Session Three 11-4-05

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Cruel Butterfly's version of events as taken from his blog:

Episode Three: Kingdom Came and Went

Today started out pretty slow. Relihan came in with our briefing as usual. I wasn’t really paying attention something about mind wiping at some apartment and more of those explosions around town. As much fun as interviewing a couple hundred amnesiacs sounded I opted to head to the burnt out warehouses with R. W. Dana joined us to make up for our lack of technical knowledge of explosions. Most of my experience in that field has been “accidental”.

Anyway after checking out a couple of sites and using a few detective tricks I developed in Japan we managed to figure out pretty quick that the warehouses were all fronts from something else. After poking around a failed blast site we found a base underneath one of the warehouses. A cubic meter of acidic wing powder later and we were inside.

It appears to have been some sort of Sinistry research lab. They were working on something Radioactive, as Dana informed R.W. and me after our walk through the blast chamber. Here’s hoping I don’t develop, you know, like a useful power or something. All we really managed to recover was a tape showing a minion escaping, which as it turns out proved incredibly useful.

The others apparently discovered that the building had been the victim of a mass cover up. I guess it was real sloppy. Grey says they used some sort of machine to erase the memories of one tenet from all the others. The morons apparently demolished the abductee’s apartment and melded it into his neighbors.

Rant Warning Is it just me or wouldn’t it have been easier to, you know, just erase everyone’s memories of the guy and list the apartment as empty? I mean seriously, who the hell merges two rooms and thinks no one’s gonna notice? I suppose the kind of Jerk-offs that don’t even bother to do a good job mind wiping people. Don’t get me wrong I have an appreciation for the super villain’s mind. I mean if your gonna use super powers to commit a crime you might as well do something flamboyant and beyond the scope of normal criminal activity. Of course if you’re gonna try to erase someone’s existence why not, I don’t know, do it in a manner that does not draw an absurd amount of attention to it! End Rant

Anyway the missing is some Sorentino guy, who goes by the name “the Wizard”. Apparently he can talk to computers or something. He also seems to be about as sane as you average episode of Milk Chan. More importantly he seems to have been working with those two guys up at North Western that have gone missing. I’m sure this bodes extremely well.

Anyway soon after Relihan introduced us to our new informant. Can’t say I like him but he seems to know his stuff. He helped us track down the mook from the Sinistry video, apparently his brother owned some minion bar under a parking garage. Yes that right, a minion bar, under a parking a garage. So natch we decided to trash the place, arrest the thugs, and find our boy.

Phase one of the plan went great. Shut down and R.W., well equipped to pull off the grizzled ex-minion look went and scouted the place for us. Mean while Grey and I waited outside, being somewhat more noticeable. After we got the go code Grey ripped the door off the hinges (note to self do not piss her off, don’t want her going Carrie on my ass), and I dove in pummeling the bouncer into submission. At this point Bolt busted through the main door and then hell broke loose. By hell I mean us. Grey knocked pretty much everyone in the place (including herself) on their asses. After that it was just a matter of restraining them all. Between my gun and R.W. dropping a couple of pool tables and a jukebox on them it was over pretty quick. I think Bolt took out a few too, hard to tell with the whole “faster than then naked eye” thing. Of course while this was going on our actual target was escaping out the back.

CB’s Villain tip of the day: Now if you’re a villain and you’re reading this I’m just going to say, unless you can hit like 1,000 miles per hour trying to out run a Hunter is kind of pointless. Instead, I suggest you save your energy for defending yourself in the showers at Lockdown.

Bolt caught up to the guy on the elevator quicker than I could turn the doorknob to get into the room. It was after he arrived at the top that we got word that something might have gone wrong. The by now familiar “Oh no! Super Villains!” Came through our sub vocals. I grabbed Grey and flew up the shaft in time to see Bolt furiously spinning away from the assembled Mad Dogs or Kingdom come or whatever they go by these days.

Just for perspective, I am a guy whose only power is giant frickin’ butterfly wings, and even I was unimpressed with these guys. Probably the only one of them that’s worth any worry at all is McGuffin and that’s just because he can mess with your head. As demonstrated by the fact that early on he neutralized both Shut Down and Roaming Wolf. He gave them a case of the giggles or something and they went around trying to give people a hug. I was never so glad as to be 20 feet off the ground. With Onyx out that day, that left us at roughly two to one odds, not a pleasant situation. Against any other anarch team it might even have been dangerous.

I managed to draw fire from Archamedies and Transit (who was using MY gun, I am going to have to have word with my suppliers about better inventory control). Mean while Grey went toe to toe with Feng Shui and Bolt kept High Risk and… hmmm… I don’t remember his name, the loser with the glue powers. Anyway Bolt kept him and High Risk busy. The good news is my two sucked, and Grey and Bolt managed to drop Feng Shui, then High Risk who had mimicked Bolt’s powers managed to drop himself. Apparently High Risk is in reference more to relying on him as back up then fighting him.

By now R.W. and Shut down had more or less snapped out of it and they were back in the fight. The wolf managed to scent out the invisible Mcguffin and started harassing him. Mean while Shut down got tangled up with the sticky guy. I, bored with “dodging” Archamedies attacks, (he missed me laying flat on my back on the ground. Arch if you’re reading this its time to hang it up buddy.) I turned my attention to Transit who was getting her fallen teammates out of dodge.

Now it’s a little hazy here but there might have been some words said in our witty banter that might have offended the “young lady”. I personally have nothing against transsexuals and I feel it is a valid life style choice. The fact that “she” was ashamed of “her” past, seems to have resulted in her some what angrily summoning Gargantuan from whatever extra dimensional pocket space they keep him until they’re ready to take his collar off. This would have been scary, if Shutdown hadn’t shut off his power and I hadn’t one punched him into the inky blackness. (For the record without his growth powers active he’s like five feet tall. I’m not sure he can go on the big rides at Six Flags.)

After that it was just clean up. Bolt dropped Arch and got Trany to port off while the rest of us took out Mcguffin and Sticky surrendered. So that was that, after a quick trip to Lock Down the Mad Dogs were done. We managed to take Arthur in and get some info concerning Sinistry’s projects out of him.