Djinn Trading
- Karam 150 silvers
- Jahyris 200 silvers
- Lysis 245 silvers
Fish business
- Cuno, Soldier Port partner.
- original stock
- 44 salted fish $22
- 18 pickled $7.2
- 18 smoked $3.6
- money made for cuno =
- $40 from queen
- bearskin 25silvers
635.5 enc
- 1 enc trade baubels
- 25 wolf pelts 25 enc
- 12 bison pelts 96 enc
- 2 bearskin 10 enc
- 75 redbuck skins 225enc
- 73 tusked deer skins 36.5 enc
- 225 small animal pelts of various sorts 225 enc
- smilodon pelt 8 enc
- mooseskin 8 enc
- Abu Fas owned and ridden by Jabal
- Mumkin co owned by Jabal and Cuno (31/120 enc)
- 1 enc trade baubles
- Jabals possessions (20 m rope, bedding, camping gear, mule gear, food) 30 enc?
- Yalla mule co owned by cuno and jabal (00/120 enc)
sold goods
- Queen of Surit. 20 silvers for all of your pickled (17 ENC) and smoked (17 ENC) fish. She'll also pay 20 silvers for 10 ENC of salted fish
- Rhegus Whitehair 33 enc of salted fish board and great hunt week trading rights.
Bought goods
- Lysis ($550)
- 50 small animal skins
- 75 redbuck skins
- 45 tusked deerskins
- 13 tusked deerskins
- moose skin
- 15 small animal pelts
- 3silvers cash
- Jahris ($500)
- gem (86 silver)
- 64 silver cash.
- 6 bison pelts
- 160 small animal pelts
- bearskin
- karam ($450)
- 25 wolf pelts
- 6 bison pelts
- Jabal
- 24 silver cash + 150 silver trinkets, feathers, odds and ends, etc.
- smilodon pelt 120 silvers
- bearskin 25silvers (for cuno)
- guide to haunted forest
- 15 tusked deerskin
- two months rent at red bear
- 5 javelin heads to king of Surit
- 3 enc of fish same as above
- jabal plans to barter javelin heads for furs, feathers and tribal goods.