine was. They killed the man and probably would have got Nadine if she didn't get a few lucky shots in with her new sword. Aspect: Double Edged Sword (Literally and Figuratively)

First Story: Escape From East Green Guest Starring: ??? Attempting to find people who could help her figure out if the man was a religious nutjob or a historian, she went looking around the city, trying to find anyone she could trust to help. She ended up in East Green, where there were a lot of people who seemed to know a lot of things, and none of them of the helpful type. She managed to get away from the various thugs and fiends who were trying to take her blade, getting a lot of practice using it. Aspect: Her Reputation Precedes Her

Guest Star in ??? Aspect: ???

Guest Star in ??? Aspect: ???

Skills: Great: Alertness Great: Weapons Great: Contacts Good: Rapport Good: Endurance Good: Conviction Fair: Resources Fair: Presence Fair: Scholarship Fair: Fists Average: Athletics Average: Driving Average: Stealth Average: Lore Average: Deceit Average: Investigation

Stress: Physical: OOOO Social: OOO Mental: OOOO

Stunts: Riposte Best Foot Forward

Item of Power: True Saif Ali (-1): -Discount (+2, sword, very obvious) -Laws Of The Greater Jihad/The Struggle (While technically anyone can use the weapon, only those who seek to improve or enlighten themselves and those around them gain the full power of the sword. The exact form of improvement or enlightenment is vague, which makes many people of less-than-virtuous ideals believe they could gain the power through warfare) -Inhuman Speed (-2) -Inhuman Recovery (-1) --Catch: The sword has a connection to the bearer. If there is no struggle from the bearer to attune the power, the recovery abilities stop. (Might be worth a +1, not sure. Can talk about this.)

Minor Abilities: Marked by Power (-1): -Marked by the contract with Ali to stop the tide of evil, tends to lead to lots of problems with people who believe to be part of that tide.

Refresh:* 6 (10 – 2 (stunts) – 1 (Item of Power) – 1 (Minor Abilities))