DFRPG The Promised Land of Ascended Dreams: Jakob Eastmund

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Jakob Eastmund

High Concept: Columnist in the Know Trouble: Respected Journalist

Background: Jakob was interested in journalism from a young age. He started out writing for his High School paper, then onto the College Newspaper. While in College he first met his future wife, Helena. She was studying to become a doctor. He got a job interning for a local newspaper, and before soon he was working on the crime beat. It was while working here his first two children were born, twins (now 8 years old) Rebecca and Matthew. Aspect: Family Man

Rising Conflict: While working on the crime beat, he started covering a rather grotesque serial killer. He must have done something right, for the serial killer decided to contact Jakob. The two had several phone calls together, and Jakob's coverage of the case got international attention. It turned out the serial killer was killing to wake some old and very dark god. He got very involved in the case, so much so that it started to affect his marriage and social life. He got closer and closer to discovering who the killer was, and he was eventually able to help the police catch the guy at great risk to himself. It wasn't without reward however, as the newspaper offered him his own weekly column when it was all over. What he saw however while working on the story, led him to believe that there could be more to this dark god stuff than he originally thought. Aspect: The truth is out there, and I'm going to find it, dammit!

First Story: Season of the Witch Guest Starring: ??? A string of child dissappearances intrigues Jakob after the clues on the crime scene leads to the world of the supernatural. While the quiet life of a columnist beckons, his new obsession with the supernatural brings him deep into a brand new world. As he gets deeper into the mystery his collegues and family thinks he's starting to lose it. He isn't prepared for the truth however when he finds out they were all kidnapped by a wicked fairy. Aspect: Dangerous curiosity of the unknown

Guest Star in ??? Aspect: ???

Guest Star in ??? Aspect: ???


Great: Contacts Great: Empathy Great: Investigation Good: Alertness Good: Presence Good: Rapport Fair: Resources Fair: Scholarship Fair: Stealth Fair: Performance Average: Discipline Average: Lore Average: Driving Average: Fists Average: Deceit Average: Intimidate

Stress: Physical: OOO Social: OOOO Mental: OOO

Stunts: Blend In Capable Researcher Corner of my Eye Ear to the Ground I Know Just the Guy Quick Eye Read the Surface

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